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Windows Containers

Windows Container Support for OpenShift provides support for running Microsoft Windows Server containers on OpenShift Container Platform. For those that administer environments with a mix of Linux and Windows workloads, OpenShift allows you to deploy containerized Windows workloads running on Windows Server on the same platfrom as your containerized Linux workloads.

Windows container workloads are supported for clusters running on the following providers:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)

  • Microsoft Azure

  • VMware vSphere

  • Bare Metal (via BYOH)

For more information about what versions of Windows Server are supported, please see the official documentation.

In this lab, you’ll get hands on experence on how to deploy a Windows worker node and how to deploy workloads onto an OpenShift platform with Windows and Linux nodes.

Windows MachineConfig Operator

The Windows Machine Config Operator (WMCO) is the entry point for OpenShift Administrators who want to run containerized Windows workloads on their clusters.

It allows Cluster Administrators to add a Windows worker nodes as a day 2 operation with a prescribed configuration to an OpenShift cluster and enable scheduling of Windows workloads.

The following diagram is a high level illustration on how the WMCO works.

wmco diagram
Figure 1. Windows MachineConfig Operator Design

The Windows Machine Config Operator is a Linux-based operator that runs on Linux-based nodes on OpenShift. It watches for Machine Objects that are of type Windows and connects to them over SSH.

During setup, the WMCO will:

  • Transfer needed binaries to the Windows node.

  • Installs and confiugres the Kubelet.

  • Install and run it’s own overlay network (Hybrid-overlay network).

  • Confiugre the CNI on the Kubelet.

  • Set up kube-proxy.

For more information please see the official documentation.


This cluster has already been installed to support Windows Nodes and Windows Containers workloads. Therefore, we will be exploring the prerequisites by looking at the current configuration of this cluster.

Before proceeding, make sure you’re admin

The first requisite is that you must be running OpenShift version 4.6 or newer. This cluster should have been installed at a supported version.

oc version

The next requisite is that the cluster must be installed with OVNKubernetes as the SDN for OpenShift. This can only be done at install time in the install-config.yaml file. This file is stored on the cluster after install. Take a look at the setting.

oc extract cm/cluster-config-v1 -n kube-system --to=- | yq e '.networking.networkType' -

This should output OVNKubernetes as the network type.

Learn more about the install-config.yaml file at the official documentation page.

The next requisite is the cluster must be set up with overlay hybrid networking. This is another step that can only be done at install time. You can verify that the configuration has been done by running the following:

oc get network.operator cluster -o yaml | yq e '.spec.defaultNetwork' -

The output should look like this. As you can see, the hybridOverlayConfig was set up. This is the overlay network setup on the Windows Node.

  genevePort: 6081
      - cidr:
        hostPrefix: 23
  mtu: 8901
    destination: "null"
    maxFileSize: 50
    rateLimit: 20
    syslogFacility: local0
type: OVNKubernetes
To read more about how to setup HybridNetworking, please see the official doc.

To summarize, in order to use Windows Containers on OpenShift. You will need the following:

  • OpenShift version 4.6 or newer.

  • OVNKubernetes as the SDN.

  • Additionally set up hybrid overlay networking.

Note, that all of this is done at install time. There’s, currently, no way to configure a cluster for Windows Containers post install.

If you’re not seeing the above output, you will not be able to continue with this lab. If you see that this cluster doesn’t meet the requirements, please see your workshop proctor.

Installing the WMCO

Before you can deploy a Windows Node, you will need to install the Windows Machine Config Operator (WMCO). This can be done via the OpenShift Web Console. Use the "Console" tab, or open the console in another tab if it isn’t open already.

oc whoami --show-console

Once you are logged in, navigate to Operators ~> OperatorHub menu.

OperatorHub Menu
Figure 2. OperatorHub

Now type Windows Machine Config Operator in the Filter by keyword…​ box. Click on the Windows Machine Config Operator card, taking care that you don’t use the community version.

WMCO Install Card
Figure 3. WMCO Operator

On the overview page, select Install.

WMCO Overview
Figure 4. WMCO Operator Overview

On the Install Operator overview page, make sure you have stable selected in the "Update channel" section. Also, in the "Installation mode" section, leave A specifc namespace on the cluster selected. Leave the "Installed Namspace" section as Operator recommended Namespace and tick on Enable Cluster Monitoring. Finally, leave the "Approval strategy" as Automatic. Then click Install. Use the below graphic to guide you.

