diff --git a/.github/mergify.yml b/.github/mergify.yml
index b0106567..ef15545e 100644
--- a/.github/mergify.yml
+++ b/.github/mergify.yml
@@ -56,3 +56,10 @@ pull_request_rules:
changes_requested: true
approved: true
message: "This Pull Request has been updated, so we're dismissing all reviews."
+- name: "close Pull Requests without files changed"
+ conditions:
+ - "#files=0"
+ actions:
+ close:
+ message: "This pull request has been automatically closed by Mergify because there are no longer any changes."
diff --git a/.github/workflows/auto-format.yml b/.github/workflows/auto-format.yml
index 990abed6..375d0fd4 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/auto-format.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/auto-format.yml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ on:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- container: cloudposse/build-harness:slim-latest
+ container: cloudposse/build-harness:latest
# Checkout the pull request branch
# "An action in a workflow run can’t trigger a new workflow run. For example, if an action pushes code using
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ jobs:
- name: Auto Format
if: github.event.pull_request.state == 'open'
shell: bash
+ env:
run: make BUILD_HARNESS_PATH=/build-harness PACKAGES_PREFER_HOST=true -f /build-harness/templates/Makefile.build-harness pr/auto-format/host
# Commit changes (if any) to the PR branch
diff --git a/.github/workflows/auto-release.yml b/.github/workflows/auto-release.yml
index 3f48017d..c766b1fd 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/auto-release.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/auto-release.yml
@@ -3,17 +3,23 @@ name: auto-release
- - master
+ - master
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- # Drafts your next Release notes as Pull Requests are merged into "master"
- - uses: release-drafter/release-drafter@v5
- with:
- publish: true
- prerelease: false
- config-name: auto-release.yml
- env:
+ # Get PR from merged commit to master
+ - uses: actions-ecosystem/action-get-merged-pull-request@v1
+ id: get-merged-pull-request
+ with:
+ github_token: ${{ secrets.PUBLIC_REPO_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
+ # Drafts your next Release notes as Pull Requests are merged into "master"
+ - uses: release-drafter/release-drafter@v5
+ if: "!contains(steps.get-merged-pull-request.outputs.labels, 'no-release')"
+ with:
+ publish: true
+ prerelease: false
+ config-name: auto-release.yml
+ env:
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
index 101fd7cd..ec889149 100644
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
identification within third-party archives.
- Copyright 2019 Cloud Posse, LLC
+ Copyright 2019-2021 Cloud Posse, LLC
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f550c004..0c2305a3 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -176,105 +176,108 @@ Available targets:
| Name | Version |
-| terraform | >= 0.13.0 |
-| aws | >= 2.0 |
+| [terraform](#requirement\_terraform) | >= 0.13.0 |
+| [aws](#requirement\_aws) | >= 2.0 |
## Providers
| Name | Version |
-| aws | >= 2.0 |
+| [aws](#provider\_aws) | >= 2.0 |
## Modules
| Name | Source | Version |
-| s3_user | cloudposse/iam-s3-user/aws | 0.15.1 |
-| this | cloudposse/label/null | 0.24.1 |
+| [s3\_user](#module\_s3\_user) | cloudposse/iam-s3-user/aws | 0.15.2 |
+| [this](#module\_this) | cloudposse/label/null | 0.24.1 |
## Resources
-| Name |
-| [aws_iam_policy_document](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/2.0/docs/data-sources/iam_policy_document) |
-| [aws_iam_policy](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/2.0/docs/resources/iam_policy) |
-| [aws_iam_role_policy_attachment](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/2.0/docs/resources/iam_role_policy_attachment) |
-| [aws_iam_role](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/2.0/docs/resources/iam_role) |
-| [aws_partition](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/2.0/docs/data-sources/partition) |
-| [aws_s3_bucket_policy](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/2.0/docs/resources/s3_bucket_policy) |
-| [aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/2.0/docs/resources/s3_bucket_public_access_block) |
-| [aws_s3_bucket](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/2.0/docs/resources/s3_bucket) |
+| Name | Type |
+| [aws_iam_policy.replication](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/iam_policy) | resource |
+| [aws_iam_role.replication](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/iam_role) | resource |
+| [aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.replication](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/iam_role_policy_attachment) | resource |
+| [aws_s3_bucket.default](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/s3_bucket) | resource |
+| [aws_s3_bucket_policy.default](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/s3_bucket_policy) | resource |
+| [aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block.default](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/s3_bucket_public_access_block) | resource |
+| [aws_iam_policy_document.bucket_policy](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/data-sources/iam_policy_document) | data source |
+| [aws_iam_policy_document.replication](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/data-sources/iam_policy_document) | data source |
+| [aws_iam_policy_document.replication_sts](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/data-sources/iam_policy_document) | data source |
+| [aws_partition.current](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/data-sources/partition) | data source |
## Inputs
| Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
-| abort\_incomplete\_multipart\_upload\_days | Maximum time (in days) that you want to allow multipart uploads to remain in progress | `number` | `5` | no |
-| acl | The [canned ACL](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/acl-overview.html#canned-acl) to apply. We recommend `private` to avoid exposing sensitive information. Conflicts with `grants`. | `string` | `"private"` | no |
-| additional\_tag\_map | Additional tags for appending to tags\_as\_list\_of\_maps. Not added to `tags`. | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
-| allow\_encrypted\_uploads\_only | Set to `true` to prevent uploads of unencrypted objects to S3 bucket | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| allowed\_bucket\_actions | List of actions the user is permitted to perform on the S3 bucket | `list(string)` |
| no |
-| attributes | Additional attributes (e.g. `1`) | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
-| block\_public\_acls | Set to `false` to disable the blocking of new public access lists on the bucket | `bool` | `true` | no |
-| block\_public\_policy | Set to `false` to disable the blocking of new public policies on the bucket | `bool` | `true` | no |
-| context | Single object for setting entire context at once.
See description of individual variables for details.
