diff --git a/datahub-graphql-core/src/main/java/com/linkedin/datahub/graphql/GmsGraphQLEngine.java b/datahub-graphql-core/src/main/java/com/linkedin/datahub/graphql/GmsGraphQLEngine.java
index ef581fbe142bc..077230ba29849 100644
--- a/datahub-graphql-core/src/main/java/com/linkedin/datahub/graphql/GmsGraphQLEngine.java
+++ b/datahub-graphql-core/src/main/java/com/linkedin/datahub/graphql/GmsGraphQLEngine.java
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.generated.CorpUserInfo;
import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.generated.Dashboard;
import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.generated.DashboardInfo;
+import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.generated.DashboardUserUsageCounts;
import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.generated.DataFlow;
import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.generated.DataJob;
import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.generated.DataJobInputOutput;
@@ -81,6 +82,7 @@
import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.resolvers.config.AppConfigResolver;
import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.resolvers.container.ContainerEntitiesResolver;
import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.resolvers.container.ParentContainersResolver;
+import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.resolvers.dashboard.DashboardUsageStatsResolver;
import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.resolvers.dataset.DatasetHealthResolver;
import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.resolvers.deprecation.UpdateDeprecationResolver;
import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.resolvers.domain.CreateDomainResolver;
@@ -1015,6 +1017,7 @@ private void configureDashboardResolvers(final RuntimeWiring.Builder builder) {
.dataFetcher("parentContainers", new ParentContainersResolver(entityClient))
+ .dataFetcher("usageStats", new DashboardUsageStatsResolver(timeseriesAspectService))
builder.type("DashboardInfo", typeWiring -> typeWiring
.dataFetcher("charts", new LoadableTypeBatchResolver<>(chartType,
@@ -1022,6 +1025,11 @@ private void configureDashboardResolvers(final RuntimeWiring.Builder builder) {
+ builder.type("DashboardUserUsageCounts", typeWiring -> typeWiring
+ .dataFetcher("user", new LoadableTypeResolver<>(
+ corpUserType,
+ (env) -> ((DashboardUserUsageCounts) env.getSource()).getUser().getUrn()))
+ );
diff --git a/datahub-graphql-core/src/main/java/com/linkedin/datahub/graphql/resolvers/dashboard/DashboardUsageStatsResolver.java b/datahub-graphql-core/src/main/java/com/linkedin/datahub/graphql/resolvers/dashboard/DashboardUsageStatsResolver.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..b57e70128e4ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/datahub-graphql-core/src/main/java/com/linkedin/datahub/graphql/resolvers/dashboard/DashboardUsageStatsResolver.java
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+package com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.resolvers.dashboard;
+import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
+import com.linkedin.common.urn.Urn;
+import com.linkedin.data.template.StringArray;
+import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.generated.CorpUser;
+import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.generated.DashboardUsageAggregation;
+import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.generated.DashboardUsageAggregationMetrics;
+import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.generated.DashboardUsageMetrics;
+import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.generated.DashboardUsageQueryResult;
+import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.generated.DashboardUsageQueryResultAggregations;
+import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.generated.DashboardUserUsageCounts;
+import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.generated.Entity;
+import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.generated.WindowDuration;
+import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.types.dashboard.mappers.DashboardUsageMetricMapper;
+import com.linkedin.metadata.Constants;
+import com.linkedin.metadata.aspect.EnvelopedAspect;
+import com.linkedin.metadata.query.filter.Condition;
+import com.linkedin.metadata.query.filter.ConjunctiveCriterion;
+import com.linkedin.metadata.query.filter.ConjunctiveCriterionArray;
+import com.linkedin.metadata.query.filter.Criterion;
+import com.linkedin.metadata.query.filter.CriterionArray;
+import com.linkedin.metadata.query.filter.Filter;
+import com.linkedin.metadata.timeseries.TimeseriesAspectService;
+import com.linkedin.timeseries.AggregationSpec;
+import com.linkedin.timeseries.AggregationType;
+import com.linkedin.timeseries.CalendarInterval;
+import com.linkedin.timeseries.GenericTable;
+import com.linkedin.timeseries.GroupingBucket;
+import com.linkedin.timeseries.GroupingBucketType;
+import com.linkedin.timeseries.TimeWindowSize;
+import graphql.schema.DataFetcher;
+import graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment;
+import java.net.URISyntaxException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
+import java.util.stream.Collectors;
+import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
+ * Resolver used for resolving the usage statistics of a Dashboard.
+ *
+ * Returns daily as well as absolute usage metrics of Dashboard
+ */
+public class DashboardUsageStatsResolver implements DataFetcher> {
+ private static final String ES_FIELD_URN = "urn";
+ private static final String ES_FIELD_TIMESTAMP = "timestampMillis";
+ private static final String ES_FIELD_EVENT_GRANULARITY = "eventGranularity";
+ private static final String ES_NULL_VALUE = "NULL";
+ private final TimeseriesAspectService timeseriesAspectService;
+ public DashboardUsageStatsResolver(TimeseriesAspectService timeseriesAspectService) {
+ this.timeseriesAspectService = timeseriesAspectService;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public CompletableFuture get(DataFetchingEnvironment environment) throws Exception {
+ final String dashboardUrn = ((Entity) environment.getSource()).getUrn();
+ final Long maybeStartTimeMillis = environment.getArgumentOrDefault("startTimeMillis", null);
+ final Long maybeEndTimeMillis = environment.getArgumentOrDefault("endTimeMillis", null);
+ // Max number of aspects to return for absolute dashboard usage.
+ final Integer maybeLimit = environment.getArgumentOrDefault("limit", null);
+ return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
+ DashboardUsageQueryResult usageQueryResult = new DashboardUsageQueryResult();
+ // Time Bucket Stats
+ Filter bucketStatsFilter = createBucketUsageStatsFilter(dashboardUrn, maybeStartTimeMillis, maybeEndTimeMillis);
+ List dailyUsageBuckets = getBuckets(bucketStatsFilter, dashboardUrn);
+ DashboardUsageQueryResultAggregations aggregations = getAggregations(bucketStatsFilter, dailyUsageBuckets);
+ usageQueryResult.setBuckets(dailyUsageBuckets);
+ usageQueryResult.setAggregations(aggregations);
+ // Absolute usage metrics
+ List dashboardUsageMetrics =
+ getDashboardUsageMetrics(dashboardUrn, maybeStartTimeMillis, maybeEndTimeMillis, maybeLimit);
+ usageQueryResult.setMetrics(dashboardUsageMetrics);
+ return usageQueryResult;
+ });
+ }
+ private List getDashboardUsageMetrics(String dashboardUrn, Long maybeStartTimeMillis,
+ Long maybeEndTimeMillis, Integer maybeLimit) {
+ List dashboardUsageMetrics;
+ try {
+ Filter filter = new Filter();
+ final ArrayList criteria = new ArrayList<>();
+ // Add filter for absence of eventGranularity - only consider absolute stats
+ Criterion excludeTimeBucketsCriterion =
+ new Criterion().setField(ES_FIELD_EVENT_GRANULARITY).setCondition(Condition.IS_NULL).setValue("");
+ criteria.add(excludeTimeBucketsCriterion);
+ filter.setOr(new ConjunctiveCriterionArray(
+ ImmutableList.of(new ConjunctiveCriterion().setAnd(new CriterionArray(criteria)))));
+ List aspects =
+ timeseriesAspectService.getAspectValues(Urn.createFromString(dashboardUrn), Constants.DASHBOARD_ENTITY_NAME,
+ Constants.DASHBOARD_USAGE_STATISTICS_ASPECT_NAME, maybeStartTimeMillis, maybeEndTimeMillis, maybeLimit,
+ null, filter);
+ dashboardUsageMetrics = aspects.stream().map(DashboardUsageMetricMapper::map).collect(Collectors.toList());
+ } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid resource", e);
+ }
+ return dashboardUsageMetrics;
+ }
+ private DashboardUsageQueryResultAggregations getAggregations(Filter bucketStatsFilter,
+ final List dailyUsageBuckets) {
+ List userUsageCounts = getUserUsageCounts(bucketStatsFilter);
+ DashboardUsageQueryResultAggregations aggregations = new DashboardUsageQueryResultAggregations();
+ aggregations.setUsers(userUsageCounts);
+ aggregations.setUniqueUserCount(userUsageCounts.size());
+ // Compute total viewsCount and executionsCount for queries time range from the buckets itself.
+ // We want to avoid issuing an additional query with a sum aggregation.
