rum [<static_dir>] <outfile> [-- <browserify>]
Watchify plus static file server plus auto-reload.
<static_dir> Directory of static files to serve, images/fonts
If omitted, the server is disabled
<outfile> Required. Where to dump the browserify bundle
<browserify> Arguments after the '--' will be passed along to browserify
--exec, -x Shell command to run on each update before browserify,
and before reload. Will capture any preceeding
--watch arguments, which are not already captured by
another --exec. Can use this multiple times.
--watch, -w Additional glob pattern to monitor for changes.
Can use this multiple times. Position is important.
Will apply to the next --exec argument or to the
browserify watcher if one is not found.
--port, -p Bind server to this [address:]port instead of and
and random port
--router, -r Redirect all requests to this path but keep the
displayed url unchanged. Use this if you've got
client-side routing and want to avoid 404s.
--version, -v Show version number
Basic usage:
rum dist dist/bundle.js -- src/index.js
Watch scss:
rum -w 'src/**/*.scss' -x 'make dist/bundle.css' dist dist/bundle.js -- src/index.js
More browserify options:
rum dist dist/bundle.js -- src/index.js -t babelify -t [envify purge]
You can also listen for reload events in your browser bundle and do something special that depends on the file name. For example, you can hot reload stylesheets like this:
// $ rum dist dist/index.js -w 'src/**/*.scss' -x 'make dist/bundle.css' -- src/hot-css.js src/app.js
// src/hot-css.js
require('rum').on('reload', function (files) {
for (let index = 0; index < files.length; ++index) {
if (!/\.(scss|sass|less|css)$/.test(files[index])) {
return window.location.reload(true)
// Only the css was changed. Time for hot reload!
* Reload just the css bundle <link rel="stylesheet" href="...">
* without refreshing the whole page
function reloadCSS(href) {
let links = document.getElementsByTagName('link')
let index = links.length
let cur = null
while (cur = links[--index]) {
if (cur.getAttribute('href') === href) {
cur.href = ''
cur.href = href
console.warn('reloaded ' + href)
You may need to add set backupcopy=yes
to your vimrc. The default method of saving files does not play nicely with filewatchers like chokidar.