This project contains an implementation of interfaces responsible for data storage and is intended for use with Microsoft SQL Server 2019+. The project may also work with earlier versions, but integration with them has not been tested.
As the library is intended to be integrated into existing applications, they may have different data schema migration policies. This could be EntityFramework, FluentMigrator, or something else. Migrations may be applied either at the start of the application or by a separate executable application that, for example, runs in a Kubernetes cluster's init-container. It's difficult for us to account for all possible deployment and application scenarios. Therefore, we provide a script for creating a schema, but you need to decide and implement how exactly to integrate it.
Please note that having a unique index on the RpId
, UserHandle
, and CredentialId
columns is required, as the combination of these property values acts as a descriptor, uniquely identifying the public key.
Please note, that the identifier generator creates sequential identifiers, compatible only with the uniqueidentifier data type and passed as System.Guid
parameters in queries. If you use binary(16)
instead of uniqueidentifier
when creating a table schema for the primary key, you will experience significant performance degradation.
CREATE TABLE [CredentialRecords]
[Id] uniqueidentifier NOT NULL,
[RpId] nvarchar(256) NOT NULL,
[UserHandle] varbinary(128) NOT NULL,
[CredentialId] varbinary(1024) NOT NULL,
[Type] int NOT NULL,
[Kty] int NOT NULL,
[Alg] int NOT NULL,
[Ec2Crv] int NULL,
[Ec2X] varbinary(256) NULL,
[Ec2Y] varbinary(256) NULL,
[RsaModulusN] varbinary(1024) NULL,
[RsaExponentE] varbinary(32) NULL,
[OkpCrv] int NULL,
[OkpX] varbinary(32) NULL,
[SignCount] bigint NOT NULL,
[Transports] nvarchar(max) NOT NULL,
[UvInitialized] bit NOT NULL,
[BackupEligible] bit NOT NULL,
[BackupState] bit NOT NULL,
[AttestationObject] varbinary(max) NULL,
[AttestationClientDataJson] varbinary(max) NULL,
[Description] nvarchar(200) NULL,
[CreatedAtUnixTime] bigint NOT NULL,
[UpdatedAtUnixTime] bigint NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT [PK_CredentialRecords] PRIMARY KEY ([Id])
ALTER TABLE [CredentialRecords]
ADD CONSTRAINT [Transports should be formatted as JSON] CHECK (ISJSON(Transports) = 1);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [IX_CredentialRecords_UserHandle_CredentialId_RpId] ON [CredentialRecords] ([UserHandle], [CredentialId], [RpId]);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [IX_CredentialRecords_CredentialId_RpId] ON [CredentialRecords] ([CredentialId], [RpId]);
To start a local test container, execute the following command
docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=WebAuthn!1337" -p 1433:1433 -d
Connection string for connecting to the container, the command to start which is presented above.
Don't forget to change the database name specified in the Initial Catalog
parameter to the one you will be using.
Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=webauthn;User ID=sa;Password=WebAuthn!1337;Pooling=True;Trust Server Certificate=True