+ Integer totalViewsCount = null;
+ Integer totalExecutionsCount = null;
+ for (DashboardUsageAggregation bucket : dailyUsageBuckets) {
+ if (bucket.getMetrics().getExecutionsCount() != null) {
+ if (totalExecutionsCount == null) {
+ totalExecutionsCount = 0;
+ }
+ totalExecutionsCount += bucket.getMetrics().getExecutionsCount();
+ }
+ if (bucket.getMetrics().getViewsCount() != null) {
+ if (totalViewsCount == null) {
+ totalViewsCount = 0;
+ }
+ totalViewsCount += bucket.getMetrics().getViewsCount();
+ }
+ }
+ aggregations.setExecutionsCount(totalExecutionsCount);
+ aggregations.setViewsCount(totalViewsCount);
+ return aggregations;
+ }
+ private List getBuckets(Filter bucketStatsFilter, String dashboardUrn) {
+ AggregationSpec usersCountAggregation =
+ new AggregationSpec().setAggregationType(AggregationType.SUM).setFieldPath("uniqueUserCount");
+ AggregationSpec viewsCountAggregation =
+ new AggregationSpec().setAggregationType(AggregationType.SUM).setFieldPath("viewsCount");
+ AggregationSpec executionsCountAggregation =
+ new AggregationSpec().setAggregationType(AggregationType.SUM).setFieldPath("executionsCount");
+ AggregationSpec usersCountCardinalityAggregation =
+ new AggregationSpec().setAggregationType(AggregationType.CARDINALITY).setFieldPath("uniqueUserCount");
+ AggregationSpec viewsCountCardinalityAggregation =
+ new AggregationSpec().setAggregationType(AggregationType.CARDINALITY).setFieldPath("viewsCount");
+ AggregationSpec executionsCountCardinalityAggregation =
+ new AggregationSpec().setAggregationType(AggregationType.CARDINALITY).setFieldPath("executionsCount");
+ AggregationSpec[] aggregationSpecs =
+ new AggregationSpec[]{usersCountAggregation, viewsCountAggregation, executionsCountAggregation,
+ usersCountCardinalityAggregation, viewsCountCardinalityAggregation, executionsCountCardinalityAggregation};
+ GenericTable dailyStats = timeseriesAspectService.getAggregatedStats(Constants.DASHBOARD_ENTITY_NAME,
+ Constants.DASHBOARD_USAGE_STATISTICS_ASPECT_NAME, aggregationSpecs, bucketStatsFilter,
+ createUsageGroupingBuckets(CalendarInterval.DAY));
+ List buckets = new ArrayList<>();
+ StringArray columnNames = dailyStats.getColumnNames();
+ Integer idxTimestampMillis = columnNames.indexOf("timestampMillis");
+ Integer idxUserCountSum = columnNames.indexOf("sum_uniqueUserCount");
+ Integer idxViewsCountSum = columnNames.indexOf("sum_viewsCount");
+ Integer idxExecutionsCountSum = columnNames.indexOf("sum_executionsCount");
+ Integer idxUserCountCardinality = columnNames.indexOf("cardinality_uniqueUserCount");
+ Integer idxViewsCountCardinality = columnNames.indexOf("cardinality_viewsCount");
+ Integer idxExecutionsCountCardinality = columnNames.indexOf("cardinality_executionsCount");
+ for (StringArray row : dailyStats.getRows()) {
+ DashboardUsageAggregation usageAggregation = new DashboardUsageAggregation();
+ usageAggregation.setBucket(Long.valueOf(row.get(idxTimestampMillis)));
+ usageAggregation.setDuration(WindowDuration.DAY);
+ usageAggregation.setResource(dashboardUrn);
+ DashboardUsageAggregationMetrics usageAggregationMetrics = new DashboardUsageAggregationMetrics();
+ // Note: Currently SUM AggregationType returns 0 (zero) value even if all values in timeseries field being aggregated
+ // are NULL (missing). For example sum of execution counts come up as 0 if all values in executions count timeseries
+ // are NULL. To overcome this, we extract CARDINALITY for the same timeseries field. Cardinality of 0 identifies
+ // above scenario. For such scenario, we set sum as NULL.
+ if (!row.get(idxUserCountSum).equals(ES_NULL_VALUE) && !row.get(idxUserCountCardinality).equals(ES_NULL_VALUE)) {
+ try {
+ if (Integer.valueOf(row.get(idxUserCountCardinality)) != 0) {
+ usageAggregationMetrics.setUniqueUserCount(Integer.valueOf(row.get(idxUserCountSum)));
+ }
+ } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to convert uniqueUserCount from ES to int", e);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!row.get(idxViewsCountSum).equals(ES_NULL_VALUE) && !row.get(idxViewsCountCardinality)
+ .equals(ES_NULL_VALUE)) {
+ try {
+ if (Integer.valueOf(row.get(idxViewsCountCardinality)) != 0) {
+ usageAggregationMetrics.setViewsCount(Integer.valueOf(row.get(idxViewsCountSum)));
+ }
+ } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to convert viewsCount from ES to int", e);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!row.get(idxExecutionsCountSum).equals(ES_NULL_VALUE) && !row.get(idxExecutionsCountCardinality)
+ .equals(ES_NULL_VALUE)) {
+ try {
+ if (Integer.valueOf(row.get(idxExecutionsCountCardinality)) != 0) {
+ usageAggregationMetrics.setExecutionsCount(Integer.valueOf(row.get(idxExecutionsCountSum)));
+ }
+ } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to convert executionsCount from ES to object", e);
+ }
+ }
+ usageAggregation.setMetrics(usageAggregationMetrics);
+ buckets.add(usageAggregation);
+ }
+ return buckets;
+ }
+ private List getUserUsageCounts(Filter filter) {
+ // Sum aggregation on userCounts.count
+ AggregationSpec sumUsageCountsCountAggSpec =
+ new AggregationSpec().setAggregationType(AggregationType.SUM).setFieldPath("userCounts.usageCount");
+ AggregationSpec sumViewCountsCountAggSpec =
+ new AggregationSpec().setAggregationType(AggregationType.SUM).setFieldPath("userCounts.viewsCount");
+ AggregationSpec sumExecutionCountsCountAggSpec =
+ new AggregationSpec().setAggregationType(AggregationType.SUM).setFieldPath("userCounts.executionsCount");
+ AggregationSpec usageCountsCardinalityAggSpec =
+ new AggregationSpec().setAggregationType(AggregationType.CARDINALITY).setFieldPath("userCounts.usageCount");
+ AggregationSpec viewCountsCardinalityAggSpec =
+ new AggregationSpec().setAggregationType(AggregationType.CARDINALITY).setFieldPath("userCounts.viewsCount");
+ AggregationSpec executionCountsCardinalityAggSpec =
+ new AggregationSpec().setAggregationType(AggregationType.CARDINALITY)
+ .setFieldPath("userCounts.executionsCount");
+ AggregationSpec[] aggregationSpecs =
+ new AggregationSpec[]{sumUsageCountsCountAggSpec, sumViewCountsCountAggSpec, sumExecutionCountsCountAggSpec,
+ usageCountsCardinalityAggSpec, viewCountsCardinalityAggSpec, executionCountsCardinalityAggSpec};
+ // String grouping bucket on userCounts.user
+ GroupingBucket userGroupingBucket =
+ new GroupingBucket().setKey("userCounts.user").setType(GroupingBucketType.STRING_GROUPING_BUCKET);
+ GroupingBucket[] groupingBuckets = new GroupingBucket[]{userGroupingBucket};
+ // Query backend
+ GenericTable result = timeseriesAspectService.getAggregatedStats(Constants.DASHBOARD_ENTITY_NAME,
+ Constants.DASHBOARD_USAGE_STATISTICS_ASPECT_NAME, aggregationSpecs, filter, groupingBuckets);
+ StringArray columnNames = result.getColumnNames();
+ Integer idxUser = columnNames.indexOf("userCounts.user");
+ Integer idxUsageCountSum = columnNames.indexOf("sum_userCounts.usageCount");
+ Integer idxViewsCountSum = columnNames.indexOf("sum_userCounts.viewsCount");
+ Integer idxExecutionsCountSum = columnNames.indexOf("sum_userCounts.executionsCount");
+ Integer idxUsageCountCardinality = columnNames.indexOf("cardinality_userCounts.usageCount");
+ Integer idxViewsCountCardinality = columnNames.indexOf("cardinality_userCounts.viewsCount");
+ Integer idxExecutionsCountCardinality = columnNames.indexOf("cardinality_userCounts.executionsCount");
+ // Process response
+ List userUsageCounts = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (StringArray row : result.getRows()) {
+ DashboardUserUsageCounts userUsageCount = new DashboardUserUsageCounts();
+ CorpUser partialUser = new CorpUser();
+ partialUser.setUrn(row.get(idxUser));
+ userUsageCount.setUser(partialUser);
+ // Note: Currently SUM AggregationType returns 0 (zero) value even if all values in timeseries field being aggregated
+ // are NULL (missing). For example sum of execution counts come up as 0 if all values in executions count timeseries
+ // are NULL. To overcome this, we extract CARDINALITY for the same timeseries field. Cardinality of 0 identifies
+ // above scenario. For such scenario, we set sum as NULL.
