- several directories
- change directories
- change directories
- change directories
- UITK 팩토리 클래스 보호 수준 조절
- 일부 클래스 보호 수준 조절
- add roadmaps about localization part.
- branching safe delete option
- Handle stack overflow temporally.
- fixed an issue that raised in #55
- fixed an issue that raised in #54
- custom help box, asset reference element
- custom help box, asset reference element
- add cleanup logic for reload scripts compatible
- compile error for 2019.4
- compile error
- compile error
- add setting save routine.
- add missing localization string
- add refresh rate
- reference viewer refresh logic
- Handle ArgumentException when plugin was not initialized yet.
- Handle ArgumentException when plugin was not initialized yet.
- Add Logging Options
- file system shortcut
- Local Stylesheets in 2021.2
- comment out wip function
- transition in 2021.2
- Apply the missing localization string correctly
- compile error
- typo CleanCachedIndicies > CleanCachedIndices
- setting inspector
- rename configuration wizard and remove unnecessary things
- sequential transition
- change subdirectory structures
- localized text update event delegate
- SettingProvider with UI Toolkit
- Localize -> L
- clean up directory
- Localization 파일 수정 감지
- configuration wizard
- feature button for dev
- remove create asset menu of myTreeAsset
- display asset path at tooltip instead of button
- compile error 2019.4
- compile error 2020.3
- compile error 2021.1f
- allow unity editor delete asset without notify in baking
- handle asset manage in unity baking
- trace object in scene view
- sync with ugui version
- uielements scheme
- hide unnecessary menu item
- convert localizable string
- convert test assembly definition asset as editor assembly
- add assemblyinfo to internalsvisibleto tests
- add buttons in inspector gui drawer
- clear invalid files
- rename and link assembly definition assets
- reference-window: nullReferenceException in rvw because of broken ref data
- handle logic for unmanaged resources with fake path
- Check whether it is initialized or not only once.
- Setting Inspector
- bug fix : exclude directories and not exist files on first initialization.
- missing object management wip
- bug fix : removing directory causes exception because of missing filtering in OnWillDeleteAsset callback.
- dialog localization about deleting asset.
- dirty cache update way
- exclude scene asset
- fixed an issue about empty path
- regular expression for addressable assets
- Rename Package name to
Asset Lens
- Change registry
- Dialog Localization
- support 2019.4
- support custom packages.
- fixed an issue that cache directory exception in library folder
- fixed an issue that unity editor throws null reference exception drawing default asset
- refactored directory
- try-catch to catch unhandled exception in dev mode
- fixed an issue that unity editor throws null reference exception with material sub editor drawing unity default resource.
- change indexing convention to manage version
- localization
- setting menu
- add an option about using UnityEditor.EditorUtility.CollectDependencies.
- fix an issue that unity editor throws null reference exception with an object has missing script.
- add an option whether to collect dependencies in playmode or not.
- add an option whether to collect scene object or not.
- store setting in setting object instead editor prefs
- check empty path
- do not create ref file if its directory
- explicit search tool (sr4dev)
- run safer (try-catch)
- lock
- scroll view
- object context menu
- draw count in inspector
- bug fix
- initialize help box
- reference viewer
- basic features