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Getting Started


This is what you will have installed by the end of this section:

  • Git 2.23+
  • Neovim 0.5.0+ (Neovim 0.4.x not supported, see faq to know why)
  • GNU Find
  • Optional: ripgrep 11.0+ (highly recommended)
  • Optional: fd 7.3.0+ (known as fd-find on Debian, Ubuntu & derivates), improves performance for many file indexing commands
  • Optional: node & npm, required to use LanguageServerProtocols (LSP) and the plugins using LSP, like the symbols-outline plugin.

These packages ought to be available through the package managers of your OS; i.e. pacman/aptitude/rpm/etc on the various Linux distributions.

Neovim & dependencies

On Linux

Neovim 0.5.0 was recently released as a stable version. You can check what version your repository has by looking at this site. If Neovim 0.5.0 is still not available in your repository, you can install it by doing one of the following:

  1. Using extra repositories according to your distribution (PPA/COPR/AUR/etc).

  2. Using a Neovim version manager like nvenv.


You can get nightly builds of git master from the Neovim Unstable PPA.

add-apt-repository ppa:neovim-ppa/unstable
apt-get update

Nightly builds can be installed by using the agriffis/neovim-nightly COPR repository.

dnf copr enable agriffis/neovim-nightly
dnf update

Neovim Nightly builds can be installed using the PKGBUILD neovim-nightly-bin, available on the AUR.

On MacOS

You can download a prebuilt binary from the Neovim releases page.

  1. Download: curl -LO
  2. Extract: tar xzvf nvim-macos.tar.gz
  3. Run: ./nvim-osx64/bin/nvim

You may wish to add it to your PATH using something like: export PATH="$HOME/nvim-osx64/bin:$PATH"

Neovim nightly can also be downloaded with homebrew:

brew install --HEAD neovim will download the source and build it locally on your machine.

If you already have Neovim v0.4 installed you may need to unlink it.

brew unlink neovim
brew install neovim --HEAD
nvim --version

MacPorts currently only has Neovim v0.4.4

On Windows

choco install neovim --pre
scoop bucket add versions
scoop install neovim-nightly
  1. Download a prebuilt binary from the Neovim releases page.
  2. Unpack the binary
  3. Move and symlink to somewhere in your path
# unpack the binary
tar xzvf nvim-linux64.tar.gz

# create a directory to store the unpacked folder
sudo mkdir /opt/nvim

# move the unpacked binary
sudo mv nvim-linux64 /opt/nvim

# add the neovim executable to somewhere in your path
# ex: /usr/bin OR $HOME/.local/bin
sudo ln -s /opt/nvim/nvim-linux64/bin/nvim /usr/bin/nvim

# should print /usr/bin/nvim
which nvim

# should print NVIM 0.5
nvim --version
# unpack the binary
tar xzvf nvim-linux64.tar.gz

# create a directory to store the unpacked folder
sudo mkdir /opt/nvim

# move the unpacked binary
sudo mv nvim-linux64 /opt/nvim

# add the neovim executable to somewhere in your path
# ex: /usr/bin OR $HOME/.local/bin
sudo ln -s /opt/nvim/nvim-linux64/bin/nvim /usr/bin/nvim

# should print /usr/bin/nvim
which nvim

# should print NVIM 0.5
nvim --version

External dependencies

On Linux

# Required dependencies
apt-get install git ripgrep

# (Optional) Improves performance for many file indexing commands
apt-get install fd-find

# (Optional) Required by some Language Server Protocols
apt-get install nodejs npm
# Required dependencies
dnf install git ripgrep

# (Optional) Improves performance for many file indexing commands
dnf install fd-find # is 'fd' in Fedora <28

# (Optional) Required by some Language Server Protocols
dnf install nodejs
# Required dependencies
pacman -S git ripgrep

# (Optional) Improves performance for many file indexing commands
pacman -S fd

# (Optional) Required by some Language Server Protocols
pacman -S nodejs npm

On MacOS

Dependencies can be installed using homebrew

# Required dependencies
# git is already installed as part of MacOS
brew install ripgrep ctags

# (Optional) Required by Language Server Protocols
brew install node

On Windows

If you use Windows, please help by posting the steps to install the external dependencies here!

Doom Nvim

With Neovim v0.5.0 and Doom's dependencies installed, next is to install Doom Nvim itself.