+ if (!row.get(idxUsageCountSum).equals(ES_NULL_VALUE) && !row.get(idxUsageCountCardinality)
+ .equals(ES_NULL_VALUE)) {
+ try {
+ if (Integer.valueOf(row.get(idxUsageCountCardinality)) != 0) {
+ userUsageCount.setUsageCount(Integer.valueOf(row.get(idxUsageCountSum)));
+ }
+ } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to convert user usage count from ES to int", e);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!row.get(idxViewsCountSum).equals(ES_NULL_VALUE) && row.get(idxViewsCountCardinality).equals(ES_NULL_VALUE)) {
+ try {
+ if (Integer.valueOf(row.get(idxViewsCountCardinality)) != 0) {
+ userUsageCount.setViewsCount(Integer.valueOf(row.get(idxViewsCountSum)));
+ }
+ } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to convert user views count from ES to int", e);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!row.get(idxExecutionsCountSum).equals(ES_NULL_VALUE) && !row.get(idxExecutionsCountCardinality)
+ .equals(ES_NULL_VALUE)) {
+ try {
+ if (Integer.valueOf(row.get(idxExecutionsCountCardinality)) != 0) {
+ userUsageCount.setExecutionsCount(Integer.valueOf(row.get(idxExecutionsCountSum)));
+ }
+ } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to convert user executions count from ES to int", e);
+ }
+ }
+ userUsageCounts.add(userUsageCount);
+ }
+ return userUsageCounts;
+ }
+ private GroupingBucket[] createUsageGroupingBuckets(CalendarInterval calenderInterval) {
+ GroupingBucket timestampBucket = new GroupingBucket();
+ timestampBucket.setKey(ES_FIELD_TIMESTAMP)
+ .setType(GroupingBucketType.DATE_GROUPING_BUCKET)
+ .setTimeWindowSize(new TimeWindowSize().setMultiple(1).setUnit(calenderInterval));
+ return new GroupingBucket[]{timestampBucket};
+ }
+ private Filter createBucketUsageStatsFilter(String dashboardUrn, Long startTime, Long endTime) {
+ Filter filter = new Filter();
+ final ArrayList criteria = new ArrayList<>();
+ // Add filter for urn == dashboardUrn
+ Criterion dashboardUrnCriterion =
+ new Criterion().setField(ES_FIELD_URN).setCondition(Condition.EQUAL).setValue(dashboardUrn);
+ criteria.add(dashboardUrnCriterion);
+ if (startTime != null) {
+ // Add filter for start time
+ Criterion startTimeCriterion = new Criterion().setField(ES_FIELD_TIMESTAMP)
+ .setCondition(Condition.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO)
+ .setValue(Long.toString(startTime));
+ criteria.add(startTimeCriterion);
+ }
+ if (endTime != null) {
+ // Add filter for end time
+ Criterion endTimeCriterion = new Criterion().setField(ES_FIELD_TIMESTAMP)
+ .setCondition(Condition.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO)
+ .setValue(Long.toString(endTime));
+ criteria.add(endTimeCriterion);
+ }
+ // Add filter for presence of eventGranularity - only consider bucket stats and not absolute stats
+ // since unit is mandatory, we assume if eventGranularity contains unit, then it is not null
+ Criterion onlyTimeBucketsCriterion =
+ new Criterion().setField(ES_FIELD_EVENT_GRANULARITY).setCondition(Condition.CONTAIN).setValue("unit");
+ criteria.add(onlyTimeBucketsCriterion);
+ filter.setOr(new ConjunctiveCriterionArray(
+ ImmutableList.of(new ConjunctiveCriterion().setAnd(new CriterionArray(criteria)))));
+ return filter;
+ }
diff --git a/datahub-graphql-core/src/main/java/com/linkedin/datahub/graphql/types/dashboard/mappers/DashboardUsageMetricMapper.java b/datahub-graphql-core/src/main/java/com/linkedin/datahub/graphql/types/dashboard/mappers/DashboardUsageMetricMapper.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..d257aef4be565
--- /dev/null
+++ b/datahub-graphql-core/src/main/java/com/linkedin/datahub/graphql/types/dashboard/mappers/DashboardUsageMetricMapper.java
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+package com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.types.dashboard.mappers;
+import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.generated.DashboardUsageMetrics;
+import com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.types.mappers.TimeSeriesAspectMapper;
+import com.linkedin.metadata.aspect.EnvelopedAspect;
+import com.linkedin.metadata.utils.GenericRecordUtils;
+import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
+public class DashboardUsageMetricMapper implements TimeSeriesAspectMapper {
+ public static final DashboardUsageMetricMapper INSTANCE = new DashboardUsageMetricMapper();
+ public static DashboardUsageMetrics map(@Nonnull final EnvelopedAspect envelopedAspect) {
+ return INSTANCE.apply(envelopedAspect);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public DashboardUsageMetrics apply(EnvelopedAspect envelopedAspect) {
+ com.linkedin.dashboard.DashboardUsageStatistics gmsDashboardUsageStatistics =
+ GenericRecordUtils.deserializeAspect(envelopedAspect.getAspect().getValue(),
+ envelopedAspect.getAspect().getContentType(), com.linkedin.dashboard.DashboardUsageStatistics.class);
+ final com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.generated.DashboardUsageMetrics dashboardUsageMetrics =
+ new com.linkedin.datahub.graphql.generated.DashboardUsageMetrics();
+ dashboardUsageMetrics.setLastViewed(gmsDashboardUsageStatistics.getLastViewedAt());
+ dashboardUsageMetrics.setViewsCount(gmsDashboardUsageStatistics.getViewsCount());
+ dashboardUsageMetrics.setExecutionsCount(gmsDashboardUsageStatistics.getExecutionsCount());
+ dashboardUsageMetrics.setFavoritesCount(gmsDashboardUsageStatistics.getFavoritesCount());
+ dashboardUsageMetrics.setTimestampMillis(gmsDashboardUsageStatistics.getTimestampMillis());
+ return dashboardUsageMetrics;
+ }
diff --git a/datahub-graphql-core/src/main/resources/entity.graphql b/datahub-graphql-core/src/main/resources/entity.graphql
index cb35bc72ffc23..fc5341d187ee6 100644
--- a/datahub-graphql-core/src/main/resources/entity.graphql
+++ b/datahub-graphql-core/src/main/resources/entity.graphql
@@ -4121,6 +4121,12 @@ type Dashboard implements EntityWithRelationships & Entity {
lineage(input: LineageInput!): EntityLineageResult
+ """
+ Experimental (Subject to breaking change) -- Statistics about how this Dashboard is used
+ """
+ usageStats(startTimeMillis: Long, endTimeMillis: Long, limit: Int): DashboardUsageQueryResult
Deprecated, use properties field instead
Additional read only information about the dashboard
@@ -5247,6 +5253,158 @@ type FieldUsageCounts {
count: Int
+Information about individual user usage of a Dashboard
+type DashboardUserUsageCounts {
+ """
+ The user of the Dashboard
+ """
+ user: CorpUser
+ """
+ number of times dashboard has been viewed by the user
+ """
+ viewsCount: Int
+ """
+ number of dashboard executions by the user
+ """
+ executionsCount: Int
+ """
+ Normalized numeric metric representing user's dashboard usage
+ Higher value represents more usage
+ """
+ usageCount: Int
+The result of a dashboard usage query
+type DashboardUsageQueryResult {
+ """
+ A set of relevant time windows for use in displaying usage statistics
+ """
+ buckets: [DashboardUsageAggregation]
+ """
+ A set of rolled up aggregations about the dashboard usage
+ """
+ aggregations: DashboardUsageQueryResultAggregations
+ """
+ A set of absolute dashboard usage metrics
+ """
+ metrics: [DashboardUsageMetrics!]
+A set of rolled up aggregations about the Dashboard usage
+type DashboardUsageQueryResultAggregations {
+ """
+ The count of unique Dashboard users within the queried time range
+ """
+ uniqueUserCount: Int
+ """
+ The specific per user usage counts within the queried time range
+ """
+ users: [DashboardUserUsageCounts]
+ """
+ The total number of dashboard views within the queried time range
+ """
+ viewsCount: Int
+ """
+ The total number of dashboard executions within the queried time range
+ """
+ executionsCount: Int
+A set of absolute dashboard usage metrics
+type DashboardUsageMetrics implements TimeSeriesAspect {
+ """
+ The time at which the metrics were reported
+ """
+ timestampMillis: Long!
+ """
+ The total number of times dashboard has been favorited
+ FIXME: Qualifies as Popularity Metric rather than Usage Metric?