Leave string and numeric variables as `null` to use default value.
Individual variable settings (non-null) override settings in context object,
except for attributes, tags, and additional\_tag\_map, which are merged. | `any` | {
"additional_tag_map": {},
"attributes": [],
"delimiter": null,
"enabled": true,
"environment": null,
"id_length_limit": null,
"label_key_case": null,
"label_order": [],
"label_value_case": null,
"name": null,
"namespace": null,
"regex_replace_chars": null,
"stage": null,
"tags": {}
| no |
-| cors\_rule\_inputs | Specifies the allowed headers, methods, origins and exposed headers when using CORS on this bucket | list(object({
allowed_headers = list(string)
allowed_methods = list(string)
allowed_origins = list(string)
expose_headers = list(string)
max_age_seconds = number
| `null` | no |
-| deeparchive\_transition\_days | Number of days after which to move the data to the glacier deep archive storage tier | `number` | `90` | no |
-| delimiter | Delimiter to be used between `namespace`, `environment`, `stage`, `name` and `attributes`.
Defaults to `-` (hyphen). Set to `""` to use no delimiter at all. | `string` | `null` | no |
-| enable\_current\_object\_expiration | Enables the expiration of current objects | `bool` | `true` | no |
-| enable\_deeparchive\_transition | Enables the transition to AWS Glacier Deep Archive which can cause unnecessary costs for huge amount of small files | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| enable\_glacier\_transition | Enables the transition to AWS Glacier which can cause unnecessary costs for huge amount of small files | `bool` | `true` | no |
-| enable\_standard\_ia\_transition | Enables the transition to STANDARD\_IA | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| enabled | Set to false to prevent the module from creating any resources | `bool` | `null` | no |
-| environment | Environment, e.g. 'uw2', 'us-west-2', OR 'prod', 'staging', 'dev', 'UAT' | `string` | `null` | no |
-| expiration\_days | Number of days after which to expunge the objects | `number` | `90` | no |
-| force\_destroy | A boolean string that indicates all objects should be deleted from the bucket so that the bucket can be destroyed without error. These objects are not recoverable | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| glacier\_transition\_days | Number of days after which to move the data to the glacier storage tier | `number` | `60` | no |
-| grants | An ACL policy grant. Conflicts with `acl`. Set `acl` to `null` to use this. | list(object({
id = string
type = string
permissions = list(string)
uri = string
| `null` | no |
-| id\_length\_limit | Limit `id` to this many characters (minimum 6).
Set to `0` for unlimited length.
Set to `null` for default, which is `0`.
Does not affect `id_full`. | `number` | `null` | no |
-| ignore\_public\_acls | Set to `false` to disable the ignoring of public access lists on the bucket | `bool` | `true` | no |
-| kms\_master\_key\_arn | The AWS KMS master key ARN used for the `SSE-KMS` encryption. This can only be used when you set the value of `sse_algorithm` as `aws:kms`. The default aws/s3 AWS KMS master key is used if this element is absent while the `sse_algorithm` is `aws:kms` | `string` | `""` | no |
-| label\_key\_case | The letter case of label keys (`tag` names) (i.e. `name`, `namespace`, `environment`, `stage`, `attributes`) to use in `tags`.
Possible values: `lower`, `title`, `upper`.
Default value: `title`. | `string` | `null` | no |
-| label\_order | The naming order of the id output and Name tag.
Defaults to ["namespace", "environment", "stage", "name", "attributes"].
You can omit any of the 5 elements, but at least one must be present. | `list(string)` | `null` | no |
-| label\_value\_case | The letter case of output label values (also used in `tags` and `id`).
Possible values: `lower`, `title`, `upper` and `none` (no transformation).
Default value: `lower`. | `string` | `null` | no |
-| lifecycle\_rule\_enabled | Enable or disable lifecycle rule | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| lifecycle\_tags | Tags filter. Used to manage object lifecycle events | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
-| logging | Bucket access logging configuration. | object({
bucket_name = string
prefix = string
| `null` | no |
-| name | Solution name, e.g. 'app' or 'jenkins' | `string` | `null` | no |
-| namespace | Namespace, which could be your organization name or abbreviation, e.g. 'eg' or 'cp' | `string` | `null` | no |
-| noncurrent\_version\_deeparchive\_transition\_days | Number of days to persist in the standard storage tier before moving to the glacier deeparchive access tier | `number` | `60` | no |
-| noncurrent\_version\_expiration\_days | Specifies when noncurrent object versions expire | `number` | `90` | no |
-| noncurrent\_version\_glacier\_transition\_days | Number of days to persist in the standard storage tier before moving to the glacier infrequent access tier | `number` | `30` | no |
-| policy | A valid bucket policy JSON document. Note that if the policy document is not specific enough (but still valid), Terraform may view the policy as constantly changing in a terraform plan. In this case, please make sure you use the verbose/specific version of the policy | `string` | `""` | no |
-| prefix | Prefix identifying one or more objects to which the rule applies | `string` | `""` | no |
-| regex\_replace\_chars | Regex to replace chars with empty string in `namespace`, `environment`, `stage` and `name`.
