Gameplay assistant for playing Monster Hunter Freedom game on Playstation Portable. It allows you to:
- browse items available in the game
- enter availalbe felyne kitchen ingridients and find out what recipies you can compose, focusing on positive buffs
- browse quests in the game
- browse which quests have the highest ammount of honey harvestable
- browse armors available in the game
- browse armor sets which provide specific skill when equiped
- create and manage your tasks to acomplish while playing game
- history of exchanges made with
... more features to be implemented
Monster Hunter Freedom wiki page: Playstation Portable wiki page:
Compile command, using Java 17 from the root of the project
javac -d .\compiled\WEB-INF\classes .\src\main\java\sandura\mhdatabase\ .\src\main\java\sandura\mhdatabase\item*.java .\src\main\java\sandura\mhdatabase\kitchen*.java .\src\main\java\sandura\mhdatabase\kitchen\ingredient*.java .\src\main\java\sandura\mhdatabase\logging*.java .\src\main\java\sandura\mhdatabase\servlet*.java -classpath C:\Users\dkuwa\Documents\apache-tomcat-10.1.23-windows-x64\apache-tomcat-10.1.23\lib\servlet-api.jar -verbose
Package class files into a jar:
- Navigate to compiled directory
- run command: jar cvf ../artifact-war/MHDB.war *