+ """
+ favoritesCount: Int
+ """
+ The total number of dashboard views
+ """
+ viewsCount: Int
+ """
+ The total number of dashboard execution
+ """
+ executionsCount: Int
+ """
+ The time when this dashboard was last viewed
+ """
+ lastViewed: Long
+An aggregation of Dashboard usage statistics
+type DashboardUsageAggregation {
+ """
+ The time window start time
+ """
+ bucket: Long
+ """
+ The time window span
+ """
+ duration: WindowDuration
+ """
+ The resource urn associated with the usage information, eg a Dashboard urn
+ """
+ resource: String
+ """
+ The rolled up usage metrics
+ """
+ metrics: DashboardUsageAggregationMetrics
+Rolled up metrics about Dashboard usage over time
+type DashboardUsageAggregationMetrics {
+ """
+ The unique number of dashboard users within the time range
+ """
+ uniqueUserCount: Int
+ """
+ The total number of dashboard views within the time range
+ """
+ viewsCount: Int
+ """
+ The total number of dashboard executions within the time range
+ """
+ executionsCount: Int
The duration of a fixed window of time
@@ -5273,7 +5431,7 @@ enum WindowDuration {
-A time range used in fetching Dataset Usage statistics
+A time range used in fetching Usage statistics
enum TimeRange {
diff --git a/metadata-ingestion/examples/library/dashboard_usage.py b/metadata-ingestion/examples/library/dashboard_usage.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..ad3bd7c687b16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metadata-ingestion/examples/library/dashboard_usage.py
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+# Imports for urn construction utility methods
+from datetime import datetime
+from typing import List
+from datahub.emitter.mce_builder import make_dashboard_urn, make_user_urn
+from datahub.emitter.mcp import MetadataChangeProposalWrapper
+from datahub.emitter.rest_emitter import DatahubRestEmitter
+# Imports for metadata model classes
+from datahub.metadata.schema_classes import (
+ CalendarIntervalClass,
+ ChangeTypeClass,
+ DashboardUsageStatisticsClass,
+ DashboardUserUsageCountsClass,
+ TimeWindowSizeClass,
+# Create rest emitter
+rest_emitter = DatahubRestEmitter(gms_server="http://localhost:8080")
+usage_day_1_user_counts: List[DashboardUserUsageCountsClass] = [
+ DashboardUserUsageCountsClass(
+ user=make_user_urn("user1"), executionsCount=3, usageCount=3
+ ),
+ DashboardUserUsageCountsClass(
+ user=make_user_urn("user2"), executionsCount=2, usageCount=2
+ ),
+usage_day_1: MetadataChangeProposalWrapper = MetadataChangeProposalWrapper(
+ entityType="dashboard",
+ changeType=ChangeTypeClass.UPSERT,
+ entityUrn=make_dashboard_urn("looker", "dashboards.999999"),
+ aspectName="dashboardUsageStatistics",
+ aspect=DashboardUsageStatisticsClass(
+ timestampMillis=round(
+ datetime.strptime("2022-02-09", "%Y-%m-%d").timestamp() * 1000
+ ),
+ eventGranularity=TimeWindowSizeClass(unit=CalendarIntervalClass.DAY),
+ uniqueUserCount=2,
+ executionsCount=5,
+ userCounts=usage_day_1_user_counts,
+ ),
+absolute_usage_as_of_day_1: MetadataChangeProposalWrapper = (
+ MetadataChangeProposalWrapper(
+ entityType="dashboard",
+ changeType=ChangeTypeClass.UPSERT,
+ entityUrn=make_dashboard_urn("looker", "dashboards.999999"),
+ aspectName="dashboardUsageStatistics",
+ aspect=DashboardUsageStatisticsClass(
+ timestampMillis=round(
+ datetime.strptime("2022-02-09", "%Y-%m-%d").timestamp() * 1000
+ ),
+ favoritesCount=100,
+ viewsCount=25,
+ lastViewedAt=round(
+ datetime.strptime(
+ "2022-02-09 04:45:30", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
+ ).timestamp()
+ * 1000
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+usage_day_2_user_counts: List[DashboardUserUsageCountsClass] = [
+ DashboardUserUsageCountsClass(
+ user=make_user_urn("user1"), executionsCount=4, usageCount=4
+ ),
+ DashboardUserUsageCountsClass(
+ user=make_user_urn("user2"), executionsCount=6, usageCount=6
+ ),
+usage_day_2: MetadataChangeProposalWrapper = MetadataChangeProposalWrapper(
+ entityType="dashboard",
+ changeType=ChangeTypeClass.UPSERT,
+ entityUrn=make_dashboard_urn("looker", "dashboards.999999"),
+ aspectName="dashboardUsageStatistics",
+ aspect=DashboardUsageStatisticsClass(
+ timestampMillis=round(
+ datetime.strptime("2022-02-10", "%Y-%m-%d").timestamp() * 1000
+ ),
+ eventGranularity=TimeWindowSizeClass(unit=CalendarIntervalClass.DAY),
+ uniqueUserCount=2,
+ executionsCount=10,
+ userCounts=usage_day_2_user_counts,
+ ),
+absolute_usage_as_of_day_2: MetadataChangeProposalWrapper = (
+ MetadataChangeProposalWrapper(
+ entityType="dashboard",
+ changeType=ChangeTypeClass.UPSERT,
+ entityUrn=make_dashboard_urn("looker", "dashboards.999999"),
+ aspectName="dashboardUsageStatistics",
+ aspect=DashboardUsageStatisticsClass(
+ timestampMillis=round(
+ datetime.strptime("2022-02-10", "%Y-%m-%d").timestamp() * 1000
+ ),
+ favoritesCount=100,
+ viewsCount=27,
+ lastViewedAt=round(
+ datetime.strptime(
+ "2022-02-10 10:45:30", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
+ ).timestamp()
+ * 1000
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+usage_day_3_user_counts: List[DashboardUserUsageCountsClass] = [
+ DashboardUserUsageCountsClass(
+ user=make_user_urn("user1"), executionsCount=2, usageCount=2
+ ),
+usage_day_3: MetadataChangeProposalWrapper = MetadataChangeProposalWrapper(
+ entityType="dashboard",
+ changeType=ChangeTypeClass.UPSERT,
+ entityUrn=make_dashboard_urn("looker", "dashboards.999999"),
+ aspectName="dashboardUsageStatistics",
+ aspect=DashboardUsageStatisticsClass(
+ timestampMillis=round(
+ datetime.strptime("2022-02-11", "%Y-%m-%d").timestamp() * 1000
+ ),
+ eventGranularity=TimeWindowSizeClass(unit=CalendarIntervalClass.DAY),
+ uniqueUserCount=1,
+ executionsCount=2,
+ userCounts=usage_day_3_user_counts,
+ ),
+absolute_usage_as_of_day_3: MetadataChangeProposalWrapper = (
+ MetadataChangeProposalWrapper(
+ entityType="dashboard",
+ changeType=ChangeTypeClass.UPSERT,
+ entityUrn=make_dashboard_urn("looker", "dashboards.999999"),
+ aspectName="dashboardUsageStatistics",
+ aspect=DashboardUsageStatisticsClass(
+ timestampMillis=round(
+ datetime.strptime("2022-02-11", "%Y-%m-%d").timestamp() * 1000
+ ),
+ favoritesCount=102,
+ viewsCount=30,
+ lastViewedAt=round(
+ datetime.strptime(
+ "2022-02-11 02:45:30", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
+ ).timestamp()
+ * 1000
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
diff --git a/metadata-ingestion/src/datahub/ingestion/source/looker.py b/metadata-ingestion/src/datahub/ingestion/source/looker.py
index bf6e9ee45b8ee..1712abaa546a7 100644
--- a/metadata-ingestion/src/datahub/ingestion/source/looker.py
+++ b/metadata-ingestion/src/datahub/ingestion/source/looker.py
@@ -63,16 +63,48 @@
from datahub.metadata.com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.mxe import MetadataChangeEvent
from datahub.metadata.schema_classes import (
+ CalendarIntervalClass,
+ ChangeTypeClass,
+ DashboardUsageStatisticsClass,
+ DashboardUserUsageCountsClass,
+ TimeWindowSizeClass,
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+usage_queries: Dict[str, Dict] = {
+ # Query - group by dashboard and date, find unique users, dashboard runs count
+ "counts_per_day_per_dashboard": {
+ "model": "system__activity",
+ "view": "history",
+ "fields": [
+ "history.dashboard_id",
+ "history.created_date",
+ "history.dashboard_user",
+ "history.dashboard_run_count",
+ ],
+ "filters": {},
+ },
+ # Query - group by user, dashboard and date, find runs count
+ "counts_per_day_per_user_per_dashboard": {
+ "model": "system__activity",
+ "view": "history",
+ "fields": [
+ "history.created_date",
+ "history.dashboard_id",
+ "history.dashboard_run_count",
+ "user.id",
+ ],
+ "filters": {},
+ },
class TransportOptionsConfig(ConfigModel):
timeout: int
@@ -158,6 +190,15 @@ class LookerDashboardSourceConfig(LookerAPIConfig, LookerCommonConfig):
description="Optional URL to use when constructing external URLs to Looker if the `base_url` is not the correct one to use. For example, `https://looker-public.company.com`. If not provided, the external base URL will default to `base_url`.",
+ extract_usage_history: bool = Field(
+ False,
+ description="Experimental (Subject to breaking change) -- Whether to ingest usage statistics for dashboards. Setting this to True will query looker system activity explores to fetch historical dashboard usage.",
+ )
+ # TODO - stateful ingestion to autodetect usage history interval
+ extract_usage_history_for_interval: str = Field(
+ "1 day ago",
+ description="Experimental (Subject to breaking change) -- Used only if extract_usage_history is set to True. Interval to extract looker dashboard usage history for . https://docs.looker.com/reference/filter-expressions#date_and_time",
+ )
@validator("external_base_url", pre=True, always=True)
def external_url_defaults_to_api_config_base_url(
@@ -308,6 +349,9 @@ class LookerDashboard:
last_updated_by: Optional[LookerUser] = None
deleted_at: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None
deleted_by: Optional[LookerUser] = None
+ favorite_count: Optional[int] = None
+ view_count: Optional[int] = None
+ last_viewed_at: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None
def url(self, base_url):
# If the base_url contains a port number (like https://company.looker.com:19999) remove the port number
@@ -447,7 +491,7 @@ def _get_fields_from_query(self, query: Optional[Query]) -> List[str]:
def _get_looker_dashboard_element( # noqa: C901
self, element: DashboardElement
) -> Optional[LookerDashboardElement]:
- # Dashboard elements can use raw queries against explores
+ # Dashboard elements can use raw usage_queries against explores
explores: List[str]
fields: List[str]
@@ -697,12 +741,14 @@ def fetch_one_explore(
def _make_dashboard_and_chart_mces(
self, looker_dashboard: LookerDashboard
- ) -> List[MetadataChangeEvent]:
+ ) -> Iterable[Union[MetadataChangeEvent, MetadataChangeProposalWrapper]]:
chart_mces = [
self._make_chart_mce(element, looker_dashboard)
for element in looker_dashboard.dashboard_elements
if element.type == "vis"
+ for chart_mce in chart_mces:
+ yield chart_mce
dashboard_urn = builder.make_dashboard_urn(
self.source_config.platform_name, looker_dashboard.get_urn_dashboard_id()
@@ -734,8 +780,27 @@ def _make_dashboard_and_chart_mces(
dashboard_mce = MetadataChangeEvent(proposedSnapshot=dashboard_snapshot)
- return chart_mces + [dashboard_mce]
+ yield dashboard_mce
+ if self.source_config.extract_usage_history:
+ # Emit snapshot values of dashboard usage - do this always ?
