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Application Management Basics

In this module, you will deploy a sample application using the oc tool and learn about some of the core concepts, fundamental objects, and basics of application management on OpenShift Container Platform.

Core OpenShift Concepts

As a future administrator of OpenShift, it is important to understand several core building blocks as it relates to applications. Understanding these building blocks will help you better see the big picture of application management on the platform.


A Project is a "bucket" of sorts. It’s a meta construct where all of a user’s resources live. From an administrative perspective, each Project can be thought of like a tenant. Projects may have multiple users who can access them, and users may be able to access multiple Projects. Technically speaking, a user doesn’t own the resources, the Project does. Deleting the user doesn’t affect any of the created resources.

For this exercise, first create a Project to hold some resources:

oc new-project app-management

Deploy a Sample Application

The new-app command provides a very simple way to tell OpenShift to run things. You simply provide it with one of a wide array of inputs, and it figures out what to do. Users will commonly use this command to get OpenShift to launch existing images, to create builds of source code and ultimately deploy them, to instantiate templates, and so on.

You will now launch a specific image that exists on Dockerhub

oc new-app

The output will look like:

--> Found container image 7ce7ade (3 years old) from for ""

    * An image stream tag will be created as "mapit:latest" that will track this image

--> Creating resources ... "mapit" created
    deployment.apps "mapit" created
    service "mapit" created
--> Success
    Application is not exposed. You can expose services to the outside world by executin
g one or more of the commands below:
     'oc expose service/mapit'
    Run 'oc status' to view your app.

You can see that OpenShift automatically created several resources as the output of this command. We will take some time to explore the resources that were created.

For more information on the capabilities of new-app, take a look at its help message by running oc new-app -h.


openshift pod
Figure 1. OpenShift Pods

Pods are one or more containers deployed together on a host. A pod is the smallest compute unit you can define, deploy and manage in OpenShift. Each pod is allocated its own internal IP address on the SDN and owns the entire port range. The containers within pods can share local storage space and networking resources.

Pods are treated as static objects by OpenShift, i.e., one cannot change the pod definition while running.

You can get a list of pods:

oc get pods

And you will see something like the following:

NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mapit-764c5bf8b8-l49z7   1/1     Running   0          2m53s
Pod names are dynamically generated as part of the deployment process, which you will learn about shortly. Your name will be slightly different.

The describe command will give you more information on the details of a pod. In the case of the pod name above:

oc describe pod -l deployment=mapit
The -l deployment=mapit selects the pod that is related to the Deployment which will be discussed later.

And you will see output similar to the following:

Name:         mapit-5f96d7674-nbf9l
Namespace:    app-management
Priority:     0
Start Time:   Sun, 24 Apr 2022 22:43:36 +0200
Labels:       deployment=mapit
                    "name": "ovn-kubernetes",
                    "interface": "eth0",
                    "ips": [
                    "mac": "0a:58:0a:80:06:1e",
                    "default": true,
                    "dns": {}
                    "name": "ovn-kubernetes",
                    "interface": "eth0",
                    "ips": [
                    "mac": "0a:58:0a:80:06:1e",
                    "default": true,
                    "dns": {}
Status:       Running
Controlled By:  ReplicaSet/mapit-5f96d7674
    Container ID:   cri-o://1af0fa7d5f47995b9709cfe19e79e56634366a0c2163c7471c06557d5db32bbd
    Image ID:
    Ports:          8080/TCP, 8778/TCP, 9779/TCP
    Host Ports:     0/TCP, 0/TCP, 0/TCP
    State:          Running
      Started:      Sun, 24 Apr 2022 22:43:49 +0200
    Ready:          True
    Restart Count:  0
    Environment:    <none>
      /var/run/secrets/ from kube-api-access-8q2nz (ro)
  Type              Status
  Initialized       True
  Ready             True
  ContainersReady   True
  PodScheduled      True
    Type:                    Projected (a volume that contains injected data from multiple sources)
    TokenExpirationSeconds:  3607
    ConfigMapName:           kube-root-ca.crt
    ConfigMapOptional:       <nil>
    DownwardAPI:             true
    ConfigMapName:           openshift-service-ca.crt
    ConfigMapOptional:       <nil>
QoS Class:                   BestEffort
Node-Selectors:              <none>
Tolerations:        op=Exists for 300s
                    op=Exists for 300s
  Type    Reason          Age   From               Message
  ----    ------          ----  ----               -------
  Normal  Scheduled       23s   default-scheduler  Successfully assigned app-management/mapit-5f96d7674-nbf9l to
  Normal  AddedInterface  22s   multus             Add eth0 [] from ovn-kubernetes
  Normal  Pulling         22s   kubelet            Pulling image ""
  Normal  Pulled          12s   kubelet            Successfully pulled image "" in 10.19011717s
  Normal  Created         11s   kubelet            Created container mapit
  Normal  Started         11s   kubelet            Started container mapit