WMCO Install Overview
Figure 5. WMCO Install Operator Overview

The "Installing Operator" status page will come up.

WMCO Installing
Figure 6. WMCO Install Operator status page

When the screen says "ready for use", the WMCO Operator is successfully installed.

WMCO Installing
Figure 7. WMCO Install Operator status page

Back on the cli, you should now see the WMCO pod running.

oc get pods -n openshift-windows-machine-config-operator

The output should look something like this.

NAME                                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
windows-machine-config-operator-7ddc9f7d9b-vx4vx   1/1     Running   0          43m

Once the operator is up and running. You are ready to install a Windows Node.

Installing a Windows Node.

In order for the WMCO to setup the Windows Node, it will need an ssh key to the cloud provider. The cloud provider will then mint a new keypair based on the private key provided. The WMCO will then use this key to login to the Windows Node and set it up as an OpenShift Node.

Generate an ssh key for the WMCO to use:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ${HOME}/.ssh/winkey -q -N ''

Once you’ve generated the key, add it as a secret to the openshift-windows-machine-config-operator namespace.

oc create secret generic cloud-private-key --from-file=private-key.pem=${HOME}/.ssh/winkey -n openshift-windows-machine-config-operator

This secret is used by the WMCO Operator to setup the Windows Node. Verify that it was created before you proceed.

oc get secret -n openshift-windows-machine-config-operator cloud-private-key

Once the WMCO Operator is up and running, and the ssh key loaded into the cluster as a secret, you can now deploy a Windows Node. How do you build a Windows Node? The same way you create OpenShift Linux nodes, with the MachineAPI

If you’re unfamiliar with the MachineAPI, you can do the MachineSets, Machines, and Nodes lab to get familair with the concepts.

First, we will be creating a MachineSet for Windows Nodes. We will then explore important sections of the YAML.

For more information on how to create a Windows MachineSet YAML see the official docs.

This should create the windows-ms.yaml file in your home directory.

ls -l ~/windows-ms.yaml
Feel free to take a look at the file if you wish. You’ll see that it doesn’t differ from a Linux MachineSet.

The Windows MachineSet is labeled with an Operating System ID of Windows. The following command will show the label of Windows for the MachineSet.

yq e '.metadata.labels' ~/windows-ms.yaml

All the Windows Machines will have the worker label. The Windows Node will be treated like any other node in the cluster.

yq e '.spec.template.spec.metadata.labels' ~/windows-ms.yaml

The AMI ID is of a Windows Server 2019 AMI.

yq e '' ~/windows-ms.yaml
You will need to use an AMI of a supported version of Windows Server. For more information, consult the official documentation.

One last thing to note, is the user data secret.

yq e '' ~/windows-ms.yaml

This secret is generated by the WMCO when it was installed.

oc get secret windows-user-data -n openshift-machine-api

Apply the YAML to create the Windows MachineSet on the cluster.

oc apply -f ~/windows-ms.yaml

You can now see the status of the MachineSet.

oc get machinesets  -n openshift-machine-api -l

This should show the following output.

NAME                                       DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AVAILABLE   AGE
cluster1-wrkjp-windows-worker-us-east-1a   1         1                             9s

The MachineSet has the replica set to 1. The MachineAPI will see that desired state and, in turn, create a Windows Machine. This machine will eventually turn into a node. See the status of the machine with the following command.

oc get machines  -n openshift-machine-api -l

Once the Machine is up and running, the WMCO will configure it. You can follow that status by looking at the WMCO pod log.

oc logs -l name=windows-machine-config-operator -n openshift-windows-machine-config-operator   -f

You can exit by pressing kbd:[Ctrl+C].

If you wish, you can wait until you see "Windows VM has been configured as a worker node" log message. Otherwise, go ahead and break out of following the log.

This Machine will create a Windows Node and the WMCO will add it to the cluster. You can see the node with the following command.

oc get nodes -l
It’ll take up to 15 mintues to see the Windows Node appear. It’s recommneded to run a watch on oc get nodes -l so you can see when the node appears. Now will be a good time to take a break.

The output should look something like this.

NAME                          STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
ip-10-0-140-10.ec2.internal   Ready    worker   22m   v1.20.0-1081+d0b1ad449a08b3

Managing a Windows Node

Now that the Windows Node is up and running, you will be able to manage it like you would a Linux node. You will be able to scale and delete nodes using the MachineAPI.