IMPORTANT: if you don't have a patched nerd font then you will need to install one in your system so you will be able to see icons in Neovim.

First you'll want to backup your current Neovim configuration if you have one.


  1. Your current configuration will be backed up to ~/.config/nvim.bak or where your XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable points to.

  2. If you're a cheovim user you can skip this step and go directly to Using cheovim.

[ -d ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/nvim ] && mv ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/nvim ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/nvim.bak

Now that you have backed up your current Neovim configuration you can proceed to install doom-nvim.

git clone --depth 1 ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/nvim

Or if you want to live in the bleeding-edge with the latest features:

git clone --depth 1 -b develop ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/nvim

Using cheovim

If you're using cheovim as your Neovim configurations manager you can install doom-nvim and then use the recipe listed in cheovim documentation:

# Clone doom-nvim under a specific directory under our '~/.config' directory
git clone --depth 1 ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/doom-nvim

# Change the doom-nvim internal path
sed -i "37s/nvim/doom-nvim/" ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/doom-nvim/lua/doom/core/system/init.lua
-- In your '~/.config/nvim/profiles.lua'
doom_nvim = { "~/.config/doom-nvim", {
        plugins = "packer",
        preconfigure = "doom-nvim"

Update & Rollback

Update Doom Nvim

To update Doom Nvim, you have two options, run :DoomUpdate or SPC - d - u inside Neovim or alternatively run git pull in doom-nvim directory (not recommended, see why below).

Why use the built-in doom command for updating instead of running git pull manually?

tl;dr: The :DoomUpdate command creates an additional local database of the doom-nvim releases so in case something breaks you can easily rollback to a previous doom-nvim version

The reason is that doom-nvim also brings a functionality for rolling back to a previous version or a previous state (e.g. a previous commit) and doing it manually can be a bit tedious (looking for the previous release tag or the previous commit hash if there were too much commits). Our :DoomUpdate command creates a local database into the doom-nvim directory depending on what branch are you using because if you are using the development branch you will not want to rollback to a previous version, isn't it?

So, if you are using the main a.k.a stable branch of doom-nvim, the :DoomUpdate command will create a local database of doom-nvim's releases. Otherwise, if you're using the development branch it will create a local file with the commit hash that you were using before updating.


Previous Configurations

To uninstall Doom Nvim and go back to your previous setup, simply remove the ~/.config/nvim directory if it's where you have doom-nvim installed and move your backup.

rm -rf ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/nvim \
    && mv ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/nvim.bak ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/nvim

Rolling Back Doom

Did the update screwed up your setup because of a bug or a breaking change and you want to rollback? Then you're lucky. Just run :DoomRollback in Neovim and Doom will rollback itself to a previous release (for main branch) or a previous commit (for development branch).

IMPORTANT: remember to report the issues before just rolling back. In that way we can work on fixing them and make doom better!


You can configure Doom Nvim by tweaking the doomrc.lua, doom_config.lua and the plugins.lua files located in your Doom Nvim root directory ($HOME/.config/doom-nvim/ by default).


This file handles all the Doom Nvim modules, its structure is really simple and easy to understand.

This one will look like that:

local doom = {
	ui = {
		'dashboard',      -- Start screen
		-- 'doom-themes', -- Additional doom emacs' colorschemes
		'statusline',     -- Statusline
		'tabline',        -- Tabline, shows your buffers list at top
		-- 'zen',         -- Distraction free environment
		'which-key',      -- Keybindings popup menu like Emacs' guide-key
		-- 'indentlines', -- Show indent lines
	doom = {
		-- 'neorg',    -- Life Organization Tool
		-- 'runner',   -- Open a REPL for the current language or run the current file
		-- 'compiler', -- Compile (and run) your code with just pressing three keys!
	editor = {
		'auto-session',    -- A small automated session manager for Neovim
		-- 'terminal',     -- Terminal for Neovim (NOTE: needed for runner and compiler)
		'explorer',        -- Tree explorer
		'symbols',         -- LSP symbols and tags
		-- 'minimap',      -- Code minimap, requires
		'gitsigns',        -- Git signs
		'telescope',       -- Highly extendable fuzzy finderover lists
		-- 'restclient',   -- A fast Neovim http client
		'formatter',       -- File formatting
		'autopairs',       -- Autopairs
		-- 'editorconfig', -- EditorConfig support for Neovim
		'kommentary',      -- Comments plugin
		'lsp',             -- Language Server Protocols
		'snippets',        -- LSP snippets
	langs = {
		-- To enable the language server for a language justadd the +lsp flag
		-- at the end, e.g. 'rust +lsp'. This will install the rust TreeSitter
		-- parser and rust-analyzer
		-- 'html',        -- HTML support
		-- 'css',         -- CSS support
		-- 'javascript',  -- JavaScript support
		-- 'typescript',  -- TypeScript support
		-- 'bash',        -- The terminal gods language
		-- 'python +lsp', -- Python support + lsp
		-- 'ruby',        -- Look ma, I love the gems!
		'lua',            -- Support for our gods language
		-- 'elixir',      -- Build scalable and maintainablesoftware
		-- 'haskell',     -- Because Functional programming is fun, isn't it?