This is a more detailed description of the pod that is running. You can see what node the pod is running on, the internal IP address of the pod, various labels, and other information about what is going on.


openshift service
Figure 2. OpenShift Service

Services provide a convenient abstraction layer inside OpenShift to find a group of like Pods. They also act as an internal proxy/load balancer between those Pods and anything else that needs to access them from inside the OpenShift environment. For example, if you needed more mapit instances to handle the load, you could spin up more Pods. OpenShift automatically maps them as endpoints to the Service, and the incoming requests would not notice anything different except that the Service was now doing a better job handling the requests.

When you asked OpenShift to run the image, the new-app command automatically created a Service for you. Remember that services are an internal construct. They are not available to the "outside world", or anything that is outside the OpenShift environment. That’s OK, as you will learn later.

The way that a Service maps to a set of Pods is via a system of Labels and Selectors. Services are assigned a fixed IP address and many ports and protocols can be mapped.

There is a lot more information about Services, including the YAML format to make one by hand, in the official documentation.

You can see the current list of services in a project with:

oc get services

You will see something like the following:

NAME    TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
mapit   ClusterIP   <none>        8080/TCP,8778/TCP,9779/TCP   26
Service IP addresses are dynamically assigned on creation and are immutable. The IP of a service will never change, and the IP is reserved until the service is deleted. Your service IP will likely be different.

Just like with pods, you can describe services, too. In fact, you can describe most objects in OpenShift:

oc describe service mapit

You will see something like the following:

Name:              mapit
Namespace:         app-management
Labels:            app=mapit
Annotations: OpenShiftNewApp
Selector:          deployment=mapit
Type:              ClusterIP
IP Family Policy:  SingleStack
IP Families:       IPv4
Port:              8080-tcp  8080/TCP
TargetPort:        8080/TCP
Port:              8778-tcp  8778/TCP
TargetPort:        8778/TCP
Port:              9779-tcp  9779/TCP
TargetPort:        9779/TCP
Session Affinity:  None
Events:            <none>

Information about all objects (their definition, their state, and so forth) is stored in the etcd datastore. etcd stores data as key/value pairs, and all of this data can be represented as serializable data objects (JSON, YAML).

Take a look at the YAML output for the service:

oc get service mapit -o yaml

You will see something like the following:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  annotations: OpenShiftNewApp
    app: mapit mapit mapit
  - apiVersion: v1
    fieldsType: FieldsV1
          .: {}
          .: {}
          f:app: {}
          .: {}
            .: {}
            f:name: {}
            f:port: {}
            f:protocol: {}
            f:targetPort: {}
            .: {}
            f:name: {}
            f:port: {}
            f:protocol: {}
            f:targetPort: {}
            .: {}
            f:name: {}
            f:port: {}
            f:protocol: {}
            f:targetPort: {}
          .: {}
          f:deployment: {}
        f:sessionAffinity: {}
        f:type: {}
    manager: oc
    operation: Update
  name: mapit
  namespace: app-management
  - name: 8080-tcp
    port: 8080
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 8080
  - name: 8778-tcp
    port: 8778
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 8778
  - name: 9779-tcp
    port: 9779
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 9779
    deployment: mapit
  sessionAffinity: None
  type: ClusterIP
  loadBalancer: {}

Take note of the selector stanza. Remember it.