If not set, `"/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]/"` is used to remove all characters other than hyphens, letters and digits. | `string` | `null` | no |
-| replication\_rules | Specifies the replication rules if S3 bucket replication is enabled | `list(any)` | `null` | no |
-| restrict\_public\_buckets | Set to `false` to disable the restricting of making the bucket public | `bool` | `true` | no |
-| s3\_replica\_bucket\_arn | The ARN of the S3 replica bucket (destination) | `string` | `""` | no |
-| s3\_replication\_enabled | Set this to true and specify `s3_replica_bucket_arn` to enable replication. `versioning_enabled` must also be `true`. | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| sse\_algorithm | The server-side encryption algorithm to use. Valid values are `AES256` and `aws:kms` | `string` | `"AES256"` | no |
-| stage | Stage, e.g. 'prod', 'staging', 'dev', OR 'source', 'build', 'test', 'deploy', 'release' | `string` | `null` | no |
-| standard\_transition\_days | Number of days to persist in the standard storage tier before moving to the infrequent access tier | `number` | `30` | no |
-| tags | Additional tags (e.g. `map('BusinessUnit','XYZ')` | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
-| user\_enabled | Set to `true` to create an IAM user with permission to access the bucket | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| versioning\_enabled | A state of versioning. Versioning is a means of keeping multiple variants of an object in the same bucket | `bool` | `true` | no |
+| [abort\_incomplete\_multipart\_upload\_days](#input\_abort\_incomplete\_multipart\_upload\_days) | Maximum time (in days) that you want to allow multipart uploads to remain in progress | `number` | `5` | no |
+| [acl](#input\_acl) | The [canned ACL](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/acl-overview.html#canned-acl) to apply. We recommend `private` to avoid exposing sensitive information. Conflicts with `grants`. | `string` | `"private"` | no |
+| [additional\_tag\_map](#input\_additional\_tag\_map) | Additional tags for appending to tags\_as\_list\_of\_maps. Not added to `tags`. | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
+| [allow\_encrypted\_uploads\_only](#input\_allow\_encrypted\_uploads\_only) | Set to `true` to prevent uploads of unencrypted objects to S3 bucket | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| [allowed\_bucket\_actions](#input\_allowed\_bucket\_actions) | List of actions the user is permitted to perform on the S3 bucket | `list(string)` | [
| no |
+| [attributes](#input\_attributes) | Additional attributes (e.g. `1`) | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
+| [block\_public\_acls](#input\_block\_public\_acls) | Set to `false` to disable the blocking of new public access lists on the bucket | `bool` | `true` | no |
+| [block\_public\_policy](#input\_block\_public\_policy) | Set to `false` to disable the blocking of new public policies on the bucket | `bool` | `true` | no |
+| [bucket\_name](#input\_bucket\_name) | Bucket name. If provided, the bucket will be created with this name instead of generating the name from the context | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [context](#input\_context) | Single object for setting entire context at once.
See description of individual variables for details.
Leave string and numeric variables as `null` to use default value.
Individual variable settings (non-null) override settings in context object,
except for attributes, tags, and additional\_tag\_map, which are merged. | `any` | {
"additional_tag_map": {},
"attributes": [],
"delimiter": null,
"enabled": true,
"environment": null,
"id_length_limit": null,
"label_key_case": null,
"label_order": [],
"label_value_case": null,
"name": null,
"namespace": null,
"regex_replace_chars": null,
"stage": null,
"tags": {}
| no |
+| [cors\_rule\_inputs](#input\_cors\_rule\_inputs) | Specifies the allowed headers, methods, origins and exposed headers when using CORS on this bucket | list(object({
allowed_headers = list(string)
allowed_methods = list(string)
allowed_origins = list(string)
expose_headers = list(string)
max_age_seconds = number
| `null` | no |
+| [deeparchive\_transition\_days](#input\_deeparchive\_transition\_days) | Number of days after which to move the data to the glacier deep archive storage tier | `number` | `90` | no |
+| [delimiter](#input\_delimiter) | Delimiter to be used between `namespace`, `environment`, `stage`, `name` and `attributes`.
Defaults to `-` (hyphen). Set to `""` to use no delimiter at all. | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [enable\_current\_object\_expiration](#input\_enable\_current\_object\_expiration) | Enables the expiration of current objects | `bool` | `true` | no |
+| [enable\_deeparchive\_transition](#input\_enable\_deeparchive\_transition) | Enables the transition to AWS Glacier Deep Archive which can cause unnecessary costs for huge amount of small files | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| [enable\_glacier\_transition](#input\_enable\_glacier\_transition) | Enables the transition to AWS Glacier which can cause unnecessary costs for huge amount of small files | `bool` | `true` | no |
+| [enable\_standard\_ia\_transition](#input\_enable\_standard\_ia\_transition) | Enables the transition to STANDARD\_IA | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| [enabled](#input\_enabled) | Set to false to prevent the module from creating any resources | `bool` | `null` | no |
+| [environment](#input\_environment) | Environment, e.g. 'uw2', 'us-west-2', OR 'prod', 'staging', 'dev', 'UAT' | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [expiration\_days](#input\_expiration\_days) | Number of days after which to expunge the objects | `number` | `90` | no |
+| [force\_destroy](#input\_force\_destroy) | A boolean string that indicates all objects should be deleted from the bucket so that the bucket can be destroyed without error. These objects are not recoverable | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| [glacier\_transition\_days](#input\_glacier\_transition\_days) | Number of days after which to move the data to the glacier storage tier | `number` | `60` | no |
+| [grants](#input\_grants) | An ACL policy grant. Conflicts with `acl`. Set `acl` to `null` to use this. | list(object({
id = string
type = string
permissions = list(string)
uri = string
| `null` | no |
+| [id\_length\_limit](#input\_id\_length\_limit) | Limit `id` to this many characters (minimum 6).
Set to `0` for unlimited length.
Set to `null` for default, which is `0`.
Does not affect `id_full`. | `number` | `null` | no |
+| [ignore\_public\_acls](#input\_ignore\_public\_acls) | Set to `false` to disable the ignoring of public access lists on the bucket | `bool` | `true` | no |
+| [kms\_master\_key\_arn](#input\_kms\_master\_key\_arn) | The AWS KMS master key ARN used for the `SSE-KMS` encryption. This can only be used when you set the value of `sse_algorithm` as `aws:kms`. The default aws/s3 AWS KMS master key is used if this element is absent while the `sse_algorithm` is `aws:kms` | `string` | `""` | no |
+| [label\_key\_case](#input\_label\_key\_case) | The letter case of label keys (`tag` names) (i.e. `name`, `namespace`, `environment`, `stage`, `attributes`) to use in `tags`.
