dmfeed - creates Atom XML feed from log messages
dmfeed --help
dmfeed --version
dmfeed --database file [--output file] [--node id] [--minlevel level] [--maxlevel level] [--entries count] [--author name] [--email address] [--id uuid] [--title title] [--subtitle title] [--url url] [--xsl file] [--force]
dmfeed --config file [--name name]
This program creates a web feed from log messages in Atom Syndication Format (RFC 4287). The log messages are read from database and written as XML to standard output or file.
The feed id has to be a 36 characters long UUID with hyphens. News aggregators use the id to identify the feed. Therefore, the id should not be reused among different feeds. Run dmuuid(1) to generate a valid UUID.
The time stamp of the feed in the updated element is set to the date and time of
the last log message. If no logs have been added to the database since the last
file modification of the feed, the output file is not updated, unless argument
is passed.
- --author, -A name
Name of feed author or organisation.
- --config, -c file
Path to configuration file.
- --database, -d file
Path to SQLite log database.
- --email, -M address
E-mail address of feed author.
- --entries, -E count
Maximum number of entries in feed (default is 50).
- --force, -F
Force writing of output file. If not set, the output file will be updated only if new log records are available.
- --help, -h
Output available command-line arguments and quit.
- --id, -I uuid
UUID of the feed, 36 characters long with hyphens.
- --maxlevel, -K level
Select log messages of the given maximum log level (from 1 to 5). Must be greater or equal the minimum level. The argument may be an integer or name string.
- --minlevel, -L level
Select log messages of the given minimum log level (from 1 to 5). The argument may be an integer or name string.
- --name, -n name
Name of instance and table in given configuration file (default is
). - --node, -N id
Select log messages of the given node id.
- --output, -o file
Path of the output file. If empty, the Atom feed will be printed to standard output.
- --subtitle, -G title
Sub-title of feed.
- --title, -C title
Title of feed.
- --url, -U url
Public URL of the feed.
- --version, -v
Output version information and quit.
- --xsl, -X
URL or path of optional XSLT style sheet. Web browsers may be able to display the Atom feed in HTML format if a style sheet is provided.
Generate a unique feed id, and then write the last 50 log messages in Atom format to file:
$ dmuuid --hyphens 19c12109-3e1c-422c-ae36-3ba19281f2e $ dmfeed --database /var/dmpack/log.sqlite --output feed.xml \ --id 19c12109-3e1c-422c-ae36-3ba19281f2e
Project web site: