Follow this procedure to generate sample data from the HDFS and import them to your local MongoDB instance for the WMArchive server to display them.
First obtain a Kerberos token and SSH into the
node for access to the HDFS:kinit # Obtain a Kerberos token klist # Check current tokens ssh USERNAME@vocms013
- `~` is your mounted AFS user directory. Follow the procedure in [Running the WMArchive Server](./ to setup the WMArchive environment here.
- Use one if the scripts detailed in the [Aggregation procedure](./ documentation to run the aggregation.
Keep in mind the script will store its result in MongoDB unless you ensured otherwise. It also produces a JSON file with its output.
- Your can now copy the JSON file to your local machine:
scp USERNAME@vocms013:~/WMArchive/RecordAggregator_result.json .
- Start MongoDB on the port used by WMArchive (see `wmarch_config[_local].py`)
mongod --port 8230 --dbpath ./data/db
- Import the sample data to the `aggregated` database and `performance` collection:
mongoimport --port 8230 --db aggregated --collection performance RecordAggregator_result.json
- You can at any time open the MongoDB shell to check the contents of the database:
mongo --port 8230
> help # to show useful commands
> use aggregated # switch to the aggregated metrics database
> show collections
The WMArchive server reads performance data from the `aggregated.performance` collection.