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hardhat is the environment used to compile, deploy, test and debug the dGrants contract.


Pre Requisites

Before running any command, make sure to install dependencies:

$ yarn install


Compile the smart contracts with Hardhat:

$ yarn build


Compile the smart contracts and generate TypeChain artifacts:

$ yarn typechain

Lint Solidity

Lint the Solidity code:

$ yarn lint:sol

Lint TypeScript

Lint the TypeScript code:

$ yarn lint:ts


Run the Mocha tests:

$ yarn test


Generate the code coverage report:

$ yarn coverage

Report Gas

See the gas usage per unit test and average gas per method call:

$ REPORT_GAS=true yarn test


Delete the smart contract artifacts, the coverage reports and the Hardhat cache:

$ yarn clean


To test deploying the contracts locally, first start a localhost hardhat network.

$ yarn app:node

Now, in another console, deploy the contracts to the local hardhat fork.

$ yarn deploy:poc --network localhost

You will now have a timestamped file in ./deploy-history containing the log output of this deployment prefixed with poc-localhost-. You'll also see the poc-localhost-latest.json file. The -latest.json file for each network is overwritten each time the command runs. Deployments to localhost are ignored and should not be committed to the repo.

To deploy to a "real" network like mainnet or a testnet, replace the network name, as defined in hardhat.config.ts.

$ yarn deploy:poc --network mainnet

The log files created will follow the same pattern, but will be prefixed with mainnet as expected. These files can and should be committed to the repo as artifacts of deployment history.

You must configure various deployment parameters on a per-network basis in the ./scripts/deploy-poc.config.ts file.

You can configure the metadata that will be published and used for the Round by editing the ./scripts/grant-round-metadata.json. The entire contents of the file are uploaded and published.

NOTE: Before deploying to the desired network, make sure roundStartTime in scripts/config/deploy-poc.config.ts is set to a start time in the future.

Update Script

The repo contains a script which automates the update of a GrantRound's metadata.

To test the metadata update locally, first start a localhost hardhat network.

$ yarn app:node

Now, in another console, run the deploy script to deploy the system.

$ yarn deploy:poc --network localhost

Now run the update script.

$ yarn update:round --network localhost

As with the deployment logging output described above, you will now have a timestamped file in ./deploy-history containing the log output of this script's execution.

In the same way, you can configure this update script by editing the ./scripts/update-round.config.ts file, and configure the metadata that will be published during the update by editing the ./scripts/grant-round-metadata.json.

To update a round on a "real" network like mainnet or a testnet, replace the network name, as defined in hardhat.config.ts.

$ yarn update:round --network mainnet

Hardhat console

To access the console once the hardhat network is running on your local machine.

$ npx hardhat console