Possible values: `lower`, `title`, `upper`.
Default value: `title`. | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [label\_order](#input\_label\_order) | The naming order of the id output and Name tag.
Defaults to ["namespace", "environment", "stage", "name", "attributes"].
You can omit any of the 5 elements, but at least one must be present. | `list(string)` | `null` | no |
+| [label\_value\_case](#input\_label\_value\_case) | The letter case of output label values (also used in `tags` and `id`).
Possible values: `lower`, `title`, `upper` and `none` (no transformation).
Default value: `lower`. | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [lifecycle\_rule\_enabled](#input\_lifecycle\_rule\_enabled) | Enable or disable lifecycle rule | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| [lifecycle\_tags](#input\_lifecycle\_tags) | Tags filter. Used to manage object lifecycle events | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
+| [logging](#input\_logging) | Bucket access logging configuration. | object({
bucket_name = string
prefix = string
| `null` | no |
+| [name](#input\_name) | Solution name, e.g. 'app' or 'jenkins' | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [namespace](#input\_namespace) | Namespace, which could be your organization name or abbreviation, e.g. 'eg' or 'cp' | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [noncurrent\_version\_deeparchive\_transition\_days](#input\_noncurrent\_version\_deeparchive\_transition\_days) | Number of days to persist in the standard storage tier before moving to the glacier deeparchive access tier | `number` | `60` | no |
+| [noncurrent\_version\_expiration\_days](#input\_noncurrent\_version\_expiration\_days) | Specifies when noncurrent object versions expire | `number` | `90` | no |
+| [noncurrent\_version\_glacier\_transition\_days](#input\_noncurrent\_version\_glacier\_transition\_days) | Number of days to persist in the standard storage tier before moving to the glacier infrequent access tier | `number` | `30` | no |
+| [policy](#input\_policy) | A valid bucket policy JSON document. Note that if the policy document is not specific enough (but still valid), Terraform may view the policy as constantly changing in a terraform plan. In this case, please make sure you use the verbose/specific version of the policy | `string` | `""` | no |
+| [prefix](#input\_prefix) | Prefix identifying one or more objects to which the rule applies | `string` | `""` | no |
+| [regex\_replace\_chars](#input\_regex\_replace\_chars) | Regex to replace chars with empty string in `namespace`, `environment`, `stage` and `name`.
If not set, `"/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]/"` is used to remove all characters other than hyphens, letters and digits. | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [replication\_rules](#input\_replication\_rules) | Specifies the replication rules if S3 bucket replication is enabled | `list(any)` | `null` | no |
+| [restrict\_public\_buckets](#input\_restrict\_public\_buckets) | Set to `false` to disable the restricting of making the bucket public | `bool` | `true` | no |
+| [s3\_replica\_bucket\_arn](#input\_s3\_replica\_bucket\_arn) | The ARN of the S3 replica bucket (destination) | `string` | `""` | no |
+| [s3\_replication\_enabled](#input\_s3\_replication\_enabled) | Set this to true and specify `s3_replica_bucket_arn` to enable replication. `versioning_enabled` must also be `true`. | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| [sse\_algorithm](#input\_sse\_algorithm) | The server-side encryption algorithm to use. Valid values are `AES256` and `aws:kms` | `string` | `"AES256"` | no |
+| [stage](#input\_stage) | Stage, e.g. 'prod', 'staging', 'dev', OR 'source', 'build', 'test', 'deploy', 'release' | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [standard\_transition\_days](#input\_standard\_transition\_days) | Number of days to persist in the standard storage tier before moving to the infrequent access tier | `number` | `30` | no |
+| [tags](#input\_tags) | Additional tags (e.g. `map('BusinessUnit','XYZ')` | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
+| [user\_enabled](#input\_user\_enabled) | Set to `true` to create an IAM user with permission to access the bucket | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| [versioning\_enabled](#input\_versioning\_enabled) | A state of versioning. Versioning is a means of keeping multiple variants of an object in the same bucket | `bool` | `true` | no |
## Outputs
| Name | Description |
-| access\_key\_id | The access key ID |
-| bucket\_arn | Bucket ARN |
-| bucket\_domain\_name | FQDN of bucket |
-| bucket\_id | Bucket Name (aka ID) |
-| bucket\_region | Bucket region |
-| bucket\_regional\_domain\_name | The bucket region-specific domain name |
-| enabled | Is module enabled |
-| secret\_access\_key | The secret access key. This will be written to the state file in plain-text |
-| user\_arn | The ARN assigned by AWS for the user |
-| user\_enabled | Is user creation enabled |
-| user\_name | Normalized IAM user name |
-| user\_unique\_id | The user unique ID assigned by AWS |
+| [access\_key\_id](#output\_access\_key\_id) | The access key ID |
+| [bucket\_arn](#output\_bucket\_arn) | Bucket ARN |
+| [bucket\_domain\_name](#output\_bucket\_domain\_name) | FQDN of bucket |
+| [bucket\_id](#output\_bucket\_id) | Bucket Name (aka ID) |
+| [bucket\_region](#output\_bucket\_region) | Bucket region |
+| [bucket\_regional\_domain\_name](#output\_bucket\_regional\_domain\_name) | The bucket region-specific domain name |
+| [enabled](#output\_enabled) | Is module enabled |
+| [secret\_access\_key](#output\_secret\_access\_key) | The secret access key. This will be written to the state file in plain-text |
+| [user\_arn](#output\_user\_arn) | The ARN assigned by AWS for the user |
+| [user\_enabled](#output\_user\_enabled) | Is user creation enabled |
+| [user\_name](#output\_user\_name) | Normalized IAM user name |
+| [user\_unique\_id](#output\_user\_unique\_id) | The user unique ID assigned by AWS |
diff --git a/docs/terraform.md b/docs/terraform.md
index e90a6167..403dcb0a 100644
--- a/docs/terraform.md
+++ b/docs/terraform.md
@@ -3,103 +3,106 @@
| Name | Version |
-| terraform | >= 0.13.0 |
-| aws | >= 2.0 |
+| [terraform](#requirement\_terraform) | >= 0.13.0 |
+| [aws](#requirement\_aws) | >= 2.0 |
## Providers
| Name | Version |
-| aws | >= 2.0 |
+| [aws](#provider\_aws) | >= 2.0 |
## Modules
| Name | Source | Version |
-| s3_user | cloudposse/iam-s3-user/aws | 0.15.1 |