+ dashboard_usage_mcp = MetadataChangeProposalWrapper(
+ entityType="dashboard",
+ entityUrn=dashboard_urn,
+ changeType=ChangeTypeClass.UPSERT,
+ aspectName="dashboardUsageStatistics",
+ aspect=DashboardUsageStatisticsClass(
+ timestampMillis=round(datetime.datetime.now().timestamp() * 1000),
+ favoritesCount=looker_dashboard.favorite_count,
+ viewsCount=looker_dashboard.view_count,
+ lastViewedAt=round(
+ looker_dashboard.last_viewed_at.timestamp() * 1000
+ )
+ if looker_dashboard.last_viewed_at
+ else None,
+ ),
+ )
+ yield dashboard_usage_mcp
def get_ownership(
self, looker_dashboard: LookerDashboard
@@ -859,6 +924,9 @@ def _get_looker_dashboard(
+ favorite_count=dashboard.favorite_count,
+ view_count=dashboard.view_count,
+ last_viewed_at=dashboard.last_viewed_at,
return looker_dashboard
@@ -908,6 +976,12 @@ def process_dashboard(
+ if self.source_config.extract_usage_history:
+ fields += [
+ "favorite_count",
+ "view_count",
+ "last_viewed_at",
+ ]
dashboard_object: Dashboard = self.client.dashboard(
@@ -939,10 +1013,117 @@ def process_dashboard(
# for mce in mces:
workunits = [
MetadataWorkUnit(id=f"looker-{mce.proposedSnapshot.urn}", mce=mce)
+ if isinstance(mce, MetadataChangeEvent)
+ else MetadataWorkUnit(
+ id=f"looker-{mce.aspectName}-{mce.entityUrn}", mcp=mce
+ )
for mce in mces
return workunits, dashboard_id, start_time, datetime.datetime.now()
+ def extract_usage_history_from_system_activity(
+ self, dashboard_ids: List[str]
+ ) -> Iterable[MetadataChangeProposalWrapper]:
+ # key tuple (dashboard_id, date)
+ dashboard_usages: Dict[tuple, DashboardUsageStatisticsClass] = dict()
+ common_filters = {
+ "history.dashboard_id": ",".join(dashboard_ids),
+ "history.created_date": self.source_config.extract_usage_history_for_interval,
+ }
+ for query in usage_queries.values():
+ query["filters"].update(common_filters)
+ self._populate_dashboard_counts(dashboard_usages)
+ self._populate_userwise_runs_counts(dashboard_usages)
+ for key, val in dashboard_usages.items():
+ yield MetadataChangeProposalWrapper(
+ entityType="dashboard",
+ entityUrn=builder.make_dashboard_urn(
+ self.source_config.platform_name,
+ f"dashboards.{key[0]}", # in sync with LookerDashboard.get_urn_dashboard_id
+ ),
+ changeType=ChangeTypeClass.UPSERT,
+ aspectName="dashboardUsageStatistics",
+ aspect=val,
+ )
+ def _populate_userwise_runs_counts(self, dashboard_usages):
+ userwise_count_rows = LookerUtil.run_inline_query(
+ self.client, usage_queries["counts_per_day_per_user_per_dashboard"]
+ )
+ for row in userwise_count_rows:
+ user: Optional[LookerUser] = (
+ self.user_registry.get_by_id(
+ row["user.id"],
+ self.source_config.transport_options.get_transport_options()
+ if self.source_config.transport_options is not None
+ else None,
+ )
+ if row["user.id"] is not None
+ else None
+ )
+ if user is None:
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Unable to resolve user with id {row['user.id']}, skipping"
+ )
+ continue
+ user_urn: Optional[str] = user._get_urn(
+ self.source_config.strip_user_ids_from_email
+ )
+ if user_urn is None:
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Unable to resolve urn for user with id {row['user.id']}, skipping"
+ )
+ continue
+ user_usage: DashboardUserUsageCountsClass = DashboardUserUsageCountsClass(
+ user=user_urn,
+ executionsCount=row["history.dashboard_run_count"],
+ usageCount=row["history.dashboard_run_count"],
+ )
+ usage_mcp_prev = dashboard_usages.get(
+ (row["history.dashboard_id"], row["history.created_date"])
+ )
+ if usage_mcp_prev is None:
+ # Unreachable
+ logger.warning(
+ f"User counts found but no users for {row['history.dashboard_id']} on date {row['history.created_date']}"
+ )
+ continue
+ if usage_mcp_prev.userCounts is None:
+ usage_mcp_prev.userCounts = [user_usage]
+ else:
+ usage_mcp_prev.userCounts.append(user_usage)
+ def _populate_dashboard_counts(self, dashboard_usages):
+ count_rows = LookerUtil.run_inline_query(
+ self.client,
+ usage_queries["counts_per_day_per_dashboard"],
+ )
+ for row in count_rows:
+ dashboard_usages[
+ (row["history.dashboard_id"], row["history.created_date"])
+ ] = DashboardUsageStatisticsClass(
+ timestampMillis=round(
+ datetime.datetime.strptime(row["history.created_date"], "%Y-%m-%d")
+ .replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
+ .timestamp()
+ * 1000
+ ),
+ eventGranularity=TimeWindowSizeClass(unit=CalendarIntervalClass.DAY),
+ uniqueUserCount=row["history.dashboard_user"],
+ executionsCount=row["history.dashboard_run_count"],
+ )
def get_workunits(self) -> Iterable[MetadataWorkUnit]:
dashboards = self.client.all_dashboards(
@@ -1029,5 +1210,17 @@ def get_workunits(self) -> Iterable[MetadataWorkUnit]:
yield workunit
+ if self.source_config.extract_usage_history and dashboard_ids is not None:
+ usage_mcps = self.extract_usage_history_from_system_activity(
+ dashboard_ids # type:ignore
+ )
+ for usage_mcp in usage_mcps:
+ workunit = MetadataWorkUnit(
+ id=f"looker-{usage_mcp.aspectName}-{usage_mcp.entityUrn}-{usage_mcp.aspect.timestampMillis}", # type:ignore
+ mcp=usage_mcp,
+ )
+ self.reporter.report_workunit(workunit)
+ yield workunit
def get_report(self) -> SourceReport:
return self.reporter
diff --git a/metadata-ingestion/src/datahub/ingestion/source/looker_common.py b/metadata-ingestion/src/datahub/ingestion/source/looker_common.py
index fce797d019b9e..2535ca214867a 100644
--- a/metadata-ingestion/src/datahub/ingestion/source/looker_common.py
+++ b/metadata-ingestion/src/datahub/ingestion/source/looker_common.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import json
import logging
import re
from dataclasses import dataclass
@@ -8,6 +9,7 @@
from looker_sdk.error import SDKError
from looker_sdk.rtl.transport import TransportOptions
from looker_sdk.sdk.api31.methods import Looker31SDK
+from looker_sdk.sdk.api31.models import WriteQuery
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from pydantic.class_validators import validator
@@ -457,6 +459,42 @@ def _display_name(name: str) -> str:
"""Returns a display name that corresponds to the Looker conventions"""
return name.replace("_", " ").title() if name else name
+ @staticmethod
+ def create_query_request(q: dict, limit: Optional[str] = None) -> WriteQuery:
+ return WriteQuery(
+ model=q["model"],
+ view=q["view"],
+ fields=q.get("fields"),
+ filters=q.get("filters"),
+ filter_expression=q.get("filter_expressions"),
+ sorts=q.get("sorts"),
+ limit=q.get("limit") or limit,
+ column_limit=q.get("column_limit"),
+ vis_config={"type": "looker_column"},
+ filter_config=q.get("filter_config"),
+ query_timezone="UTC",
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def run_inline_query(client: Looker31SDK, q: dict) -> List:
+ response_sql = client.run_inline_query(
+ result_format="sql",
+ body=LookerUtil.create_query_request(q),
+ )
+ logger.debug("=================Query=================")
+ logger.debug(response_sql)
+ response_json = client.run_inline_query(
+ result_format="json",
+ body=LookerUtil.create_query_request(q),
+ )
+ logger.debug("=================Response=================")
+ data = json.loads(response_json)
+ logger.debug(f"length {len(data)}")
+ return data
class LookerExplore:
diff --git a/metadata-ingestion/tests/integration/looker/looker_mces_usage_history.json b/metadata-ingestion/tests/integration/looker/looker_mces_usage_history.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..c784e94a6e14c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metadata-ingestion/tests/integration/looker/looker_mces_usage_history.json
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+ "auditHeader": null,
+ "proposedSnapshot": {
+ "com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.metadata.snapshot.DashboardSnapshot": {
+ "urn": "urn:li:dashboard:(looker,dashboards.1)",
+ "aspects": [
+ {
+ "com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.dashboard.DashboardInfo": {
+ "customProperties": {},
+ "externalUrl": null,
+ "title": "foo",
+ "description": "lorem ipsum",
+ "charts": [],
+ "datasets": [],
+ "lastModified": {
+ "created": {
+ "time": 1586847600000,
+ "actor": "urn:li:corpuser:unknown",
+ "impersonator": null
+ },
+ "lastModified": {
+ "time": 1586847600000,
+ "actor": "urn:li:corpuser:unknown",
+ "impersonator": null
+ },
+ "deleted": null
+ },
