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GameCube Action Replay Code Types

Parthiv Vora edited this page Apr 22, 2020 · 3 revisions

By kenobi & Parasyte

Table of Contents

Special Notes

  1. All addresses MUST be compatible with the data size you want the codes to be using. That means ANY address can be used for BYTE reading.writing. If you don't follow these rules, then the codes won't work (or the AR might crash).

    • Addresses MUST be a multiple of 2 for HALFWORD reading/writing (last hex number of the address must be either: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, A, C, E).
    • Addresses MUST be a multiple of 4 for WORD reading/writing (last hex number of the address must be either: 0, 4, 8, C).
  2. All codes are formatted like so: XXXXXXXX YYYYYYYY. Where the address is XXXXXXXX, and the value is YYYYYYYY.

  3. The GCN memory range is 0x80000000–0x817FFFFF cached, and 0xC0000000–0xC17FFFFF uncached.

  4. The codes type numbers I give after a code name is a number created like so:

    • For "Type zX" codes, the number X is AAA (3 most significant bits of the code's "VALUE")

    • For normal codes, the number in parenthesis after the name of the code is:

      AAABBCC (7 most significant bits of the code's "ADDRESS")
      AAA – type bits.
      BB – subtype bits.
      CC – value bits.
    • You can use these as reference, or just ignore them…

  5. Any "unused" data could be filled with random numbers to create a "unique encryption", which could "sign" your codes. I randomly explained how it works. It might not work with every code. This feature isn't really interesting, but I felt like it should be known.

  6. Register 1BB4 is one of the registers that the AR uses to store some data while executing codes.

  7. The addresses, values, and all the numbers starting by "0x", or having the letter(s) A, B, C, D, E and/or F in them are Hexadecimal numbers. If you don't know what hexadecimal is, make a search in Google.

Type Z Codes

Type Z codes are codes which have an address equal to 00000000 ("z" stands for "zero"). For any "Type zX" codes: X = code type = (VALUE >> 29) AND 0x07. If X > 4, the code will be skipped.

Type z0 – End of code marker

  • 1 line code – 00000000 00000000
  • Signifies "end of code" (or "no more codes are to be executed").
  • The AR will "give" back the control to the game, and then will start executing codes from the very first code in the list and onwards.

Type z2 – Normal Execution

  • 1 line code – 00000000 40000000
  • Sets register 1BB4 to 0.
  • Signifies that the AR goes back to the normal execution of codes (and that it should break a "stop executing codes", set when register 1BB4 is = 2).

Type z3 – Execute all codes in the same row

  • 1 line code – 00000000 60000000
  • Sets register 1BB4 to 1.
  • Signifies that the AR will execute all the codes, without giving back control to the game, unless register 1BB4 changes value (with a "z2" code for example).

Type z4 – Fill & Slide

  • 2 line code.
00000000 8XXXXXXX
Y1Y2Y3Y4 Z1Z2Z3Z4
Value = Y1Y2Y3Y4
Size = (address >> 25) AND 0x03

(Size 0 = 8-bit, Size 1 = 16-bit, Size 2 = 32-bit. Size 3 = Unused)

Address increment = 0000Z3Z4 if (Z1 >> 3 = 0).
                  = FFFFZ3Z4 if (Z1 >> 3 = 1).

NOTE: When using half-word (or word), make the address increment >> 1 (or >> 2) when computing the code.

Value increment = 00000000Z1 if (Z1 >> 3 = 0).
                = FFFFFFFFZ1 if (Z1 >> 3 = 1).

Number of values to write = Z2.

NOTE: If Z2 = 0, nothing will be written (it'll be like the code isn't executed).

Small note

As the sign of the address increment and the value increment are shared, you MUST start from the 1st address when using a positive value increment, and start from the last address when using a negative value increment.

Type z4, Size 3 – Memory Copy

These codes were 'created' by me (kenobi). The only way to use them is to enter and enable the 'Enablers' codes. You also HAVE TO add the Master Code flag to these Enabler codes' identifier (or to include it into the (m) code), else they won't work properly. Finally, the 'Enabler' codes and the actual codes must be entered separately. They should work on ANY AR (at least up to version 1.14b).

Example 1 – Memory Copy Without Pointer Support

Enabler (must be on!):

04001E48 48000769
040025B0 5525043E
040025B4 4BFFF644

Example of byte copy:

00000000 86393FA8
80393FA0 00000001

Here is how it works:

00000000 8XXXXXXX

8XXXXXXX = [Destination address] OR 0x06000000. YYYYYYYY = [Source address]. ZZZZ = number of bytes to copy (0x0000 will copy 0 byte, 0xFFFF will copy 65535 bytes).

