Darya's ORM package provides a simple and flexible Active Record implementation, including a base class for domain models that makes common tasks a breeze.
Darya models are self-validating objects used to represent business entities within an application.
Darya's abstract Model
implementation implements ArrayAccess
, Countable
and Serializable
. It is essentially a flexible set of
data intended to represent an instance of a business entity.
use Darya\ORM\Model;
// Define a model
class Something extends Model
// Instantiate it with some data
$model = new Something([
'id' => 72,
'name' => 'Something',
'type' => 'A thing'
// Access its attributes using any convenient syntax
$id = $model->id; // 72
$name = $model['name']; // 'Something'
$type = $model->get('type'); // 'A thing'
// Change attributes in the same way
$model->id = 73;
$model['name'] = 'Something else';
$model->set('type', 'Another thing');
// Iterate over the attributes
foreach ($model as $key => $value) {
// ...
$serialized = serialize($model);
$attributes = $model->toArray();
$json = $model->toJson();
class Something extends Model
protected $attributes = [
'count' => 'int',
'data' => 'json'
$model = new Something;
$model->count = '1';
$count = $model->count; // 1
$model->data = ['my' => 'data']; // Stored as '{"my":"data"}'
Records are supercharged models with access to persistent storage through the
interfaces. They implement the active
record pattern, but with testability in mind.
The database connection for a single record instance, or all instances of a specific type of record, can be swapped out for a different storage adapter.
use Darya\Database\Connection;
use Darya\Database\Storage;
use Darya\ORM\Record;
$databaseStorage = new Storage(
new Connection\MySql('hostname', 'username', 'password', 'database')
$inMemoryStorage = new Darya\Storage\InMemory;
// Use database storage for all Records
// Use in-memory storage for this type of Record
// Use in-memory storage for this instance of a User Record
// Retrieve the current storage used by the User Record
$userStorage = $user->storage();
They use the typical convention of a singular class name mapping to a plural database table name.
use Darya\ORM\Record;
class User extends Record
would map to the users table.
This can of course be overridden, as can the default primary key of id
class User extends Record
protected $key = 'uid';
protected $table = 'people';
Records provide methods that you may be familiar with.
// Create and save a single user
$user = new User(
'name' => 'Obi-Wan'
// Change a single user
$user = User::find(1);
$user->name = 'Chris';
// Load all users
$users = User::all();
// Save many users
They also provide methods you may not have seen before.
// List all of the values of a given attribute
$list = User::listing('name');
// List all of the distinct values of a given attribute
$names = User::distinct('name');
Powerful query building enables simple retrieval of specific models.
$users = User::query()
->where('name like', '%Chris%')
->where('parent_id', 72)
->limit(5, 10)
See the Darya\Storage
packages for more detail about query
Records can express relationships between themselves and others.
Defining relationships is a breeze.
class Page extends Record
protected $relations = [
'author' => ['belongs_to', 'User', 'author_id'],
'groups' => ['belongs_to_many', 'Group'],
'parent' => ['belongs_to', 'Page', 'parent_id'],
'children' => ['has_many', 'Page', 'parent_id'],
'sections' => ['has_many', 'Section']
Loading and saving them is just as easy.
$page = Page::find(1);
foreach ($page->children as $child) {
$child->title = "$page->title - $child->title";
Saving a record will save any of its loaded related models that have had their attributes changed.
You can skip saving related models if need be.
'skipRelations' => true
Page::saveMany($pages, [
'skipRelations' => true
If you need to load the related records of many parent records, the eager loading feature will help you out.
$pages = Page::eager('children');
// Causes no storage queries; models are already loaded efficiently
foreach ($pages as $page) {
$children = $page->children;
// ...
Without eager loading (Page::all()
), storage would be queried once for each
parent record's children.
With eager loading, all children are loaded efficiently; one query for each relation.
An array of relations can be provided to this method to eagerly load multiple relationships.
// Load all pages and eagerly load all of their related records
$pages = Page::eager(['author', 'groups', 'parent', 'children', 'sections']);