+ "dashboardUrl": "https://looker.company.com/dashboards/1",
+ "access": null,
+ "lastRefreshed": null
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.common.Status": {
+ "removed": false
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "proposedDelta": null,
+ "systemMetadata": {
+ "lastObserved": 1586847600000,
+ "runId": "looker-test",
+ "registryName": null,
+ "registryVersion": null,
+ "properties": null
+ }
+ "auditHeader": null,
+ "entityType": "dashboard",
+ "entityUrn": "urn:li:dashboard:(looker,dashboards.1)",
+ "entityKeyAspect": null,
+ "changeType": "UPSERT",
+ "aspectName": "dashboardUsageStatistics",
+ "aspect": {
+ "value": "{\"timestampMillis\": 1586847600000, \"partitionSpec\": {\"type\": \"FULL_TABLE\", \"partition\": \"FULL_TABLE_SNAPSHOT\"}, \"viewsCount\": 25, \"favoritesCount\": 5, \"lastViewedAt\": 1586847600000}",
+ "contentType": "application/json"
+ },
+ "systemMetadata": {
+ "lastObserved": 1586847600000,
+ "runId": "looker-test",
+ "registryName": null,
+ "registryVersion": null,
+ "properties": null
+ }
+ "auditHeader": null,
+ "proposedSnapshot": {
+ "com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.metadata.snapshot.DatasetSnapshot": {
+ "urn": "urn:li:dataset:(urn:li:dataPlatform:looker,data.explore.my_view,PROD)",
+ "aspects": [
+ {
+ "com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.common.BrowsePaths": {
+ "paths": [
+ "/prod/looker/lkml_samples/explores/data.my_view"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.common.Status": {
+ "removed": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.dataset.DatasetProperties": {
+ "customProperties": {
+ "looker.explore.label": "My Explore View",
+ "looker.explore.file": "test_source_file.lkml"
+ },
+ "externalUrl": "https://looker.company.com/explore/data/my_view",
+ "name": "My Explore View",
+ "qualifiedName": null,
+ "description": "lorem ipsum",
+ "uri": null,
+ "tags": []
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.dataset.UpstreamLineage": {
+ "upstreams": [
+ {
+ "auditStamp": {
+ "time": 0,
+ "actor": "urn:li:corpuser:unknown",
+ "impersonator": null
+ },
+ "dataset": "urn:li:dataset:(urn:li:dataPlatform:looker,lkml_samples.view.underlying_view,PROD)",
+ "type": "VIEW"
+ }
+ ],
+ "fineGrainedLineages": null
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.schema.SchemaMetadata": {
+ "schemaName": "my_view",
+ "platform": "urn:li:dataPlatform:looker",
+ "version": 0,
+ "created": {
+ "time": 0,
+ "actor": "urn:li:corpuser:unknown",
+ "impersonator": null
+ },
+ "lastModified": {
+ "time": 0,
+ "actor": "urn:li:corpuser:unknown",
+ "impersonator": null
+ },
+ "deleted": null,
+ "dataset": null,
+ "cluster": null,
+ "hash": "",
+ "platformSchema": {
+ "com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.schema.OtherSchema": {
+ "rawSchema": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "fieldPath": "dim1",
+ "jsonPath": null,
+ "nullable": false,
+ "description": "",
+ "created": null,
+ "lastModified": null,
+ "type": {
+ "type": {
+ "com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.schema.StringType": {}
+ }
+ },
+ "nativeDataType": "string",
+ "recursive": false,
+ "globalTags": {
+ "tags": [
+ {
+ "tag": "urn:li:tag:Dimension",
+ "context": null
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "glossaryTerms": null,
+ "isPartOfKey": false,
+ "isPartitioningKey": null,
+ "jsonProps": null
+ }
+ ],
+ "primaryKeys": [],
+ "foreignKeysSpecs": null,
+ "foreignKeys": null
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "proposedDelta": null,
+ "systemMetadata": {
+ "lastObserved": 1586847600000,
+ "runId": "looker-test",
+ "registryName": null,
+ "registryVersion": null,
+ "properties": null
+ }
+ "auditHeader": null,
+ "entityType": "dataset",
+ "entityUrn": "urn:li:dataset:(urn:li:dataPlatform:looker,data.explore.my_view,PROD)",
+ "entityKeyAspect": null,
+ "changeType": "UPSERT",
+ "aspectName": "subTypes",
+ "aspect": {
+ "value": "{\"typeNames\": [\"explore\"]}",
+ "contentType": "application/json"
+ },
+ "systemMetadata": {
+ "lastObserved": 1586847600000,
+ "runId": "looker-test",
+ "registryName": null,
+ "registryVersion": null,
+ "properties": null
+ }
+ "auditHeader": null,
+ "proposedSnapshot": {
+ "com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.metadata.snapshot.TagSnapshot": {
+ "urn": "urn:li:tag:Dimension",
+ "aspects": [
+ {
+ "com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.common.Ownership": {
+ "owners": [
+ {
+ "owner": "urn:li:corpuser:datahub",
+ "type": "DATAOWNER",
+ "source": null
+ }
+ ],
+ "lastModified": {
+ "time": 0,
+ "actor": "urn:li:corpuser:unknown",
+ "impersonator": null
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.tag.TagProperties": {
+ "name": "Dimension",
+ "description": "A tag that is applied to all dimension fields.",
+ "colorHex": null
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "proposedDelta": null,
+ "systemMetadata": {
+ "lastObserved": 1586847600000,
+ "runId": "looker-test",
+ "registryName": null,
+ "registryVersion": null,
+ "properties": null
+ }
+ "auditHeader": null,
+ "proposedSnapshot": {
+ "com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.metadata.snapshot.TagSnapshot": {
+ "urn": "urn:li:tag:Temporal",
+ "aspects": [
+ {
+ "com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.common.Ownership": {
+ "owners": [
+ {
+ "owner": "urn:li:corpuser:datahub",
+ "type": "DATAOWNER",
+ "source": null
+ }
+ ],
+ "lastModified": {
+ "time": 0,
+ "actor": "urn:li:corpuser:unknown",
+ "impersonator": null
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.tag.TagProperties": {
+ "name": "Temporal",
+ "description": "A tag that is applied to all time-based (temporal) fields such as timestamps or durations.",
+ "colorHex": null
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "proposedDelta": null,
+ "systemMetadata": {
+ "lastObserved": 1586847600000,
+ "runId": "looker-test",
+ "registryName": null,
+ "registryVersion": null,
+ "properties": null
+ }
+ "auditHeader": null,
+ "proposedSnapshot": {
+ "com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.metadata.snapshot.TagSnapshot": {
+ "urn": "urn:li:tag:Measure",
+ "aspects": [
+ {
+ "com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.common.Ownership": {
+ "owners": [
+ {
+ "owner": "urn:li:corpuser:datahub",
+ "type": "DATAOWNER",
+ "source": null
+ }
+ ],
+ "lastModified": {
+ "time": 0,
+ "actor": "urn:li:corpuser:unknown",
+ "impersonator": null
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.tag.TagProperties": {
+ "name": "Measure",
+ "description": "A tag that is applied to all measures (metrics). Measures are typically the columns that you aggregate on",
+ "colorHex": null
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "proposedDelta": null,
+ "systemMetadata": {
+ "lastObserved": 1586847600000,
+ "runId": "looker-test",
+ "registryName": null,
+ "registryVersion": null,
+ "properties": null
+ }
+ "auditHeader": null,
+ "entityType": "dashboard",
+ "entityUrn": "urn:li:dashboard:(looker,dashboards.11)",
+ "entityKeyAspect": null,
+ "changeType": "UPSERT",
+ "aspectName": "dashboardUsageStatistics",
+ "aspect": {
+ "value": "{\"timestampMillis\": 1656979200000, \"eventGranularity\": {\"unit\": \"DAY\", \"multiple\": 1}, \"partitionSpec\": {\"type\": \"FULL_TABLE\", \"partition\": \"FULL_TABLE_SNAPSHOT\"}, \"executionsCount\": 14, \"uniqueUserCount\": 1, \"userCounts\": [{\"user\": \"urn:li:corpuser:test@looker.com\", \"executionsCount\": 14, \"usageCount\": 14}]}",
+ "contentType": "application/json"
+ },
+ "systemMetadata": {
+ "lastObserved": 1586847600000,
+ "runId": "looker-test",
+ "registryName": null,
+ "registryVersion": null,
+ "properties": null
+ }
+ "auditHeader": null,
+ "entityType": "dashboard",
+ "entityUrn": "urn:li:dashboard:(looker,dashboards.12)",
+ "entityKeyAspect": null,
+ "changeType": "UPSERT",
+ "aspectName": "dashboardUsageStatistics",
+ "aspect": {
+ "value": "{\"timestampMillis\": 1656979200000, \"eventGranularity\": {\"unit\": \"DAY\", \"multiple\": 1}, \"partitionSpec\": {\"type\": \"FULL_TABLE\", \"partition\": \"FULL_TABLE_SNAPSHOT\"}, \"executionsCount\": 14, \"uniqueUserCount\": 1, \"userCounts\": [{\"user\": \"urn:li:corpuser:test@looker.com\", \"executionsCount\": 14, \"usageCount\": 14}]}",
+ "contentType": "application/json"
