# game status stored on chain
submit_headers = []
challenge_list = []
next_sampling_blocks = []
challege_time_in_blocks = 100 # wait 100 blocks for challenge time, here is a simplify constant waiting time
last_comfirm_block_height = genesis_block_height # or the block height already comfirm before the game
def header_submit_by_relayer(header):
if next_sampling_blocks and header.block_height not in next_sampling_blocks:
return Err("Submission is not in next sampling blocks")
if header.block_height in next_sampling_blocks:
relayer = ensure_signed() # this function will return the identity of the relayer
if validate(header, submit_headers): # validate header and check if contradictory or not
heaser.relayer = relayer
header.challenge_block_height = current_block_height + challege_time_in_blocks
def challenge(challenge_info):
if challenger != ensure_signed(): # the identity of challenger are different
return Err("There is a challenger")
elif len(challenge_info) > len(submit_headers):
return Err("challenge info is not correct")
elif challenge_info in challenge_list:
return Err("The challenge already exsist")
for c in challenge_info:
if c not in ("0", "1"):
return Err("challenge info is not correct")
if len(challenge_info) > 1
c = calculate_last_comfirm_blocks(challenge_info) # the last comfirm block are different based on different challenge after the secondary round
c = last_submit_block_height
next_sampling_blocks.append(in_the_middle_of(c, submit_headers[-2].block_height))
def offchain_worker():
""" the proccess will called for each block based on substrate """
has_challenge_waiting_blocks = False
for b in submit_headers:
if b.challenge_block_height >= current_block_height:
has_challenge_waiting_blocks = True
if not has_challenge_waiting_blocks:
def close_game()
""" reset status on chain """
submit_headers = []
next_sampling_blocks = []