It is also of interest to view the YAML of the Pod to understand how OpenShift wires components together. Go back and find the name of your mapit Pod, and then execute the following:

oc get pod -l deployment=mapit -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.labels}' | jq -r
The -o jsonpath selects a specific field. In this case we are asking for the labels section in the manifest.

The output should look something like this:

  "deployment": "mapit",
  "pod-template-hash": "764c5bf8b8"
  • The Service has a selector stanza that refers to deployment: mapit.

  • The Pod has multiple Labels:

    • deployment: mapit

    • pod-template-hash: 764c5bf8b8

Labels are just key/value pairs. Any Pod in this Project that has a Label that matches the Selector will be associated with the Service. If you look at the describe output again, you will see that there is one endpoint for the service: the existing mapit Pod.

The default behavior of new-app is to create just one instance of the item requested. We will see how to modify/adjust this in a moment, but there are a few more concepts to learn first.

Background: Deployment Configurations and Replica Sets

While Services provide routing and load balancing for Pods, which may go in and out of existence, ReplicaSets (RS) are used to specify and then ensure the desired number of Pods (replicas) are in existence. For example, if you always want an application to be scaled to 3 Pods (instances), a ReplicaSet is needed. Without an RS, any Pods that are killed or somehow die/exit are not automatically restarted. ReplicaSets are how OpenShift "self heals".

A Deployment (deploy) defines how something in OpenShift should be deployed. From the deployments documentation:

Deployments describe the desired state of a particular component of an
application as a Pod template. Deployments create ReplicaSets, which
orchestrate Pod lifecycles.

In almost all cases, you will end up using the Pod, Service, ReplicaSet and Deployment resources together. And, in almost all of those cases, OpenShift will create all of them for you.

There are some edge cases where you might want some Pods and an RS without a Deployments or a Service, and others, but these are advanced topics not covered in these exercises.

Earlier versions of OpenShift used something called a DeploymentConfig. While still a valid deployment mechanism, moving forward the Deployment will be what will be created with oc new-app. See the official documentation for more details.

Now that we know the background of what a ReplicaSet and Deployment are, we can explore how they work and are related. Take a look at the Deployment (deploy) that was created for you when you told OpenShift to stand up the mapit image:

oc get deploy

You will see something like the following:

mapit   1/1     1            1           76m

To get more details, we can look into the ReplicaSet (RS).

Take a look at the ReplicaSet (RS) that was created for you when you told OpenShift to stand up the mapit image:

oc get rs

You will see something like the following:

mapit-764c5bf8b8   1         1         1       77m

This lets us know that, right now, we expect one Pod to be deployed (Desired), and we have one Pod actually deployed (Current). By changing the desired number, we can tell OpenShift that we want more or less Pods.

Scaling the Application

Let’s scale our mapit "application" up to 2 instances. We can do this with the scale command.

oc scale --replicas=2 deploy/mapit

To verify that we changed the number of replicas, issue the following command:

oc get rs

You will see something like the following:

mapit-764c5bf8b8   2         2         2       79m
mapit-8695cb9c67   0         0         0       79m
The "older" version was kept. This is to we can "rollback" to a previous version of the application.