-| this | cloudposse/label/null | 0.24.1 |
+| [s3\_user](#module\_s3\_user) | cloudposse/iam-s3-user/aws | 0.15.2 |
+| [this](#module\_this) | cloudposse/label/null | 0.24.1 |
## Resources
-| Name |
-| [aws_iam_policy_document](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/2.0/docs/data-sources/iam_policy_document) |
-| [aws_iam_policy](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/2.0/docs/resources/iam_policy) |
-| [aws_iam_role_policy_attachment](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/2.0/docs/resources/iam_role_policy_attachment) |
-| [aws_iam_role](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/2.0/docs/resources/iam_role) |
-| [aws_partition](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/2.0/docs/data-sources/partition) |
-| [aws_s3_bucket_policy](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/2.0/docs/resources/s3_bucket_policy) |
-| [aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/2.0/docs/resources/s3_bucket_public_access_block) |
-| [aws_s3_bucket](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/2.0/docs/resources/s3_bucket) |
+| Name | Type |
+| [aws_iam_policy.replication](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/iam_policy) | resource |
+| [aws_iam_role.replication](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/iam_role) | resource |
+| [aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.replication](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/iam_role_policy_attachment) | resource |
+| [aws_s3_bucket.default](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/s3_bucket) | resource |
+| [aws_s3_bucket_policy.default](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/s3_bucket_policy) | resource |
+| [aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block.default](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/s3_bucket_public_access_block) | resource |
+| [aws_iam_policy_document.bucket_policy](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/data-sources/iam_policy_document) | data source |
+| [aws_iam_policy_document.replication](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/data-sources/iam_policy_document) | data source |
+| [aws_iam_policy_document.replication_sts](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/data-sources/iam_policy_document) | data source |
+| [aws_partition.current](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/data-sources/partition) | data source |
## Inputs
| Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
-| abort\_incomplete\_multipart\_upload\_days | Maximum time (in days) that you want to allow multipart uploads to remain in progress | `number` | `5` | no |
-| acl | The [canned ACL](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/acl-overview.html#canned-acl) to apply. We recommend `private` to avoid exposing sensitive information. Conflicts with `grants`. | `string` | `"private"` | no |
-| additional\_tag\_map | Additional tags for appending to tags\_as\_list\_of\_maps. Not added to `tags`. | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
-| allow\_encrypted\_uploads\_only | Set to `true` to prevent uploads of unencrypted objects to S3 bucket | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| allowed\_bucket\_actions | List of actions the user is permitted to perform on the S3 bucket | `list(string)` | [
| no |
-| attributes | Additional attributes (e.g. `1`) | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
-| block\_public\_acls | Set to `false` to disable the blocking of new public access lists on the bucket | `bool` | `true` | no |
-| block\_public\_policy | Set to `false` to disable the blocking of new public policies on the bucket | `bool` | `true` | no |
-| context | Single object for setting entire context at once.
See description of individual variables for details.
Leave string and numeric variables as `null` to use default value.
Individual variable settings (non-null) override settings in context object,
except for attributes, tags, and additional\_tag\_map, which are merged. | `any` | {
"additional_tag_map": {},
"attributes": [],
"delimiter": null,
"enabled": true,
"environment": null,
"id_length_limit": null,
"label_key_case": null,
"label_order": [],
"label_value_case": null,
"name": null,
"namespace": null,
"regex_replace_chars": null,
"stage": null,
"tags": {}
| no |
-| cors\_rule\_inputs | Specifies the allowed headers, methods, origins and exposed headers when using CORS on this bucket | list(object({
allowed_headers = list(string)
allowed_methods = list(string)
allowed_origins = list(string)
expose_headers = list(string)
max_age_seconds = number
| `null` | no |
-| deeparchive\_transition\_days | Number of days after which to move the data to the glacier deep archive storage tier | `number` | `90` | no |
-| delimiter | Delimiter to be used between `namespace`, `environment`, `stage`, `name` and `attributes`.
Defaults to `-` (hyphen). Set to `""` to use no delimiter at all. | `string` | `null` | no |
-| enable\_current\_object\_expiration | Enables the expiration of current objects | `bool` | `true` | no |
-| enable\_deeparchive\_transition | Enables the transition to AWS Glacier Deep Archive which can cause unnecessary costs for huge amount of small files | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| enable\_glacier\_transition | Enables the transition to AWS Glacier which can cause unnecessary costs for huge amount of small files | `bool` | `true` | no |
-| enable\_standard\_ia\_transition | Enables the transition to STANDARD\_IA | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| enabled | Set to false to prevent the module from creating any resources | `bool` | `null` | no |
-| environment | Environment, e.g. 'uw2', 'us-west-2', OR 'prod', 'staging', 'dev', 'UAT' | `string` | `null` | no |
-| expiration\_days | Number of days after which to expunge the objects | `number` | `90` | no |
-| force\_destroy | A boolean string that indicates all objects should be deleted from the bucket so that the bucket can be destroyed without error. These objects are not recoverable | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| glacier\_transition\_days | Number of days after which to move the data to the glacier storage tier | `number` | `60` | no |
-| grants | An ACL policy grant. Conflicts with `acl`. Set `acl` to `null` to use this. | list(object({
id = string
type = string
permissions = list(string)
uri = string
| `null` | no |
-| id\_length\_limit | Limit `id` to this many characters (minimum 6).
Set to `0` for unlimited length.