+ },
+ "systemMetadata": {
+ "lastObserved": 1586847600000,
+ "runId": "looker-test",
+ "registryName": null,
+ "registryVersion": null,
+ "properties": null
+ }
+ "auditHeader": null,
+ "entityType": "dashboard",
+ "entityUrn": "urn:li:dashboard:(looker,dashboards.37)",
+ "entityKeyAspect": null,
+ "changeType": "UPSERT",
+ "aspectName": "dashboardUsageStatistics",
+ "aspect": {
+ "value": "{\"timestampMillis\": 1656979200000, \"eventGranularity\": {\"unit\": \"DAY\", \"multiple\": 1}, \"partitionSpec\": {\"type\": \"FULL_TABLE\", \"partition\": \"FULL_TABLE_SNAPSHOT\"}, \"executionsCount\": 5, \"uniqueUserCount\": 1, \"userCounts\": [{\"user\": \"urn:li:corpuser:test@looker.com\", \"executionsCount\": 5, \"usageCount\": 5}]}",
+ "contentType": "application/json"
+ },
+ "systemMetadata": {
+ "lastObserved": 1586847600000,
+ "runId": "looker-test",
+ "registryName": null,
+ "registryVersion": null,
+ "properties": null
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/metadata-ingestion/tests/integration/looker/test_looker.py b/metadata-ingestion/tests/integration/looker/test_looker.py
index 0f878145b2f97..598990c35da93 100644
--- a/metadata-ingestion/tests/integration/looker/test_looker.py
+++ b/metadata-ingestion/tests/integration/looker/test_looker.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import json
import time
from datetime import datetime
from unittest import mock
@@ -11,9 +12,12 @@
+ User,
+ WriteQuery,
from datahub.ingestion.run.pipeline import Pipeline
+from datahub.ingestion.source.looker import usage_queries
from tests.test_helpers import mce_helpers
FROZEN_TIME = "2020-04-14 07:00:00"
@@ -286,6 +290,69 @@ def setup_mock_explore(mocked_client):
+def setup_mock_user(mocked_client):
+ mocked_client.user.return_value = User(id=1, email="test@looker.com")
+def side_effect_query_inline(result_format: str, body: WriteQuery) -> str:
+ query_type = None
+ if result_format == "sql":
+ return "" # Placeholder for sql text
+ for query_name, query_template in usage_queries.items():
+ if body.fields == query_template["fields"]:
+ query_type = query_name
+ if query_type == "counts_per_day_per_dashboard":
+ return json.dumps(
+ [
+ {
+ "history.dashboard_id": "11",
+ "history.created_date": "2022-07-05",
+ "history.dashboard_user": 1,
+ "history.dashboard_run_count": 14,
+ },
+ {
+ "history.dashboard_id": "12",
+ "history.created_date": "2022-07-05",
+ "history.dashboard_user": 1,
+ "history.dashboard_run_count": 14,
+ },
+ {
+ "history.dashboard_id": "37",
+ "history.created_date": "2022-07-05",
+ "history.dashboard_user": 1,
+ "history.dashboard_run_count": 5,
+ },
+ ]
+ )
+ if query_type == "counts_per_day_per_user_per_dashboard":
+ return json.dumps(
+ [
+ {
+ "history.created_date": "2022-07-05",
+ "history.dashboard_id": "11",
+ "user.id": 1,
+ "history.dashboard_run_count": 14,
+ },
+ {
+ "history.created_date": "2022-07-05",
+ "history.dashboard_id": "12",
+ "user.id": 1,
+ "history.dashboard_run_count": 14,
+ },
+ {
+ "history.created_date": "2022-07-05",
+ "history.dashboard_id": "37",
+ "user.id": 1,
+ "history.dashboard_run_count": 5,
+ },
+ ]
+ )
+ raise Exception("Unknown Query")
def test_looker_ingest_allow_pattern(pytestconfig, tmp_path, mock_time):
mocked_client = mock.MagicMock()
@@ -355,3 +422,68 @@ def test_looker_ingest_allow_pattern(pytestconfig, tmp_path, mock_time):
output_path=tmp_path / "looker_mces.json",
+def test_looker_ingest_usage_history(pytestconfig, tmp_path, mock_time):
+ mocked_client = mock.MagicMock()
+ with mock.patch("looker_sdk.init31") as mock_sdk:
+ mock_sdk.return_value = mocked_client
+ mocked_client.all_dashboards.return_value = [Dashboard(id="1")]
+ mocked_client.dashboard.return_value = Dashboard(
+ id="1",
+ title="foo",
+ created_at=datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time()),
+ updated_at=datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time()),
+ description="lorem ipsum",
+ favorite_count=5,
+ view_count=25,
+ last_viewed_at=datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time()),
+ dashboard_elements=[
+ DashboardElement(
+ id="2",
+ type="",
+ subtitle_text="Some text",
+ query=Query(
+ model="data",
+ view="my_view",
+ dynamic_fields='[{"table_calculation":"calc","label":"foobar","expression":"offset(${my_table.value},1)","value_format":null,"value_format_name":"eur","_kind_hint":"measure","_type_hint":"number"}]',
+ ),
+ )
+ ],
+ )
+ mocked_client.run_inline_query.side_effect = side_effect_query_inline
+ setup_mock_explore(mocked_client)
+ setup_mock_user(mocked_client)
+ test_resources_dir = pytestconfig.rootpath / "tests/integration/looker"
+ pipeline = Pipeline.create(
+ {
+ "run_id": "looker-test",
+ "source": {
+ "type": "looker",
+ "config": {
+ "base_url": "https://looker.company.com",
+ "client_id": "foo",
+ "client_secret": "bar",
+ "extract_usage_history": True,
+ },
+ },
+ "sink": {
+ "type": "file",
+ "config": {
+ "filename": f"{tmp_path}/looker_mces.json",
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ )
+ pipeline.run()
+ pipeline.raise_from_status()
+ mce_out_file = "looker_mces_usage_history.json"
+ mce_helpers.check_golden_file(
+ pytestconfig,
+ output_path=tmp_path / "looker_mces.json",
+ golden_path=f"{test_resources_dir}/{mce_out_file}",
+ )
diff --git a/metadata-ingestion/tests/integration/s3/test_s3.py b/metadata-ingestion/tests/integration/s3/test_s3.py
index f20567bdbdf82..d4e840c7e837e 100644
--- a/metadata-ingestion/tests/integration/s3/test_s3.py
+++ b/metadata-ingestion/tests/integration/s3/test_s3.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
import os
import pytest
-from boto3 import Session
+from boto3.session import Session
from moto import mock_s3
from pydantic import ValidationError
diff --git a/metadata-io/src/main/java/com/linkedin/metadata/search/utils/ESUtils.java b/metadata-io/src/main/java/com/linkedin/metadata/search/utils/ESUtils.java
index 658c6945b3be8..bc3066628abcd 100644
--- a/metadata-io/src/main/java/com/linkedin/metadata/search/utils/ESUtils.java
+++ b/metadata-io/src/main/java/com/linkedin/metadata/search/utils/ESUtils.java
@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ public static BoolQueryBuilder buildFilterQuery(@Nullable Filter filter) {
log.warn("Received query Filter with a deprecated field 'criteria'. Use 'or' instead.");
final BoolQueryBuilder andQueryBuilder = new BoolQueryBuilder();
filter.getCriteria().forEach(criterion -> {
- if (!criterion.getValue().trim().isEmpty() || criterion.hasValues()) {
+ if (!criterion.getValue().trim().isEmpty() || criterion.hasValues()
+ || criterion.getCondition() == Condition.IS_NULL) {
@@ -73,7 +74,8 @@ public static BoolQueryBuilder buildFilterQuery(@Nullable Filter filter) {
public static BoolQueryBuilder buildConjunctiveFilterQuery(@Nonnull ConjunctiveCriterion conjunctiveCriterion) {
final BoolQueryBuilder andQueryBuilder = new BoolQueryBuilder();
conjunctiveCriterion.getAnd().forEach(criterion -> {
- if (!criterion.getValue().trim().isEmpty() || criterion.hasValues()) {
+ if (!criterion.getValue().trim().isEmpty() || criterion.hasValues()
+ || criterion.getCondition() == Condition.IS_NULL) {
@@ -120,6 +122,8 @@ public static QueryBuilder getQueryBuilderFromCriterion(@Nonnull Criterion crite
.forEach(elem -> filters.should(QueryBuilders.matchQuery(criterion.getField(), elem)));
return filters;
+ } else if (condition == Condition.IS_NULL) {
+ return QueryBuilders.boolQuery().mustNot(QueryBuilders.existsQuery(criterion.getField()));
} else if (condition == Condition.GREATER_THAN) {
return QueryBuilders.rangeQuery(criterion.getField()).gt(criterion.getValue().trim());
} else if (condition == Condition.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO) {
diff --git a/metadata-models/src/main/pegasus/com/linkedin/dashboard/DashboardUsageStatistics.pdl b/metadata-models/src/main/pegasus/com/linkedin/dashboard/DashboardUsageStatistics.pdl
index 468afd34ca526..b45989847c674 100644
--- a/metadata-models/src/main/pegasus/com/linkedin/dashboard/DashboardUsageStatistics.pdl
+++ b/metadata-models/src/main/pegasus/com/linkedin/dashboard/DashboardUsageStatistics.pdl
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ namespace com.linkedin.dashboard
import com.linkedin.timeseries.TimeseriesAspectBase
- * Stats corresponding to dashboard's usage.