		-- 'rust +lsp',   -- Let's get rusty!
		-- 'go',          -- Hello, gopher
		-- 'cpp',         -- C++ support
		-- 'java',        -- Java support

		-- 'config',      -- Configuration files (JSON, YAML, TOML)
		-- 'dockerfile',  -- Do you like containers, right?
	utilities = {
		-- 'suda',            -- Write and read files without sudo permissions
		-- 'lazygit',         -- LazyGit integration for Neovim, requires LazyGit
		-- 'neogit',          -- Magit for Neovim
		-- 'colorizer',       -- Fastets colorizer for Neovim
		'range-highlight',    -- hightlights ranges you haveentered in commandline

return doom

And as the doomrc.lua file self-documentation says, you will only need to uncomment or comment the plugins names in order to enable or disable them. e.g. to enable the terminal plugin you will only need to uncomment the -- 'terminal', line and restart Neovim. Doom will automatically handle your changes and install the terminal plugin for you.

NOTE: for more information please refer to modules.


This file handles all the Doom Nvim configurations, including the ability to easily create new custom mappings and global Neovim variables.

All the options are self-documented on it so you can easily modify them and know exactly what you are doing.

This is its structure:

local doom = {
    -- Here lies all the Doom Nvim configurations

local nvim = {
    -- Here lies all the custom Neovim configurations

return {
    doom = doom,
    nvim = nvim,

NOTE: all your used-defined configurations here will be live-reloaded, e.g. mappings, autocommands, etc.


This file handles your custom plugins, in other words, it handles all the extra plugins you need that are not covered by Doom Nvim.

If you are familiar with packer.nvim then you can see this file as a wrapper for its use function.

This one just contains a return {} statement. Your plugins should be declared inside the returned table, e.g. if you want to install markdown-preview.nvim:

return {
        run = 'cd app && yarn install',
        event = 'BufRead',

And as with the doomrc.lua file, Doom Nvim will automatically handle your changes and install or uninstall the plugins declared on here.

NOTE: all the valid options for declaring plugins can be found in specifying plugins.


Doom Nvim consists of around 5 modules. A Doom Nvim Module is a bundle of plugins, configuration and commands, organized into a unit that can be toggled easily by tweaking your doomrc.lua (found in $HOME/.config/doom-nvim).

Please see Plugin Management for more information.

Plugin Management

Doom Nvim uses a declarative and use-package inspired package manager called packer.nvim.

Modules and plugins are declared in lua/doom/modules/init.lua file, located in your Doom Nvim root directory. Read on to learn how to use this system to install your own plugins.

WARNING: Do not install plugins directly in lua/doom/modules/init.lua. Instead, use your doomrc.lua and plugins.lua files to modify them.

Configuring Doom

Configuring settings

You can change Doom's default settings by tweaking your doom_config.lua file, please see :h doom_nvim_options to know how to.

Configuring plugins

Do you want to change some configurations of some modules?

Go to lua/doom/modules/config directory and you will find the configurations for the plugins.

Otherwise if you want to configure a plugin declared in your plugins.lua you can use the packer's config field, e.g.

    config = function()
Configuring LSP

Language Server Protocols is installed as a plugin.

To easily install language servers and without having to do it system-wide or having to manually configure servers, Doom Nvim makes use of kabouzeid/nvim-lspinstall.

To enable the language server for a certain programming language and automatically install it, just append a +lsp flag at the end of the language field in your doomrc.lua, e.g. for enabling Rust support in Doom and install rust-analyzer:

local doom = {
    langs = {
        'rust +lsp', -- Let's get rusty!

