@api = http://localhost:5000
### At first, create an account POST {{api}}/identity/sign-up Content-Type: application/json
- {
- "email": "[email protected]", "password": "secret", "role": "user"
### Authenticate and grab the access token # @name sign_in POST {{api}}/identity/sign-in Content-Type: application/json
- {
- "email": "[email protected]", "password": "secret"
### Get your user account details @accessToken = {{sign_in.response.body.$.accessToken}} GET {{api}}/identity/me Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}}
### Complete the customer registration process POST {{api}}/customers Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}} Content-Type: application/json
- {
- "fullName": "John Doe", "address": "New York"
### Get your customer account details GET {{api}}/customers/me Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}}
### Add a parcel and grab its id # @name add_parcel POST {{api}}/parcels Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}} Content-Type: application/json
- {
- "variant": "weapon", "size": "large", "name": "Parcel #1", "description": "My parcel #1"
### Get your parcels @parcelId = {{add_parcel.response.headers.Resource-ID}} GET {{api}}/parcels Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}}
### Calculate the parcel volume to see whether it works as expected GET {{api}}/parcels/volume?parcelIds=["{{parcelId}}"] Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}}
### Create a new order and grab its id # @name create_order POST {{api}}/orders Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}} Content-Type: application/json
### Get your orders @orderId = {{create_order.response.headers.Resource-ID}} GET {{api}}/orders Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}}
### Add a parcel to the order POST {{api}}/orders/{{orderId}}/parcels/{{parcelId}} Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}} Content-Type: application/json
### Get your order details which should now contain a package GET {{api}}/orders/{{orderId}} Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}}
### Add a new vehicle # @name add_vehicle POST {{api}}/vehicles Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}} Content-Type: application/json
- {
- "brand": "Brand", "model": "Model", "description": "Vehicle description", "payloadCapacity": 1000, "loadingCapacity": 1000, "pricePerService": 100, "variants": 1
### Get a newly added vehicle @vehicleId = {{add_vehicle.response.headers.Resource-ID}} GET {{api}}/vehicles?payloadCapacity=0&loadingCapacity=0&variants=1 Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}}
### Add a vehicle as the available resource being able to deliver the pacakge @resourceId = {{add_vehicle.response.headers.Resource-ID}} @tags = ["vehicle", "armor"]
POST {{api}}/availability/resources Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}} Content-Type: application/json
- {
- "resourceId": "{{resourceId}}", "tags": {{tags}}
### Browse the resources filtered by tags if needed GET {{api}}/availability/resources?tags={{tags}}&matchAllTags=false Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}}
### Assign a vehicle to your order and set the desired delivery date @deliveryDate = 2020-01-10
POST {{api}}/orders/{{orderId}}/vehicles/{{vehicleId}} Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}} Content-Type: application/json
- {
- "deliveryDate": "{{deliveryDate}}"
### Make a reservation for the given date to deliver the package POST {{api}}/availability/resources/{{resourceId}}/reservations/{{deliveryDate}} Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}} Content-Type: application/json
- {
- "priority": 0
### Ensure that resource was reserved for the chosen date GET {{api}}/availability/resources/{{resourceId}} Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}}
### Start the delivery and grab its id # @name start_delivery POST {{api}}/deliveries Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}} Content-Type: application/json
- {
- "orderId": "{{orderId}}", "description": "Delivery description", "dateTime": "{{deliveryDate}}"
### Add some internal delivery transportation details @deliveryId = {{start_delivery.response.headers.Resource-ID}} POST {{api}}/deliveries/{{deliveryId}}/registrations Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}} Content-Type: application/json
- {
- "id": "{{deliveryId}}", "description": "Delivery registration description", "dateTime": "{{deliveryDate}}"
### Complete the delivery POST {{api}}/deliveries/{{deliveryId}}/complete Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}} Content-Type: application/json
- {
- "id": "{{deliveryId}}"
### Check the delivery details GET {{api}}/deliveries/{{deliveryId}} Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}}
### Get your order details which should now be marked as completed GET {{api}}/orders/{{orderId}} Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}}