Set to `null` for default, which is `0`.
Does not affect `id_full`. | `number` | `null` | no |
-| ignore\_public\_acls | Set to `false` to disable the ignoring of public access lists on the bucket | `bool` | `true` | no |
-| kms\_master\_key\_arn | The AWS KMS master key ARN used for the `SSE-KMS` encryption. This can only be used when you set the value of `sse_algorithm` as `aws:kms`. The default aws/s3 AWS KMS master key is used if this element is absent while the `sse_algorithm` is `aws:kms` | `string` | `""` | no |
-| label\_key\_case | The letter case of label keys (`tag` names) (i.e. `name`, `namespace`, `environment`, `stage`, `attributes`) to use in `tags`.
Possible values: `lower`, `title`, `upper`.
Default value: `title`. | `string` | `null` | no |
-| label\_order | The naming order of the id output and Name tag.
Defaults to ["namespace", "environment", "stage", "name", "attributes"].
You can omit any of the 5 elements, but at least one must be present. | `list(string)` | `null` | no |
-| label\_value\_case | The letter case of output label values (also used in `tags` and `id`).
Possible values: `lower`, `title`, `upper` and `none` (no transformation).
Default value: `lower`. | `string` | `null` | no |
-| lifecycle\_rule\_enabled | Enable or disable lifecycle rule | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| lifecycle\_tags | Tags filter. Used to manage object lifecycle events | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
-| logging | Bucket access logging configuration. | object({
bucket_name = string
prefix = string
| `null` | no |
-| name | Solution name, e.g. 'app' or 'jenkins' | `string` | `null` | no |
-| namespace | Namespace, which could be your organization name or abbreviation, e.g. 'eg' or 'cp' | `string` | `null` | no |
-| noncurrent\_version\_deeparchive\_transition\_days | Number of days to persist in the standard storage tier before moving to the glacier deeparchive access tier | `number` | `60` | no |
-| noncurrent\_version\_expiration\_days | Specifies when noncurrent object versions expire | `number` | `90` | no |
-| noncurrent\_version\_glacier\_transition\_days | Number of days to persist in the standard storage tier before moving to the glacier infrequent access tier | `number` | `30` | no |
-| policy | A valid bucket policy JSON document. Note that if the policy document is not specific enough (but still valid), Terraform may view the policy as constantly changing in a terraform plan. In this case, please make sure you use the verbose/specific version of the policy | `string` | `""` | no |
-| prefix | Prefix identifying one or more objects to which the rule applies | `string` | `""` | no |
-| regex\_replace\_chars | Regex to replace chars with empty string in `namespace`, `environment`, `stage` and `name`.
If not set, `"/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]/"` is used to remove all characters other than hyphens, letters and digits. | `string` | `null` | no |
-| replication\_rules | Specifies the replication rules if S3 bucket replication is enabled | `list(any)` | `null` | no |
-| restrict\_public\_buckets | Set to `false` to disable the restricting of making the bucket public | `bool` | `true` | no |
-| s3\_replica\_bucket\_arn | The ARN of the S3 replica bucket (destination) | `string` | `""` | no |
-| s3\_replication\_enabled | Set this to true and specify `s3_replica_bucket_arn` to enable replication. `versioning_enabled` must also be `true`. | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| sse\_algorithm | The server-side encryption algorithm to use. Valid values are `AES256` and `aws:kms` | `string` | `"AES256"` | no |
-| stage | Stage, e.g. 'prod', 'staging', 'dev', OR 'source', 'build', 'test', 'deploy', 'release' | `string` | `null` | no |
-| standard\_transition\_days | Number of days to persist in the standard storage tier before moving to the infrequent access tier | `number` | `30` | no |
-| tags | Additional tags (e.g. `map('BusinessUnit','XYZ')` | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
-| user\_enabled | Set to `true` to create an IAM user with permission to access the bucket | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| versioning\_enabled | A state of versioning. Versioning is a means of keeping multiple variants of an object in the same bucket | `bool` | `true` | no |
+| [abort\_incomplete\_multipart\_upload\_days](#input\_abort\_incomplete\_multipart\_upload\_days) | Maximum time (in days) that you want to allow multipart uploads to remain in progress | `number` | `5` | no |
+| [acl](#input\_acl) | The [canned ACL](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/acl-overview.html#canned-acl) to apply. We recommend `private` to avoid exposing sensitive information. Conflicts with `grants`. | `string` | `"private"` | no |
+| [additional\_tag\_map](#input\_additional\_tag\_map) | Additional tags for appending to tags\_as\_list\_of\_maps. Not added to `tags`. | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
+| [allow\_encrypted\_uploads\_only](#input\_allow\_encrypted\_uploads\_only) | Set to `true` to prevent uploads of unencrypted objects to S3 bucket | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| [allowed\_bucket\_actions](#input\_allowed\_bucket\_actions) | List of actions the user is permitted to perform on the S3 bucket | `list(string)` | [
| no |
+| [attributes](#input\_attributes) | Additional attributes (e.g. `1`) | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
+| [block\_public\_acls](#input\_block\_public\_acls) | Set to `false` to disable the blocking of new public access lists on the bucket | `bool` | `true` | no |
+| [block\_public\_policy](#input\_block\_public\_policy) | Set to `false` to disable the blocking of new public policies on the bucket | `bool` | `true` | no |
+| [bucket\_name](#input\_bucket\_name) | Bucket name. If provided, the bucket will be created with this name instead of generating the name from the context | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [context](#input\_context) | Single object for setting entire context at once.
See description of individual variables for details.
Leave string and numeric variables as `null` to use default value.