NOTE: You can see a list of currently supported languages at bundled installers.

Binding keys

You can modify the default keybindings by modifying the following files:

  • lua/doom/extras/keybindings/init.lua - General and SPC keybindings
  • lua/doom/modules/config - lua plugins keybindings

You can also define your own keybindings in your doom_config.lua with the nvim.mappings field.

Migrating to 3.0.0

As this is a major version, there are many improvements and breaking changes. This section is made to help you migrate to this version without dying in the attempt.

But first let's see what's new:

Changes for end users

  • Raw speed, never go slow again. Reduced average startuptime from 400ms to 40ms (tested with old hardware), special thanks to vhyrro!
  • New and better doom-one colorscheme written in pure Lua. Because the colorscheme matters.
  • Fragmented configuration file (doomrc) so it will be more easy to customize Doom. See New configurations.
  • Easily add new Neovim settings by using your doom_config.lua file. Extensibility is a feature that you cannot miss, and what better than being able to extend Doom as much as you want?
  • New logging system powered by vlog. A faster and smaller logging system because complexity is not always the best choice.
  • Easily enable and disable plugins. Now toggling the doom default plugins is easier than before, just comment or uncomment it in your doomrc.lua!
  • Better custom plugins management. Now the custom plugins are being directly handled by packer as it should be, no more nonsense wrappers around it.
  • Better updating mechanism. Forget these annoying merging issues and save the current state of your Doom Nvim installation in case that you need to rollback your Doom Nvim version because of the demons!
  • Added a DoomRollback command. Something went wrong after updating? No worries, just rollback to a previous version (stable branch) or a previous commit (development branch) and be piece of mind!
  • Built-in plugins. Because we should have some utilities to make our lives easier, isn't this how it should be? See modules/doom for more information.
  • A lot of bug fixes.

Changes for contributors

  • Better documentation. Added docs for each doom lua module because documentation is the core of all projects.
  • Restructured source code. Now the doom nvim source code is much cleaner and easier to understand.
  • Added selene linter CI for incoming pull requests and stylua CI for pushes. Let's get a consistent way to maintain Doom Nvim source!

Now that we know what's new we will surely want to update, isn't it?

Due to the new raw speed we highly recommend that you do a fresh installation so everything will be work as it should. Make sure to backup your doomrc changes so you can apply your changes to the new doom_config.lua configuration file.

We don't recommend using the :DoomUpdate command for this task because of the huge changes that doom nvim gotten. This command will only end in a really bad status for this release due to git merging issues.

With that being said, you can run the following command snippet:


  1. Make sure to read everything it does before executing it.

  2. If you are using cheovim just remove and clone the doom-nvim repository again.

cp $HOME/.config/doom-nvim/doomrc $HOME/.config/doomrc.bak \
    && rm -rf $HOME/.config/doom-nvim $HOME/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer \
    && unlink $HOME/.config/nvim \
    && curl -sLf | bash -s -- -d

This snippet will do the following tasks for you:

  1. Create a copy of your doomrc so you can use a diff tool later with the actual breaking changes to doomrc structure.
  2. Remove the doom-nvim configuration directory and all plugins (including packer).
  3. Remove the residual symlink that doom-nvim have created before during the installation (omit that step if you're using cheovim).
  4. Clone doom-nvim source to where it belongs again by using the installer (installing the development branch because this version is not released yet).

Then you'll only need to start Neovim and start using it as usual!

New configurations

Since version 3.0.0 the doomrc has been fragmented into some files, but why?

This was done to benefit both contributors and end users as follows:

  • Improve understanding. One file that handles everything doesn't seem like a good thing on a large scale.
  • Easier to maintain. Divided by function, the new files make the code more readable and easy to modify.

And now, how can I start using the new configuration files?

I'm going to explain you in a short way because the new configuration files has a rich documentation inside them.

  • doomrc.lua, this file handles the Doom Nvim modules, in other words, which plugins are being installed and loaded and which plugins are not.
  • doom_config.lua, this file handles the user configurations for doom nvim, e.g. if mouse is enabled or not. This one also handles user-defined Neovim configurations like global variables and mappings.
  • plugins.lua, this file handles the user-defined plugins, it is the replacement for the custom_plugins field in the old doomrc.

Are you having issues with the 3.0.0 version? Don't hesitate to report them so we can fix them and make doom more stable because that's the way to improve software.