You can see that we now have 2 replicas. Let’s verify the number of pods with the oc get pods command:

oc get pods

You will see something like the following:

NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mapit-764c5bf8b8-b4vpn   1/1     Running   0          112s
mapit-764c5bf8b8-l49z7   1/1     Running   0          81m

And lastly, let’s verify that the Service that we learned about in the previous lab accurately reflects two endpoints:

oc describe svc mapit

You will see something like the following:

Name:              mapit
Namespace:         app-management
Labels:            app=mapit
Annotations: OpenShiftNewApp
Selector:          deployment=mapit
Type:              ClusterIP
Port:              8080-tcp  8080/TCP
TargetPort:        8080/TCP
Port:              8778-tcp  8778/TCP
TargetPort:        8778/TCP
Port:              9779-tcp  9779/TCP
TargetPort:        9779/TCP
Session Affinity:  None
Events:            <none>

Another way to look at a Service's endpoints is with the following:

oc get endpoints mapit

And you will see something like the following:

NAME    ENDPOINTS                                                        AGE
mapit,, + 3 more...   81m

Your IP addresses will likely be different, as each pod receives a unique IP within the OpenShift environment. The endpoint list is a quick way to see how many pods are behind a service.

Overall, that’s how simple it is to scale an application (Pods in a Service). Application scaling can happen extremely quickly because OpenShift is just launching new instances of an existing image, especially if that image is already cached on the node.

One last thing to note is that there are actually several ports defined on this Service. Earlier we said that a pod gets a single IP and has control of the entire port space on that IP. While something running inside the Pod may listen on multiple ports (single container using multiple ports, individual containers using individual ports, a mix), a Service can actually proxy/map ports to different places.

For example, a Service could listen on port 80 (for legacy reasons) but the Pod could be listening on port 8080, 8888, or anything else.

In this mapit case, the image we ran has several EXPOSE statements in the Dockerfile, so OpenShift automatically created ports on the service and mapped them into the Pods.

Application "Self Healing"

Because OpenShift’s RSs are constantly monitoring to see that the desired number of Pods are actually running, you might also expect that OpenShift will "fix" the situation if it is ever not right. You would be correct!

Now that we have two Pods running right now, let’s see what happens when we delete them. Frist, run the oc get pods command, and make note of the Pod names:

oc get pods

You will see something like the following:

NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mapit-764c5bf8b8-lxnvw   1/1     Running   0          2m28s
mapit-764c5bf8b8-rscss   1/1     Running   0          2m54s

Now, delete the pods that belog to the Deployment mapit:

oc delete pods -l deployment=mapit --wait=false

Run the oc get pods command once again:

oc get pods

Did you notice anything? There are new containers already running!

The Pods has a different name. That’s because OpenShift almost immediately detected that the current state (0 Pods, because they were deleted) didn’t match the desired state (2 Pods), and it fixed it by scheduling the Pods.

Background: Routes

openshift route
Figure 3. OpenShift Route

While Services provide internal abstraction and load balancing within an OpenShift environment, sometimes clients (users, systems, devices, etc.) outside of OpenShift need to access an application. The way that external clients are able to access applications running in OpenShift is through the OpenShift routing layer. And the data object behind that is a Route.

The default OpenShift router (HAProxy) uses the HTTP header of the incoming request to determine where to proxy the connection. You can optionally define security, such as TLS, for the Route. If you want your Services (and by extension, your Pods) to be accessible to the outside world, then you need to create a Route.

Do you remember setting up the router? You probably don’t. That’s because the installation deployed an Operator for the router, and the operator created a router for you! The router lives in the openshift-ingress Project, and you can see information about it with the following command:

oc describe deployment router-default -n openshift-ingress

You will explore the Operator for the router more in a subsequent exercise.

Creating a Route

Creating a Route is a pretty straight-forward process. You simply expose the Service via the command line. If you remember from earlier, your Service name is mapit. With the Service name, creating a Route is a simple one-command task:

oc expose service mapit

You will see: exposed

Verify the Route was created with the following command:

oc get route

You will see something like:

NAME    HOST/PORT                                             PATH   SERVICES   PORT       TERMINATION   WILDCARD
mapit   mapit-app-management.{{ ROUTE_SUBDOMAIN }}                   mapit      8080-tcp                 None

If you take a look at the HOST/PORT column, you’ll see a familiar looking FQDN. The default behavior of OpenShift is to expose services on a formulaic hostname:


In the subsequent router Operator labs we’ll explore this and other configuration options.