Windows Machine Config Operator is not responsible for Windows operating system updates. The Cluster Administrator provides the Windows image while creating the VMs and hence, the Cluster Administrator is responsible for providing an updated image. The Cluster Administrator can provide an updated image by changing the image in the MachineSet spec.

Currently, you have one Windows node.

oc get nodes -l

In order to add another node, you will just scale the corespoinding MachineSet. Currently, you should have one

oc get machineset -l -n openshift-machine-api

You should have the below output. It shows that you have one Windows Machine managed by this MachineSet.

NAME                                       DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AVAILABLE   AGE
cluster1-zzv5j-windows-worker-us-east-1a   1         1         1       1           138m

To add another Windows Node, scale the Windows MachineSet to two replicas. This will create a new Windows Machine, and then the WMCO will add it as an OpenShift Node.

oc scale machineset -l -n openshift-machine-api --replicas=2
Just like when you created the inital Windows Node, this can take upwards of 15 minutes. This can be another good time to take a small break.

After some time, another Windows Node will have joined the cluster.

oc get nodes -l

Here’s an example output.

NAME                           STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
ip-10-0-139-232.ec2.internal   Ready    worker   15m     v1.20.0-1081+d0b1ad449a08b3
ip-10-0-143-146.ec2.internal   Ready    worker   3h18m   v1.20.0-1081+d0b1ad449a08b3

You can see how easy it is to manage a Windows Machine with the MachineAPI on OpenShift. It is managed by the same system as your Linux Nodes. You can even attach the Windows MachineSet Autoscaler as well

Remove this node by scaling the Windows MachineSet back down to 1.

oc scale machineset -l -n openshift-machine-api --replicas=1
Please scale your Windows MachineSet to 1 before starting the next exercise.

After some time, you should be back at 1 Windows node.

oc get nodes -l

Exploring The Windows Node

Now that you’ve learned how to manage a Windows Node, we will explore how this node is set up. You can access this Windows node via the same mechanism as the WMCO, via SSH.

Since this cluster was installed in the cloud, the Windows Node isn’t exposed to the public internet. So we will need to deploy an ssh bastion Pod.

For information on how to enable RDP on an AWS instance, please see the official documentation on their website.

The ssh bastion pod can be deployed using the Deployment YAML provided to you in this lab.

oc apply -n openshift-windows-machine-config-operator -f support/win-node-ssh.yaml

You can wait for the rollout of this ssh bastion pod.

oc rollout status deploy/winc-ssh -n openshift-windows-machine-config-operator

Once rolled out, you should have the ssh bastion pod running.

oc get pods -n openshift-windows-machine-config-operator -l app=winc-ssh

The ssh bastion pod mounts the ssh key needed to login to the Windows Node.

yq e '.spec.template.spec.volumes' support/win-node-ssh.yaml

In order to be able to ssh into this node you will need the hostname. Get this hostname with the following command and make note of it.

oc get nodes -l

Now open a bash session into the ssh bastion pod using the oc exec command.

oc exec -it deploy/winc-ssh -n openshift-windows-machine-config-operator -- bash

Use the provided command built into the pod to login to the Windows Node. Here is an example:

bash-4.4$ ip-10-0-140-10.ec2.internal

This should drop you into a PowerShell session. It should look something like this.

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\Administrator>

Once on the Windows Node, you can see the docker, kubelet, and the hybrid-overlay-node process running.

Get-Process | ?{ $_.ProcessName -match "kube|overlay|docker" }

You should see the following output.

Handles  NPM(K)    PM(K)      WS(K)     CPU(s)     Id  SI ProcessName
-------  ------    -----      -----     ------     --  -- -----------
    342      20    80008      46020      16.95   2640   0 dockerd
    245      18    31740      38364      13.02   2376   0 hybrid-overlay-node
    416      28    59812      84740     176.48   2036   0 kubelet
    302      23    36272      46056      61.64   3968   0 kube-proxy
Currently, the Docker-formatted container runtime is used in Windows nodes. Kubernetes is deprecating Docker as a container runtime; you can reference the Kubernetes documentation for more information about the Docker deprecation. Containerd will be the new supported container runtime for Windows nodes in a future release of Kubernetes.

