Restbed is a comprehensive and consistent programming model for building applications that require seamless and secure communication over HTTP, with the ability to model a range of business processes, designed to target mobile, tablet, desktop and embedded production environments.
It's akin to embedding NGINX into your companies own product line. -- Solutions Architect, Bellrock Technology
Feature | Description |
WebSockets | Full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. |
Server-Sent Events | Server-Sent Events enables efficient server-to-client streaming of text-based event data—e.g., real-time notifications or updates generated on the server. |
Comet | Long polling model to allow long-held HTTP requests for pushing data from the server to client. |
SSL/TLS | Secure over the wire communication allowing you to transmit private data online. |
Session Management | Create custom HTTP session persistence and management logic. |
HTTP Pipelining | A technique allowing multiple HTTP requests to be sent on a single TCP connection without waiting for the corresponding responses. |
Path Parameters | Annotate URIs with custom path parameters such as resource keys, revisions, etc... |
Query Parameters | Automated query parameter parsing. |
Header Filters | Filter incoming HTTP requests by headers. |
Logging | Customise how and where log entries are created. |
Multi-Path Resources | Give a resource multiple paths for improved readability. |
Customisable Methods | Add your own custom HTTP methods. |
Compression | Adaptability to address any form of compression GZip, Deflate, etc... |
Encoding | Adaptability to address any form of encoding UTF-32, ASCII, etc... |
Rules Engine | Reduce complexity by processing incoming requests with readable units of code. |
HTTP/HTTPS | Built in client capabilities with optional SSL peer certificate verification. Deprecated |
IPv4/IPv6 | Internet Protocol Version 4/6 Network Support. |
Architecture | Asynchronous single or multi-threaded architecture, capable of addressing the C10K problem. |
Converters | Built-in Path, Query, and Header conversions for primary data-types. |
Authentication | Separate Service and/or Resource level authentication. |
Error Handling | Separate Service and/or Resource level error handling. |
Address Binding | Bind HTTP and/or HTTPS services to separate IP addresses. |
Signal Handling | Capture OS generated process signals. |
Documentation | High-quality documentation covering the architecture and API. |
Compliance | Flexibility to address HTTP 1.0/1.1+ compliance. |
Mature | Secure, Stable, and extensively tested since 2013. |
Community | Active, vibrant and energetic open source community. |
Support | Commercial support is available from Corvusoft. |
#include <memory>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <restbed>
using namespace std;
using namespace restbed;
void post_method_handler( const shared_ptr< Session > session )
const auto request = session->get_request( );
int content_length = request->get_header( "Content-Length", 0 );
session->fetch( content_length, [ ]( const shared_ptr< Session > session, const Bytes & body )
fprintf( stdout, "%.*s\n", ( int ) body.size( ), ) );
session->close( OK, "Hello, World!", { { "Content-Length", "13" } } );
} );
int main( const int, const char** )
auto resource = make_shared< Resource >( );
resource->set_path( "/resource" );
resource->set_method_handler( "POST", post_method_handler );
auto settings = make_shared< Settings >( );
settings->set_port( 1984 );
settings->set_default_header( "Connection", "close" );
Service service;
service.publish( resource );
service.start( settings );
More in-depth examples can be found here. To see Restbed used in anger, please visit Corvusoft's RestQ project.
© 2013-2020 Corvusoft Limited, United Kingdom. All rights reserved.
The Restbed framework is dual licensed; See LICENSE for full details.
Please contact [email protected], for support and licensing options including bespoke software development, testing, design consultation, training, mentoring and code review.
Please submit all enhancements, proposals, and defects via the issue tracker; Alternatively ask a question on StackOverflow tagged #restbed.
git clone --recursive
mkdir restbed/build
cd restbed/build
make install
make test
You will now find all required components installed in the distribution sub-folder.
Option | Description | Default |
BUILD_SSL | Enable SSL/TLS support. | Enabled |
BUILD_IPC | Enable Unix domain sockets. | Disabled |
BUILD_TESTS | Build project test suites. | Enabled |
BUILD_DEVEL_PACKAGE | Install headers into CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. | Enabled |
BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY | Produce a shared build of restbed. | Enabled |
BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY | Produce a static build of restbed. | Enabled |
Prerequisites: Visual Studio 2022, CMake, GIT, Perl.
Using the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt begin by, if required, building OpenSSL.
git clone --recursive
cd restbed\dependency\openssl
perl Configure [no-]shared
nmake test
If you selected to use the default OpenSSL build (shared), you'll need to include the installation path in your environment.
set PATH=restbed\dependency\openssl;%PATH%
If you selected to use the static OpenSSL build (no-shared), you'll need to include additional dependencies when linking your application code; See OpenSSL project for futher details.
target_link_libraries( my_microservice restbed-static.lib ws2_32.lib advapi32.lib crypt32.lib gdi32.lib user32.lib )
Now proceed with the following Restbed build instructions.
mkdir restbed\build
cd restbed\build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" [-DBUILD_SSL=NO] [-DBUILD_TESTS=NO] ..
cmake --build . --target ALL_BUILD --config Release
For Microsoft Visual Studio 14 2015 instructions, and further details, please see feature #17.
You can download and install restbed using the vcpkg dependency manager:
git clone
cd vcpkg
./vcpkg integrate install
./vcpkg install restbed
The restbed port in vcpkg is kept up to date by Microsoft team members and community contributors. If the version is out of date, please create an issue or pull request on the vcpkg repository.
This codebase is intended to be as self documenting as possible. We have supplied many examples and test suites to help aid developers.
You can locate the latest design and API documentation here.
Resource | Requirement |
Compiler | C++14 compliant or above |
OS | BSD, Linux, Mac OSX, Windows, Raspbian |
Milestone | Feature | Status |
0.0 | Asynchronous HTTP Service | complete |
1.0 | HTTP 1.0 Compliance | complete |
2.0 | HTTP 1.1 Compliance | complete |
2.5 | Secure Socket Layer | complete |
2.5 | Simultaneous Network Ports (HTTP/HTTPS) | complete |
3.0 | Rules Engine | complete |
3.5 | Schedule Tasks on Service run-loop | complete |
3.5 | Multi-Threaded service capability | complete |
3.5 | Bind Service to specific Address | complete |
3.5 | Session Management | complete |
4.0 | HTTP Client | complete |
4.0 | Signal Handling | complete |
4.5 | API Documentation | complete |
4.5 | Web Sockets | complete |
5.0 | Client-side SSL certificates | development |
5.0 | Resource Caching | development |
5.0 | Runtime Modifications | development |
5.0 | HTTP 2 compliance | development |
5.0 | Refactor, Reduce, Reuse | active |
Method | Description |
Tweet us your questions & feature requests. | |
[email protected] | Support related queries. |
[email protected] | Sale related queries. |