diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 88ca455..ebf4f4b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,225 +1,5 @@
-# Storefront starter by deco.cx
+# Recommender
-A fully featured starter to help you customize and deploy an ecommerce website.
-in minutes.
+A plugable section to your web commerce to boost your sells!
-## Features
-This starter brings:
Home, product and listing pages
Content editable via CMS
A/B test compatible
Integration with VTEX, Shopify and Oracle
Minicart with
SKU selector
Full text search
Search filters
Search pagination
SEO optmized
Meta tags
Rich results
Cookie consent
Product shelf
SKU selector
Search filters
Dropdown and hamburger menus
Link Tree
-## Getting started
-To execute this website on your machine, clone it to your local machine with
-`git clone` and make sure
-[deno is installed](https://deno.land/manual@v1.31.1/getting_started/installation).
-Then open the terminal, change the directory to where fashion was cloned and
-deno task start
-You should see the following output
-$ deno task start
-Task start deno run -A --watch=static/,sections/,functions/ dev.ts
-Watcher Process started.
-Starting live middleware: siteId=538 site=std
-The manifest has been generated for 6 routes, 5 islands, 17 sections and 16 functions.
-Githooks setup successfully: pre-commit
-Starting live middleware: siteId=239 site=fashion
-Listening on http://localhost:8000/
-Now, open [http://localhost:8000/](http://localhost:8000/). You should see the
-fashion starter running on your machine!
-To continue from here, you can [perform initial setup](#initial-setup),
-[understand folder structure](#understanding-folder-structure), learn how to
-create [common design patterns](#recipes) (components) and comply to
-[best practices](#best-practices)
-## Initial setup
-Below is a checklist for the store's initial setup. After completing these
-tasks, your store will be ready to go live and won't need any further changes on
-this repository. If, after changing the content via
-[deco.cx's CMS](https://deco.cx/admin), you feel the store is not ready for
-going live, you can learn how to [customize the code](#customize-the-store)
-- [ ] Ecommerce platform connected
-- [ ] Fonts added
-- [ ] Logo changed
-- [ ] favicon.ico, robots.txt changed
-- [ ] Design system changed
-### Connecting your e-commerce platform
-Products, prices and promotions are provided by an ecommerce platform (VTEX,
-Shopify, Oracle). To connect to a platform:
-Open the
-[ecommerce's global config](https://deco.cx/admin/{your-site-id}/workbench?section=deco-sites%2Fstd%2Fsections%2FconfigVTEX.global.tsx)
-and set your credentials. Then, open `/components/minicart/Cart.tsx` and
-`/routes/api/[...catchall].tsx` and replace `bravtexfashionstore` to your
-account name.
-After this, your should be using the products provenient from your ecommerce
-### Adding fonts
-1. Copy & paste your font files (.woff/.woff2) to `/static/fonts` folder
-2. Open `/components/GlobalTags.tsx` component and replace `@font-face` tags
- accordingly, i.e. change font-family, font-style and font-weight. Now, change
- the src attribute with the right font path.
-3. Open tailwind.config.ts and change the `fontFamily` attribute accordingly.
-> WARNING: Do not forget to use the `asset()` function. Not adding it will
-> increase the traffic on your site and lead to higher costs
-> If your don't know the font-family, font-style and font-weight, ask your
-> designer for these values.
-### Adding your logo
-1. Make sure you have your logo in `.svg` format
-2. Open your logo in your text editor and copy its content
-3. Open /static/sprites.svg
-4. Replace `` with the content of your logo's `.svg`
- file. Make sure all `` tags are replaced with `` tag and add
- the `id="Logo"` attribute. Also, make sure to have the `xmlns` attribute.
-### Adding default assets
-Open `static` folder and replace `favicon.ico`, `robots.txt` and
-`site.webmanifest` with your own assets
-### Changing style (CSS)
-1. Run the store (with `deno task start`).
-2. Open the
- [design system section](http://localhost:8000/_live/workbench/sections/DesignSystem.story.tsx?key=.%2Fsections%2FDesignSystem.story.tsx)
-3. Now, on your text editor, open `tailwind.config.ts`
-4. Change the default, header, badge, etc colors, text colors and border colors
- to better fit your desired design and check how the
- [design system section](http://localhost:8000/_live/workbench/sections/DesignSystem.story.tsx?key=.%2Fsections%2FDesignSystem.story.tsx)
- changes.
-## Customize the store
-If you are missing a functionality or the changes in the design system were not
-enough for accomplishing your project, you can fully customize all HTML/CSS/JS
-generated on your store by changing the code.
-### Understanding project structure
-This code uses:
-1. [Deno](https://deno.land/) as runtime
-2. [Preact](https://preactjs.com/) as rendering engine
-3. [Fresh](https://fresh.deno.dev/) as meta framework.
-4. [Deco.cx](https://www.deco.cx/) as CMS, A/B Tester and Analytics
-To better encapsulate the store's code and separate it from framework specific
-code, all HTML generator code was placed into `components` folder, whereas all
-logic related code was placed under `sdk`. This means that UI elements, like
-product shelves, footer, header, product galleries etc are all placed into
-`components` whereas code for computing the prices, adding to cart etc are
-placed under `sdk`. Other folders are framework-specific glue code, and serve
-1. `islands`: Fresh based folder for adding JavaScript to the frontend. More
- info at [Fresh's docs](https://fresh.deno.dev/docs/concepts/islands)
-1. `routes`: Fresh based folder for responding custom routes to the store. More
- info at [Fresh's docs](https://fresh.deno.dev/docs/concepts/routes)
-1. `static`: Fresh based folder for serving static content (assets). Check out
- [Fresh's docs](https://fresh.deno.dev/docs/concepts/static-files)
-1. `import_map.json`: File containing your dependencies. Check out
- [Deno's docs](https://deno.land/manual@v1.31.0/basics/import_maps)
-1. `tailwind.config.ts`: tailwindcss configuration file.
- [tailwind docs](https://tailwindcss.com/)
-1. `sections`: deco.cx folder for making components both editable and composable
- on the CMS. Check out [deco.cx's docs](https://www.deco.cx/docs/en)
-1. `functions`: deco.cx folder for adding dynamic data to sections provenient
- from third party APIs, like ecommerce platforms, ERPs, contentful, wordpress
- etc
-### Recipes
-Deco.cx's commitment to outstanding UX requires minimal work by user's devices.
-This usually means shipping zero or almost to no JavaScript to browsers. This
-starter uses state of the art design patterns to create rich UX with HTML and
-CSS only.
-Sometimes, it may be difficult to understand everything that's going on a
-production-ready code like this starter's components. To learn how to create
-common UI patterns with HTML and CSS only in a simpler context, take a look at
-[deco.cx's recipes](https://www.deco.cx/docs/en/recipes/customizable-sections)
-### Best practices
-The best practices for managing the project on the long run rely around
-respecting folder structure. This means:
-1. Add `.tsx` files on `components` folder only
-1. Add preact hooks on `sdk` folder.
-1. To make a component editable, create it on the `components` folder and add an
- `export { default }` on the `sections` folder
-1. To add JavaScript to the browser, create a component on the `components`
- folder and add an `export { default }` on the islands folder
-Check performance best practices on [deco.cx's docs](https://www.deco.cx/docs).
-# Thanks to all contributors!
+1º lugar na 4ª edição do deco hackathon 🥇