Individual variable settings (non-null) override settings in context object,
except for attributes, tags, and additional\_tag\_map, which are merged. | `any` | {
"additional_tag_map": {},
"attributes": [],
"delimiter": null,
"enabled": true,
"environment": null,
"id_length_limit": null,
"label_key_case": null,
"label_order": [],
"label_value_case": null,
"name": null,
"namespace": null,
"regex_replace_chars": null,
"stage": null,
"tags": {}
| no |
+| [cors\_rule\_inputs](#input\_cors\_rule\_inputs) | Specifies the allowed headers, methods, origins and exposed headers when using CORS on this bucket | list(object({
allowed_headers = list(string)
allowed_methods = list(string)
allowed_origins = list(string)
expose_headers = list(string)
max_age_seconds = number
| `null` | no |
+| [deeparchive\_transition\_days](#input\_deeparchive\_transition\_days) | Number of days after which to move the data to the glacier deep archive storage tier | `number` | `90` | no |
+| [delimiter](#input\_delimiter) | Delimiter to be used between `namespace`, `environment`, `stage`, `name` and `attributes`.
Defaults to `-` (hyphen). Set to `""` to use no delimiter at all. | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [enable\_current\_object\_expiration](#input\_enable\_current\_object\_expiration) | Enables the expiration of current objects | `bool` | `true` | no |
+| [enable\_deeparchive\_transition](#input\_enable\_deeparchive\_transition) | Enables the transition to AWS Glacier Deep Archive which can cause unnecessary costs for huge amount of small files | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| [enable\_glacier\_transition](#input\_enable\_glacier\_transition) | Enables the transition to AWS Glacier which can cause unnecessary costs for huge amount of small files | `bool` | `true` | no |
+| [enable\_standard\_ia\_transition](#input\_enable\_standard\_ia\_transition) | Enables the transition to STANDARD\_IA | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| [enabled](#input\_enabled) | Set to false to prevent the module from creating any resources | `bool` | `null` | no |
+| [environment](#input\_environment) | Environment, e.g. 'uw2', 'us-west-2', OR 'prod', 'staging', 'dev', 'UAT' | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [expiration\_days](#input\_expiration\_days) | Number of days after which to expunge the objects | `number` | `90` | no |
+| [force\_destroy](#input\_force\_destroy) | A boolean string that indicates all objects should be deleted from the bucket so that the bucket can be destroyed without error. These objects are not recoverable | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| [glacier\_transition\_days](#input\_glacier\_transition\_days) | Number of days after which to move the data to the glacier storage tier | `number` | `60` | no |
+| [grants](#input\_grants) | An ACL policy grant. Conflicts with `acl`. Set `acl` to `null` to use this. | list(object({
id = string
type = string
permissions = list(string)
uri = string
| `null` | no |
+| [id\_length\_limit](#input\_id\_length\_limit) | Limit `id` to this many characters (minimum 6).
Set to `0` for unlimited length.
Set to `null` for default, which is `0`.
Does not affect `id_full`. | `number` | `null` | no |
+| [ignore\_public\_acls](#input\_ignore\_public\_acls) | Set to `false` to disable the ignoring of public access lists on the bucket | `bool` | `true` | no |
+| [kms\_master\_key\_arn](#input\_kms\_master\_key\_arn) | The AWS KMS master key ARN used for the `SSE-KMS` encryption. This can only be used when you set the value of `sse_algorithm` as `aws:kms`. The default aws/s3 AWS KMS master key is used if this element is absent while the `sse_algorithm` is `aws:kms` | `string` | `""` | no |
+| [label\_key\_case](#input\_label\_key\_case) | The letter case of label keys (`tag` names) (i.e. `name`, `namespace`, `environment`, `stage`, `attributes`) to use in `tags`.
Possible values: `lower`, `title`, `upper`.
Default value: `title`. | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [label\_order](#input\_label\_order) | The naming order of the id output and Name tag.
Defaults to ["namespace", "environment", "stage", "name", "attributes"].
You can omit any of the 5 elements, but at least one must be present. | `list(string)` | `null` | no |
+| [label\_value\_case](#input\_label\_value\_case) | The letter case of output label values (also used in `tags` and `id`).
Possible values: `lower`, `title`, `upper` and `none` (no transformation).
Default value: `lower`. | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [lifecycle\_rule\_enabled](#input\_lifecycle\_rule\_enabled) | Enable or disable lifecycle rule | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| [lifecycle\_tags](#input\_lifecycle\_tags) | Tags filter. Used to manage object lifecycle events | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
+| [logging](#input\_logging) | Bucket access logging configuration. | object({
bucket_name = string
prefix = string
| `null` | no |
+| [name](#input\_name) | Solution name, e.g. 'app' or 'jenkins' | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [namespace](#input\_namespace) | Namespace, which could be your organization name or abbreviation, e.g. 'eg' or 'cp' | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [noncurrent\_version\_deeparchive\_transition\_days](#input\_noncurrent\_version\_deeparchive\_transition\_days) | Number of days to persist in the standard storage tier before moving to the glacier deeparchive access tier | `number` | `60` | no |
+| [noncurrent\_version\_expiration\_days](#input\_noncurrent\_version\_expiration\_days) | Specifies when noncurrent object versions expire | `number` | `90` | no |
+| [noncurrent\_version\_glacier\_transition\_days](#input\_noncurrent\_version\_glacier\_transition\_days) | Number of days to persist in the standard storage tier before moving to the glacier infrequent access tier | `number` | `30` | no |
+| [policy](#input\_policy) | A valid bucket policy JSON document. Note that if the policy document is not specific enough (but still valid), Terraform may view the policy as constantly changing in a terraform plan. In this case, please make sure you use the verbose/specific version of the policy | `string` | `""` | no |
+| [prefix](#input\_prefix) | Prefix identifying one or more objects to which the rule applies | `string` | `""` | no |
+| [regex\_replace\_chars](#input\_regex\_replace\_chars) | Regex to replace chars with empty string in `namespace`, `environment`, `stage` and `name`.
