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Custom machine learning models

Datagrok supports three ML engines out of the box: H2O, Caret, Chemprop. In addition, the platform allows users to build their own customizable ML models. This capability provides full access and control to algorithms available in ML libraries in any of the supported languages. The users may construct and configure any chosen model in their custom data pipeline.

Custom model functionality is implemented as a two-step process using train and apply functions. Train function is used to build/train a model based on provided features and a target variable. The trained model is then stored as an object inside a given directory. Apply function receives previously saved model and applies it to provided feature columns. The resulting predictions are returned in a form of a single column in a dataframe.

Custom models utilize predictive model interface alongside other out-of-the-box solutions. Once implemented, custom models can be chosen from the list of model engines.


Train header parameters

  • #meta.mlname: CustomName – Name of the custom train function
  • #meta.mlrole: train – Action (train or apply)
  • #description: Custom ML train function for KNN algorithm – Description of the function
  • #language: Python – Language (Python, R, Julia)

Train input data parameters

  • #input: dataframe df – Dataframe for training
  • #input: string predict_column – List of features/column names separated by a comma

Train input model parameters

  • #input: int parm1 {category: group1} - Parameter 1 to build a model. Category is used for input parameters grouping within the UI

Train output model parameters

  • #output: blob modelName – Trained model object name. Complete trained model with an absolute path address is stored as a blob object to be retrieved and applied by the Apply function


Apply header parameters

  • #meta.mlname: CustomName – Name of the custom apply function (should match corresponding train function name)
  • #meta.mlrole: apply – Action (train or apply)
  • #description: Custom ML apply function for KNN algorithm – Description of the function
  • #language: Python – Language (Python, R, Julia)

Apply input model parameters

  • #input: blob model – Trained model object name. Complete trained model with an absolute path address saved by the Train function.

Apply input data parameters

  • #input: dataframe df - dataframe for prediction (contains only prediction features)
  • #input: string namesKeys – optional list of original features/column names separated by comma
  • #input: string namesValues – optional list of new features/column names separated by comma. If both namesKeys and namesValues are supplied, namesKeys will replace corresponding namesValues feature names before accessing the dataframe

Apply output parameters

  • #output: dataframe data_out – single-column dataframe of predicted values


IsApplicable is a predicate used to determine if a model can be trained to predict the target column using the feature columns. It usually checks the types of input columns as well as their sizes.

IsApplicable Header Parameters

  • #meta.mlname: CustomName – Name of the custom IsApplicable function (should match the corresponding train function name)
  • #meta.mlrole: isApplicable – Predicate name (isApplicable)
  • #description: Custom ML IsApplicable function for KNN algorithm – Description of the function
  • #language: Python – Language (Python, R, Julia)

IsApplicable Input Data Parameters

  • #input: dataframe df – Dataframe for training
  • #input: string predict_column – List of features/column names separated by a comma

IsApplicable Output Parameters

  • #output: bool result – Boolean value indicating if the model is applicable to the given data


IsInteractive is an optional predicate that operates in the same manner as IsApplicable but is used to determine if a model can be trained quickly, allowing interactive training.


Train function

#name: PyKNNTrain
#meta.mlname: PyKNN
#meta.mlrole: train
#description: Custom Python train function for KNN
#language: python
#input: dataframe df
#input: string predict_column
#input: int n_neighbors {category: FirstParm}
#input: string weights=uniform {category: Parameters; choices: ["uniform", "distance"]}
#input: int leaf_size=30 {category: Parameters}
#input: int p=1 {category: Parameters; range:1-2}
#input: string metric = minkowski {category: Parameters; choices: ["euclidean", "manhattan", "chebyshev", "minkowski"]}
#input: string algorithm = auto {category: Parameters; choices: ["auto","ball_tree", "kd_tree", "brute"]}
#output: blob model

# Import necessary packages
import numpy as np
import pickle
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier

# Extract/prepare train features and target variable
trainX = df.loc[ :,df.columns != predict_column]
trainY = np.asarray (df[predict_column])

# Build and train model
trained_model = KNeighborsClassifier(
    n_neighbors = n_neighbors,
    weights = weights,
    leaf_size= leaf_size,
    p = p,
    metric = metric,
    algorithm = algorithm
), trainY)

# Save trained model
pickle.dump(trained_model, open(model, 'wb'))

Apply function

#name: PyKNNApply
#meta.mlname: PyKNN
#meta.mlrole: apply
#description: Custom Python apply function for KNN
#language: python
#input: blob model
#input: dataframe df
#input: string nameskeys [Original features' names]
#input: string namesvalues [New features' names]
#output: dataframe data_out

# Load necessary packages
import numpy as np
import pickle

# If original(nameskeys) and new(namesvalues) passed, map original names to new
namesKeys = namesKeys.split(",")
namesValues = namesValues.split(",")
if len(namesKeys) > 0:
    featuresNames = list(df)
    for i in range(len(namesKeys)):
        df = df.rename(columns = {namesValues[i]: namesKeys[i]})

testX = np.asarray(df)

# Retrieve saved/trained model
trained_model = pickle.load(open(model, 'rb'))

# Predict using trained model
predY = trained_model.predict(testX)
data_out = pd.DataFrame({'pred': predY})

IsApplicable function

#name: PyKNNIsApplicable
#meta.mlname: PyKNN
#meta.mlrole: isApplicable
#description: Custom Python isApplicable function for KNN
#language: python
#input: dataframe df
#input: string predict_column
#output: bool result

# checks all columns are numerical
import numpy as np
numeric = df.select_dtypes(include=np.number).columns.tolist()
result = len(numeric) == df.shape[1]

See also:

  • "Custom machine learning models" video