- Python upgrade 3.7+
- Django upgrade 2.2.16
- GeoServer upgrade 2.17.2
- MapStore2 Client Updates:
- Save Search Services to the Map
- Save Map Preferences into the adapter model
- Advanced Style Editor with graphical UI
- Improved Map Save Widget, specific for GeoNode
- Documentation Updates:
- GetFeatureInfo Templating For GeoNode
- HowTo: Geonode with QGIS
- Improve GeoNode OpenID SP Protocol in order to be able to provide access to external clients
- Document the use of slide show in themes
- Update Advanced Installation steps to work against Ubuntu 20.04LTS
- Update Advanced Installation steps to work against RHEL 7.x
- How to setup rabbitmq, supervisor and memcached in order to fully enable async workers
- How to Upgrade from 2.10.x / 3.0
- GNIP-77: GetFeatureInfo Templating For GeoNode
- GNIP-76: Add RTL Support
- Improving GeoNode Theme Library: introducing Jumbotron Slides
- [Admin bulk perms] Implementation of an action to assign bulk permissions on layer to users selected from People and/or Group Django admin forms enhancement #6582
- Review of the current advanced resource workflow implementation enhancement security #6551
- File system operations do not adhere to Django file storage API enhancement in progress #6414
- Nav Toolbar gets distorted when multiple nav bar items are added by the admin enhancement frontend major #6412
- Allow only admins to edit/create keywords enhancement regression #6360
- In home page show only ISO categories currently assigned to some dataset enhancement frontend #6332
- Modify the admin theme customisation feature to allow for the use of a slide show in the home page enhancement feature frontend #6301
- Improve GeoNode OpenID SP Protocol in order to be able to provide access to external clients enhancement security #6273
- Limit "maps using this layer" to maps the user has permission to see enhancement security #6261
- Prevent integrity errors on singleton model save enhancement #6223
- Extend SPCGeonode setup to be customizable using Kubernetes docker enhancement #6208
3.1 (2020-11-30)