While the router configuration specifies the domain(s) that the router should listen for, something still needs to get requests for those domains to the Router in the first place. There is a wildcard DNS entry that points *.apps... to the host where the router lives. OpenShift concatenates the Service name, Project name, and the routing subdomain to create this FQDN/URL.

You can visit this URL using your browser, or using curl, or any other tool. It should be accessible from anywhere on the internet.

The Route is associated with the Service, and the router automatically proxies connections directly to the Pod. The router itself runs as a Pod. It bridges the "real" internet to the SDN.

If you take a step back to examine everything you’ve done so far, in three commands you deployed an application, scaled it, and made it accessible to the outside world:

oc new-app
oc scale --replicas=2 deploy/mapit
oc expose service mapit

Scale Down

Before we continue, go ahead and scale your application down to a single instance:

oc scale --replicas=1 deploy/mapit

Application Probes

OpenShift provides rudimentary capabilities around checking the liveness and/or readiness of application instances. If the basic checks are insufficient, OpenShift also allows you to run a command inside the Pod/container in order to perform the check. That command could be a complicated script that uses any language already installed inside the container image.

There are two types of application probes that can be defined:

Liveness Probe

A liveness probe checks if the container in which it is configured is still running. If the liveness probe fails, the container is killed, which will be subjected to its restart policy.

Readiness Probe

A readiness probe determines if a container is ready to service requests. If the readiness probe fails, the endpoint’s controller ensures the container has its IP address removed from the endpoints of all services that should match it. A readiness probe can be used to signal to the endpoint’s controller that even though a container is running, it should not receive any traffic.

More information on probing applications is available in the Application Health section of the documentation.

Add Probes to the Application

The oc set command can be used to perform several different functions, one of which is creating and/or modifying probes. The mapit application exposes an endpoint which we can check to see if it is alive and ready to respond. You can test it using curl:

curl mapit-app-management.{{ ROUTE_SUBDOMAIN }}/health

You will get some JSON as a response:


We can ask OpenShift to probe this endpoint for liveness with the following command:

oc set probe deploy/mapit --liveness --get-url=http://:8080/health --initial-delay-seconds=30

You can then see that this probe is defined in the oc describe output:

oc describe deploy mapit

You will see a section like:

    Ports:        9779/TCP, 8080/TCP, 8778/TCP
    Host Ports:   0/TCP, 0/TCP, 0/TCP
    Liveness:     http-get http://:8080/health delay=30s timeout=1s period=10s
#success=1 #failure=3
    Environment:  <none>
    Mounts:       <none>
  Volumes:        <none>

Similarly, you can set a readiness probe in the same manner:

oc set probe deploy/mapit --readiness --get-url=http://:8080/health --initial-delay-seconds=30

Examining Deployments and ReplicaSets

Each change to the Deployment is counted as a configuration change, which triggers a new deployment. The Deployment is in charge of which ReplicaSet to deploy. The newest is always deployed.

Execute the following:

oc get deployments

You should see something like:

mapit   1/1     1            1           131m

You made two material configuration changes (plus a scale), after the initial deployment, thus you are now on the fourth revision of the Deployment.

Execute the following:

oc get replicasets

You should see something like:

mapit-5f695ff4b8   1         1         1       4m19s
mapit-668f69cdd5   0         0         0       6m18s
mapit-764c5bf8b8   0         0         0       133m
mapit-8695cb9c67   0         0         0       133m

Each time a new deployment is triggered, the deployer pod creates a new ReplicaSet which then is responsible for ensuring that pods exist. Notice that the old RSs have a desired scale of zero, and the most recent RS has a desired scale of 1.

If you oc describe each of these RSs you will see how earlier versions have no probes, and the latest running RS has the new probes.