These are the main components needed to run a Windows Node. Remember that this node is managed the same way as a Linux node, Via the MachineAPI; so you won’t have to do much with this Windows Node.

One caveat, however, is that Windows Containers can be quite large (in some cases up to 8Gigs in size!). This will timeout the deployment of your Windows Containers workloads. A workaround is to "pre-pull" any base containers.

docker pull

This pull process can take some time. While it’s pulling, take note of the version of the container you are pulling is The version you need to pull will differ between Windows Server versions.

Since the OS Kernel differs from version to version of Windows Server, the base container needed will differ depending on what version of Windows Server you’re running. Please see Microsoft’s documentation about supported container image versions.

After some time, the image should be on the host.

docker images

You should see the following output.

REPOSITORY                             TAG        IMAGE ID       CREATED       SIZE   ltsc2019   9a0a02eca0e6   4 weeks ago   5.7GB

Now that you’ve pre-pulled the Windows Server container image, you can exit out of the PowerShell session.


You can also exit out of the bash container session as well.


Running a Windows Container Workload

Before you deploy a sample Windows Container workload, let’s explore how the container gets scheduled on the Windows node.

If you run an oc describe on the Windows Node, you’ll see it has a taint.

Please see the Taints and Tolerations lab to get more familiar about how they work.
oc describe nodes -l | grep Taint

You should see the following output.

Taints:             os=Windows:NoSchedule

Every Windows Node will come with this taint by default. This taint will "repel" all workloads that don’t tolerate this taint. It is a part of the WMCO’s job to ensure that all Windows Nodes have this taint.

In this lab, there is a sample workload saved under ~/support/winc-sample-workload.yaml. Let’s explore this file a bit before we apply it.

yq e '.items[2].spec.template.spec.tolerations' support/winc-sample-workload.yaml

The output should look something like this.

- key: "os"
  value: "Windows"
  Effect: "NoSchedule"

This sample workload has the toleration in place to be able to run on the Windows Node. However, that’s not enough. A nodeSelector will need to be present as well.

yq e '.items[2].spec.template.spec.nodeSelector' support/winc-sample-workload.yaml

The output should look something like this. windows

So here, the nodeSelector will place this container on the Windows Node. Furthermore, the appropriate toleration is in place so the Windows Node won’t repel the container.

One last thing to look at. Take a look at the container that is being deployed.

yq e '.items[2].spec.template.spec.containers[0].image' support/winc-sample-workload.yaml
Note that this container has to be prepulled onto the Windows Node. Please see the Exploring The Windows Node exercise for more info.

Apply this YAML file to deploy the sample workload.

oc apply -f support/winc-sample-workload.yaml

Wait for the deployment to finish rolling out.

oc rollout status deploy/win-webserver -n winc-sample

If you check the pod, you can see that it’s running on the Windows Node. Look at the wide output of the Pod and select the Windows Node to verify.

oc get pods -n winc-sample  -o wide
oc get nodes -l

Make a note of the Windows Node name, we will log into the node using the bastion ssh container.

oc exec -it deploy/winc-ssh -n openshift-windows-machine-config-operator -- bash

Now log into the Windows Node using the hostname. Example:

bash-4.4$ ip-10-0-140-10.ec2.internal

Here, you can see the Windows container running on the node.

docker ps

Here you’ll see the Container running along with the pause container as well. Here is an example output.

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                          COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS     NAMES
68e3e51ff76d   9a0a02eca0e6                                   "powershell.exe -com…"   38 seconds ago   Up 36 seconds             k8s_win
f5cdf462e916   "/pause.exe"             39 seconds ago   Up 38 seconds             k8s_POD

Go ahead an logout of the Windows Node


You can also exit out of the bash container session as well.


You can interact with the Windows Container workload as you would any other pod. For instance you can remote shell into the container itself by calling the Powershell command.

oc -n winc-sample exec -it $(oc get pods -l app=win-webserver -n winc-sample -o name ) -- powershell

This should put you in a Powershell session in the Windows Container. It should look something like this

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\>

Here, you can query the TaskManager to see the HTTP process running.

You may have to press ENTER to execute the following commands while in the Windows Container for them to run.
tasklist /M /FI "IMAGENAME eq powershell.exe"  | Select-String -Pattern http

Go ahead an logout of the Windows Container.