If not set, `"/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]/"` is used to remove all characters other than hyphens, letters and digits. | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [replication\_rules](#input\_replication\_rules) | Specifies the replication rules if S3 bucket replication is enabled | `list(any)` | `null` | no |
+| [restrict\_public\_buckets](#input\_restrict\_public\_buckets) | Set to `false` to disable the restricting of making the bucket public | `bool` | `true` | no |
+| [s3\_replica\_bucket\_arn](#input\_s3\_replica\_bucket\_arn) | The ARN of the S3 replica bucket (destination) | `string` | `""` | no |
+| [s3\_replication\_enabled](#input\_s3\_replication\_enabled) | Set this to true and specify `s3_replica_bucket_arn` to enable replication. `versioning_enabled` must also be `true`. | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| [sse\_algorithm](#input\_sse\_algorithm) | The server-side encryption algorithm to use. Valid values are `AES256` and `aws:kms` | `string` | `"AES256"` | no |
+| [stage](#input\_stage) | Stage, e.g. 'prod', 'staging', 'dev', OR 'source', 'build', 'test', 'deploy', 'release' | `string` | `null` | no |
+| [standard\_transition\_days](#input\_standard\_transition\_days) | Number of days to persist in the standard storage tier before moving to the infrequent access tier | `number` | `30` | no |
+| [tags](#input\_tags) | Additional tags (e.g. `map('BusinessUnit','XYZ')` | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
+| [user\_enabled](#input\_user\_enabled) | Set to `true` to create an IAM user with permission to access the bucket | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| [versioning\_enabled](#input\_versioning\_enabled) | A state of versioning. Versioning is a means of keeping multiple variants of an object in the same bucket | `bool` | `true` | no |
## Outputs
| Name | Description |
-| access\_key\_id | The access key ID |
-| bucket\_arn | Bucket ARN |
-| bucket\_domain\_name | FQDN of bucket |
-| bucket\_id | Bucket Name (aka ID) |
-| bucket\_region | Bucket region |
-| bucket\_regional\_domain\_name | The bucket region-specific domain name |
-| enabled | Is module enabled |
-| secret\_access\_key | The secret access key. This will be written to the state file in plain-text |
-| user\_arn | The ARN assigned by AWS for the user |
-| user\_enabled | Is user creation enabled |
-| user\_name | Normalized IAM user name |
-| user\_unique\_id | The user unique ID assigned by AWS |
+| [access\_key\_id](#output\_access\_key\_id) | The access key ID |
+| [bucket\_arn](#output\_bucket\_arn) | Bucket ARN |
+| [bucket\_domain\_name](#output\_bucket\_domain\_name) | FQDN of bucket |
+| [bucket\_id](#output\_bucket\_id) | Bucket Name (aka ID) |
+| [bucket\_region](#output\_bucket\_region) | Bucket region |
+| [bucket\_regional\_domain\_name](#output\_bucket\_regional\_domain\_name) | The bucket region-specific domain name |
+| [enabled](#output\_enabled) | Is module enabled |
+| [secret\_access\_key](#output\_secret\_access\_key) | The secret access key. This will be written to the state file in plain-text |
+| [user\_arn](#output\_user\_arn) | The ARN assigned by AWS for the user |
+| [user\_enabled](#output\_user\_enabled) | Is user creation enabled |
+| [user\_name](#output\_user\_name) | Normalized IAM user name |
+| [user\_unique\_id](#output\_user\_unique\_id) | The user unique ID assigned by AWS |
diff --git a/examples/complete/main.tf b/examples/complete/main.tf
index 5f50ab47..a949d680 100644
--- a/examples/complete/main.tf
+++ b/examples/complete/main.tf
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ module "s3_bucket" {
versioning_enabled = var.versioning_enabled
allow_encrypted_uploads_only = var.allow_encrypted_uploads_only
allowed_bucket_actions = var.allowed_bucket_actions
+ bucket_name = var.bucket_name
context = module.this.context
diff --git a/examples/complete/variables.tf b/examples/complete/variables.tf
index 1e3dfc9b..7f4de972 100644
--- a/examples/complete/variables.tf
+++ b/examples/complete/variables.tf
@@ -172,3 +172,9 @@ variable "restrict_public_buckets" {
default = true
description = "Set to `false` to disable the restricting of making the bucket public"
+variable "bucket_name" {
+ type = string
+ default = null
+ description = "Bucket name. If provided, the bucket will be created with this name instead of generating the name from the context"
diff --git a/main.tf b/main.tf
index 77139d81..7c3df1e6 100644
--- a/main.tf
+++ b/main.tf
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
+locals {
+ bucket_name = var.bucket_name != null && var.bucket_name != "" ? var.bucket_name : module.this.id
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "default" {
#bridgecrew:skip=BC_AWS_S3_13:Skipping `Enable S3 Bucket Logging` check until bridgecrew will support dynamic blocks (https://github.com/bridgecrewio/checkov/issues/776).
#bridgecrew:skip=CKV_AWS_52:Skipping `Ensure S3 bucket has MFA delete enabled` due to issue in terraform (https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws/issues/629).
count = module.this.enabled ? 1 : 0
- bucket = module.this.id
+ bucket = local.bucket_name
acl = try(length(var.grants), 0) == 0 ? var.acl : null
force_destroy = var.force_destroy
policy = var.policy
@@ -177,7 +181,7 @@ resource "aws_s3_bucket" "default" {
module "s3_user" {
source = "cloudposse/iam-s3-user/aws"
- version = "0.15.1"
+ version = "0.15.2"
enabled = module.this.enabled && var.user_enabled ? true : false
s3_actions = var.allowed_bucket_actions
diff --git a/variables.tf b/variables.tf
index 3bf59c67..f20d1b94 100644
--- a/variables.tf
+++ b/variables.tf
@@ -240,3 +240,9 @@ variable "replication_rules" {
default = null
description = "Specifies the replication rules if S3 bucket replication is enabled"
+variable "bucket_name" {
+ type = string
+ default = null
+ description = "Bucket name. If provided, the bucket will be created with this name instead of generating the name from the context"