The Compositional Numeric Library (CNL) is a C++ library of fixed-precision numeric classes which enhance integers to deliver safer, simpler, cheaper arithmetic types. Documentation can be found here.
The latest version of CNL requires a C++20-compatible tool chain. (Version 1.x supports C++11.) CNL is tested on the following systems:
- GCC 5 - 10 / Clang 5 - 11
- CMake 3.5.1
- GCC 10
- CMake 3.5.1
- Visual Studio 2019 Version 16.7
- CMake 3.8.0
The library is hosted on GitHub:
git clone
cd cnl
The CNL library is comprised of headers found in the src directory. CMake scripts are provided.
To build and install CNL on your system:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --target install
The test suite uses CMake and depends on Google Test and Google Benchmark. Optional integration tests use Boost.Multiprecision and Boost.SIMD.
Conan can be used to pull in essential dependencies:
conan profile new --detect --force default conan profile update settings.compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 default conan install --build=missing ..
Configure the project for development
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_PROJECT_cnl_INCLUDE:FILEPATH="$(pwd)"/conan_paths.cmake ..
Build tests:
cmake --build . --target test-all
Run tests:
ctest -R test-unit
Run benchmarks:
ctest -R test-benchmark
To describe CNL build options:
cmake -LH ..
Then to apply an option, e.g. to disabled exceptions:
The API is exposed through headers in the include directory. Add this to your system header list and include, e.g.:
// to use a specific type:
#include <cnl/scaled_integer.h>
// or to include all CNL types:
#include <cnl/all.h>
Examples of projects using CNL:
- CDSP - Compositional DSP Library for C++;
- BrewBlox firmware - firmware for a brewery controller
- cnl_example - minimal CMake-based project which uses CNL as a dependency.
- CNL documentation
- CppCon 2017 presentation
- Embedded Artistry article
- ISO C++ papers:
All feedback greatly appreciated.