dest |
./ |
{%= name %} [![NPM version]({%= name %}.png)]({%= name %}) {% if (travis) { %} [![Build Status]({%= travis %}.png)]({%= travis %}){% } %}
{%= total.length %} Handlebars helpers in 19 categories. Helpers can be used with Assemble, YUI, Ghost or any Handlebars project.
{%= include("install") %}
{%= docs("overview") %}
We can always use your help documenting helpers. As of {%= date("YYYY-MM-DD") %}, {%= docsDifference.length %} of {%= total.length %} helpers require documentation: {% if (docsDifference) { %}{% for(var helper in docsDifference) { %}
{{{%= docsDifference[helper] %}}}
{% } %}{% } else { %}(Everything is documented!) {% } %}
We can always use your help writing tests for helpers. As of {%= date("YYYY-MM-DD") %}, {%= testsDifference.length %} of {%= total.length %} helpers require tests: {% if (testsDifference) { %}{% for(var helper in testsDifference) { %}
{{{%= testsDifference[helper] %}}}
{% } %}{% } else { %} (Everything is documented!) {% } %}
{%= docs("contributing") %}
{% if (changelog) { %}
{%= changelog() %}{% } %}
{%= docs("credit") %}
{%= contrib("authors") %}
{%= copyright() %} {%= license() %}
{%= include("footer") %}