You can interact with the Windows Container Deployment the same as you would for a Linux one. Scale the Deployment of the Windows Container:

oc scale deploy/win-webserver -n winc-sample --replicas=2

You should now have two Pods running.

oc get pods -n winc-sample

Running a Mixed Linux/Windows Container Workload.

With Windows Containers support for OpenShift; You also have the ability to run application stacks of mixed workloads. This gives you the ability to run an application stack consisting of both Linx and Windows Containers.

In this section, we will show how you can run Windows workloads that work together with Linux workloads.

You will be deploying a sample application stack that delivers an eCommerce site, The NetCandy Store. This application is built using Windows Containers working together with Linux Containers.

netcandystore diagram

This application consists of:

  • Windows Container running a .NET v4 frontend, which is consuming a backend service.

  • Linux Container running a .NET Core backend service, which is using a database.

  • Linux Container running a MSSql database.

We will be using a helm chart to deploy the sample application. In order to successfully deploy the application stack, make sure you’re admin.

For more information about helm and how it can be used as a package manager for your containerized workloads, please see the OpenShift documentation

Once you’ve verified you are a cluster admin, you will need to extract some information. You will need the hostname of the Windows node installed and the ssh key used to login to the Windows Node.

The reason for this is part of the Helm Chart deploys a Job that downloads the image of the frontend application as a pre-deploy hook.

Please revist the Exploring The Windows Node exercise for more info on why the downloading of the image is needed.
export WSSHKEY=$(oc get secret cloud-private-key -n openshift-windows-machine-config-operator -o jsonpath='{.data.private-key\.pem}')
export WNODE=$(oc get nodes -l -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')

Next add the Red Hat Developer Demos Helm repository.

helm repo add redhat-demos
helm repo update

With the two variables exported, and the helm repo added, you can install the application stack using the helm cli.

helm install ncs --namespace netcandystore \
--create-namespace --timeout=1200s \
redhat-demos/netcandystore \
--set ssh.hostkey=${WSSHKEY} --set ssh.hostname=${WNODE}
Note that the --timeout=1200s is needed because the default timeout for helm is 5 minutes and, in most cases, the Windows container image will take longer than that to download.

This will look like it’s "hanging" or "stuck". It’s not! What’s happening is that the image is getting pulled into the Windows node. As stated before, Windows containers can be very large, so it might take some time.

After some time, you should see something like the following return.

NAME: ncs
LAST DEPLOYED: Sun Apr 24 23:16:05 2022
NAMESPACE: netcandystore
STATUS: deployed
1. Get the application URL by running these commands:
oc get route netcandystore -n netcandystore -o jsonpath='{}{"\n"}'

2. NOTE: The Windows container deployed only supports the following OS:

Windows Version:
Windows Server 2019 Release 1809

Build Version:

Major  Minor  Build  Revision
-----  -----  -----  --------
10     0      17763  0

Verify that the helm chart was installed successfully.

helm ls -n netcandystore

The output should look something like this.

NAME    NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                   APP VERSION
ncs     netcandystore   1               2022-04-24 23:54:50.576808462 +0000 UTC deployed        netcandystore-1.0.1     3.1

There should be 3 pods running for this application. One for the frondend called netcandystore, one for the categories service called getcategories and a DB called mysql.

oc get pods -n netcandystore

Looking at the frontend application, you can list where the pod is running. Comparing it to the nodes output, you can see it’s running on a Windows Node.

oc get pods -n netcandystore -l app=netcandystore -o wide
oc get nodes -l

Now, looking at the backend, you can see it’s running on a Linux node.

oc get pods -n netcandystore -l app=getcategories -o wide
oc get nodes -l

The MSSQL Database is also running on the Linux node.

oc get pods -n netcandystore -l deploymentconfig=mssql -o wide

You can see the application by visiting the link:http://netcandystore-netcandystore.{{ ROUTE_SUBDOMAIN }}[Net Candystore Route].

The frontpage should look like this, feel free to play around with the application!

netcandy store page


In this lab you worked with Windows Containers on OpenShift Container Platfrom. You saw how the cluster was prepared to support Windows Containers. You also learned about the Windows Machine Config Operator and how it’s used to provision a Windows Node.

You also learned about how to manage Windows Nodes using the MachineAPi and how to manage Windows Container workloads using the same tools as Linux Nodes.

Finally, you learned how you can used mixed workloads made up of Linux and Windows containers.