+ * Experimental (Subject to breaking change) -- Stats corresponding to dashboard's usage.
* If this aspect represents the latest snapshot of the statistics about a Dashboard, the eventGranularity field should be null.
* If this aspect represents a bucketed window of usage statistics (e.g. over a day), then the eventGranularity field should be set accordingly.
diff --git a/metadata-models/src/main/pegasus/com/linkedin/metadata/query/filter/Condition.pdl b/metadata-models/src/main/pegasus/com/linkedin/metadata/query/filter/Condition.pdl
index 93924f7c66fcc..35d3a7e823f46 100644
--- a/metadata-models/src/main/pegasus/com/linkedin/metadata/query/filter/Condition.pdl
+++ b/metadata-models/src/main/pegasus/com/linkedin/metadata/query/filter/Condition.pdl
@@ -20,6 +20,11 @@ enum Condition {
+ /**
+ * Represent the relation: field is null, e.g. platform is null
+ */
* Represent the relation greater than, e.g. ownerCount > 5
diff --git a/metadata-service/restli-api/src/main/snapshot/com.linkedin.analytics.analytics.snapshot.json b/metadata-service/restli-api/src/main/snapshot/com.linkedin.analytics.analytics.snapshot.json
index e2b51e8d62d54..0f54e05ccd5e4 100644
--- a/metadata-service/restli-api/src/main/snapshot/com.linkedin.analytics.analytics.snapshot.json
+++ b/metadata-service/restli-api/src/main/snapshot/com.linkedin.analytics.analytics.snapshot.json
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
"type" : "enum",
"name" : "Condition",
"doc" : "The matching condition in a filter criterion",
"symbolDocs" : {
"CONTAIN" : "Represent the relation: String field contains value, e.g. name contains Profile",
"END_WITH" : "Represent the relation: String field ends with value, e.g. name ends with Event",
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
"GREATER_THAN" : "Represent the relation greater than, e.g. ownerCount > 5",
"GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO" : "Represent the relation greater than or equal to, e.g. ownerCount >= 5",
"IN" : "Represent the relation: String field is one of the array values to, e.g. name in [\"Profile\", \"Event\"]",
+ "IS_NULL" : "Represent the relation: field is null, e.g. platform is null",
"LESS_THAN" : "Represent the relation less than, e.g. ownerCount < 3",
"LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO" : "Represent the relation less than or equal to, e.g. ownerCount <= 3",
"START_WITH" : "Represent the relation: String field starts with value, e.g. name starts with PageView"
diff --git a/metadata-service/restli-api/src/main/snapshot/com.linkedin.entity.aspects.snapshot.json b/metadata-service/restli-api/src/main/snapshot/com.linkedin.entity.aspects.snapshot.json
index 927dfabaa12ea..d47cd8b790c16 100644
--- a/metadata-service/restli-api/src/main/snapshot/com.linkedin.entity.aspects.snapshot.json
+++ b/metadata-service/restli-api/src/main/snapshot/com.linkedin.entity.aspects.snapshot.json
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
"type" : "enum",
"name" : "Condition",
"doc" : "The matching condition in a filter criterion",
"symbolDocs" : {
"CONTAIN" : "Represent the relation: String field contains value, e.g. name contains Profile",
"END_WITH" : "Represent the relation: String field ends with value, e.g. name ends with Event",
@@ -154,6 +154,7 @@
"GREATER_THAN" : "Represent the relation greater than, e.g. ownerCount > 5",
"GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO" : "Represent the relation greater than or equal to, e.g. ownerCount >= 5",
"IN" : "Represent the relation: String field is one of the array values to, e.g. name in [\"Profile\", \"Event\"]",
+ "IS_NULL" : "Represent the relation: field is null, e.g. platform is null",
"LESS_THAN" : "Represent the relation less than, e.g. ownerCount < 3",
"LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO" : "Represent the relation less than or equal to, e.g. ownerCount <= 3",
"START_WITH" : "Represent the relation: String field starts with value, e.g. name starts with PageView"
diff --git a/metadata-service/restli-api/src/main/snapshot/com.linkedin.entity.entities.snapshot.json b/metadata-service/restli-api/src/main/snapshot/com.linkedin.entity.entities.snapshot.json
index 365a1d1a597a2..4b971a0fca9da 100644
--- a/metadata-service/restli-api/src/main/snapshot/com.linkedin.entity.entities.snapshot.json
+++ b/metadata-service/restli-api/src/main/snapshot/com.linkedin.entity.entities.snapshot.json
@@ -5157,7 +5157,7 @@
"name" : "Condition",
"namespace" : "com.linkedin.metadata.query.filter",
"doc" : "The matching condition in a filter criterion",
"symbolDocs" : {
"CONTAIN" : "Represent the relation: String field contains value, e.g. name contains Profile",
"END_WITH" : "Represent the relation: String field ends with value, e.g. name ends with Event",
@@ -5165,6 +5165,7 @@
"GREATER_THAN" : "Represent the relation greater than, e.g. ownerCount > 5",
"GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO" : "Represent the relation greater than or equal to, e.g. ownerCount >= 5",
"IN" : "Represent the relation: String field is one of the array values to, e.g. name in [\"Profile\", \"Event\"]",
+ "IS_NULL" : "Represent the relation: field is null, e.g. platform is null",
"LESS_THAN" : "Represent the relation less than, e.g. ownerCount < 3",
"LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO" : "Represent the relation less than or equal to, e.g. ownerCount <= 3",
"START_WITH" : "Represent the relation: String field starts with value, e.g. name starts with PageView"
diff --git a/metadata-utils/src/main/java/com/linkedin/metadata/Constants.java b/metadata-utils/src/main/java/com/linkedin/metadata/Constants.java
index 945422ec92429..74ce31899c25a 100644
--- a/metadata-utils/src/main/java/com/linkedin/metadata/Constants.java
+++ b/metadata-utils/src/main/java/com/linkedin/metadata/Constants.java
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ public class Constants {
public static final String DASHBOARD_KEY_ASPECT_NAME = "dashboardKey";
public static final String DASHBOARD_INFO_ASPECT_NAME = "dashboardInfo";
public static final String EDITABLE_DASHBOARD_PROPERTIES_ASPECT_NAME = "editableDashboardProperties";
+ public static final String DASHBOARD_USAGE_STATISTICS_ASPECT_NAME = "dashboardUsageStatistics";
// Notebook
public static final String NOTEBOOK_KEY_ASPECT_NAME = "notebookKey";