Inspired by ctemplate and et, Mustache is a framework-agnostic way to render logic-free views.
As ctemplates says, "It emphasizes separating logic from presentation: it is impossible to embed application logic in this template language."
For a list of implementations (other than Ruby) and tips, see
Think of Mustache as a replacement for your views. Instead of views consisting of ERB or HAML with random helpers and arbitrary logic, your views are broken into two parts: a Ruby class and an HTML template.
We call the Ruby class the "view" and the HTML template the "template."
All your logic, decisions, and code is contained in your view. All your markup is contained in your template. The template does nothing but reference methods in your view.
This strict separation makes it easier to write clean templates, easier to test your views, and more fun to work on your app's front end.
I like writing Ruby. I like writing HTML. I like writing JavaScript.
I don't like writing ERB, Haml, Liquid, Django Templates, putting Ruby in my HTML, or putting JavaScript in my HTML.
Install the gem locally with:
$ gem install mustache
Or add it to your Gemfile
gem "mustache", "~> 1.0"
Quick example:
>> require 'mustache'
=> true
>> Mustache.render("Hello {{planet}}", planet: "World!")
=> "Hello World!"
We've got an examples
folder but here's the canonical one:
class Simple < Mustache
def name
def value
def taxed_value
value * 0.6
def in_ca
We simply create a normal Ruby class and define methods. Some methods reference others, some return values, some return only booleans.
Now let's write the template:
Hello {{name}}
You have just won {{value}} dollars!
Well, {{taxed_value}} dollars, after taxes.
This template references our view methods. To bring it all together, here's the code to render actual HTML;
Which returns the following:
Hello Chris
You have just won 10000 dollars!
Well, 6000.0 dollars, after taxes.
For a language-agnostic overview of Mustache's template syntax, see
the mustache(5)
manpage or
Mustache does escape all values when using the standard double
Mustache syntax. Characters which will be escaped: & \ " < >
well as '
in Ruby >= 2.0
). To disable escaping, simply use triple
mustaches like {{{unescaped_variable}}}
Example: Using {{variable}}
inside a template for 5 > 2
result in 5 > 2
, where as the usage of {{{variable}}}
result in 5 > 2
ctemplate and friends want you to hand a dictionary to the template processor. Mustache supports a similar concept. Feel free to mix the class-based and this more procedural style at your leisure.
Given this template (winner.mustache):
Hello {{name}}
You have just won {{value}} bucks!
We can fill in the values at will:
view =
view[:name] = 'George'
view[:value] = 100
Which returns:
Hello George
You have just won 100 bucks!
We can re-use the same object, too:
view[:name] = 'Tony'
view.render # => Hello Tony\nYou have just won 100 bucks!
A word on templates. By default, a view will try to find its template on disk by searching for an HTML file in the current directory that follows the classic Ruby naming convention.
TemplatePartial => ./template_partial.mustache
You can set the search path using Mustache.template_path
. It can be set on a
class by class basis:
class Simple < Mustache
self.template_path = __dir__
Now Simple
will look for simple.mustache
in the directory it resides
in, no matter the cwd.
If you want to just change what template is used you can set
Simple.template_file = './blah.mustache'
Mustache also allows you to define the extension it'll use.
Simple.template_extension = 'xml'
Given all other defaults, the above line will cause Mustache to look for './blah.xml'
Feel free to set the template directly:
Simple.template = 'Hi {{person}}!'
Or set a different template for a single instance: = 'Hi {{person}}!'
Whatever works.
Mustache supports a bit of magic when it comes to views. If you're
authoring a plugin or extension for a web framework (Sinatra, Rails,
etc), check out the view_namespace
and view_path
settings on the
class. They will surely provide needed assistance.
What about global helpers? Maybe you have a nifty gravatar
you want to use in all your views? No problem.
This is just Ruby, after all.
module ViewHelpers
def gravatar
gravatar_id = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(self[:email].to_s.strip.downcase)
def gravatar_for_id(gid, size = 30)
def gravatar_host
@ssl ? '' : ''
Then just include it:
class Simple < Mustache
include ViewHelpers
def name
def value
def taxed_value
value * 0.6
def in_ca
def users
Great, but what about that @ssl
ivar in gravatar_host
? There are
many ways we can go about setting it.
Here's an example which illustrates a key feature of Mustache: you
are free to use the initialize
method just as you would in any
normal class.
class Simple < Mustache
include ViewHelpers
def initialize(ssl = false)
@ssl = ssl
Finally, our template might look like this:
{{# users}}
<li><img src="{{ gravatar }}"> {{ login }}</li>
{{/ users}}
Sinatra integration is available with the mustache-sinatra gem.
An example Sinatra application is also provided:
If you are upgrading to Sinatra 1.0 and Mustache 0.9.0+ from Mustache 0.7.0 or lower, the settings have changed. But not that much.
See this diff for what you need to
do. Basically, things are named properly now and all should be
contained in a hash set using set :mustache, hash
Mustache also provides a Rack::Bug
First you have to install the rack-bug-mustache_panel
gem, then in your
add the following code:
require 'rack/bug/panels/mustache_panel'
use Rack::Bug::MustachePanel
Using Rails? Add this to your initializer or environment file:
require 'rack/bug/panels/mustache_panel'
config.middleware.use "Rack::Bug::MustachePanel"
vim-mustache-handlebars is available at mustache/vim-mustache-handlebars
mustache-mode.el is available at mustache/emacs
See for installation instructions.
See mustache(1)
man page or
for command line docs.
Thanks to Tom Preston-Werner for showing me ctemplate and Leah Culver for the name "Mustache."
Special thanks to Magnus Holm for all his awesome work on Mustache's parser.
Once you've made your great commits:
- Fork Mustache
- Create a topic branch -
git checkout -b my_branch
- Push to your branch -
git push origin my_branch
- Create an Issue with a link to your branch
- That's it!
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