- Feature: Implement "prison rules"
- Feature: Basic Multiplayer
- Feature: Create Game + Game Lobby
- Feature: Use cookies for basic auth (eg. browser reload)
- Feature: Persist games in DB (SQLite)
- Feature: Randomize dealer offset at start of game
- Feature: Dealer choses trump card if trump card is LIZARD
- Feature: Multiplayer chat
- Feautre: Player login and game history
- Feature: Deploy to public production environment
- Feature: Make a bot that can actually play :D (Not just random)
- Feature: Improve CLI Play
- Feature: End of game summary
- Feature: Announce current dealer in log
- Feature: Play single player game in Web UI
- Feature: Play game via HTTP (single player)
- Feature: Game Server App (stateless, in memory-store)
- Feature: Rotate dealer every new round
- Feature: Calculate scores and declare winner
- Feature: Play against bot player(s)
- Feature: Play entire game of multiple rounds in CLI (stateful)
- Feature: Play single round in CLI (stateful)
- Feature: Core Game Logic