Important: the 16-bit number before ZZZZ MUST BE '0000', otherwise it'll create errors!

So, if you follow what I explained, you can see that my code example will copy 2 bytes from 80393FA0 to 80393FA8.

Example 2 - Memory Copy With Pointers Support

Enabler (must be on!):

04001E48 48000769
040025B0 5525043E
040025B4 2C060000
040025B8 4182000C
040025BC 80630000
040025C0 80840000
040025C4 4BFFF634

With this code, if you put any data in the upper 8 bits of the value, the AR will use the addresses in the code as pointers addresses.


00000000 86002F04
80002F00 01000138

Important: the 8-bit number before ZZZZ MUST BE '00', else it'll create errors!

As the value start with '01' (could have been anything, but '00'), the AR will load the 32-bit value at 80002F00 and use it as the source address, then load the 32-bit value at 80002F04 and use it as the destination address, and finally will copy 138 bytes from the source address to the destination address.

Note that if you put '00' in the start of the value, the code will work just like the 'Memory Copy Without Pointer Support' code.

If you need to add an offset to the pointer addresses, you'll have to do this trick: copy the source pointer address to 80002F00, the destination pointer address to 80002F04, add the offset values to theses pointer addresses (using the 'Add' code type), and finally use the 'Memory Copy with Pointers Support' to copy the bytes.


00000000 86002F00  <- Copy the 32bits (=4 bytes) source pointer address 804C8268 00000004 from 804C8268 to 80002F00.
00000000 86002F04  <- Copy the 32bits (=4 bytes) destination pointer address 804C8268 00000004 from 804C8268 to 80002F04.

84002F00 00000098  <- Add the offset 0x98 to the source pointer address at  80002F00.
84002F04 000001D0  <- Add the offset 0x1D0 to the source pointer address at  80002F04.
4A44F0A8 00000030  <- (if the user press R+Z).
00000000 86002F04  <- Copy 0x138 bytes from the address stored at 80002F00  (=pointer address+0x98) 80002F00 01000138 to the address stored at 80002F04 (=pointer address + 0x1D0).

Normal Codes

For any "Normal Codes", you have:

SubType = (ADDRESS >> 30) AND 0x03
Type    = (ADDRESS >> 27) AND 0x07
Size    = (ADDRESS >> 25) AND 0x03

usually, size 0 = 8-bit, size 1 = 16-bit, size 2 = 32-bit. For some codes, Size 3 = Floating point single precision.

Code Generation Python Script

You can use the below Python code (requires Python 3.6 or higher) to quickly generate an address for a normal Action Replay code.

typeVal = int(input("Enter Type Number: "))
subtypeVal = int(input("Enter Subtype Number: "))
sizeVal = int(input("Enter Size Number: "))
address = int(input("Enter memory address without base 0x8000000 value in format `0x1234567`: "), 16)

result = ((subtypeVal) << 30) + ((typeVal) << 27) + ((sizeVal) << 25) + address
print('{0:0{1}X}'.format(result, 8))

Type 0

Subtype 0 – RAM write and fill (can be called "00", "01" and "02")

  • 1 line code – 0wXXXXXX Y1Y2Y3Y4 where (w < 8!)
Address = ((0x0wXXXXXXX) AND 0x01FFFFFF) OR 0x80000000)
Size = (address >> 25) AND 0x03
  • If Size = 0 [00]:

    • Fills area [Address ; Address + Y1Y2Y3] with value Y4.
  • If Size = 1 [02]:

    • Fills area [Address ; Address + (Y1Y2 << 1)] with value Y3Y4.
  • If Size = 2 [04]:

    • Writes word Y1Y2Y3Y4 to Address.

Examples: 00023000 00000312 will write byte 0x12 to 80023000, 80023001, 80023002, 80023003. 02023000 00011234 will write half-word 0x1234 to 80023000, 80023002. 05023000 12345678 will write half-word 0x12345678 to 81023000.

Subtype 1 – Write to pointer (can be called "04", "05" and "06")

  • 1 line code – 4wXXXXXX Y1Y2Y3Y4 where (w < 8!)
Address = ((0x4wXXXXXX) AND 0x01FFFFFF) OR 0x80000000.
Size = (Address >> 25) AND 0x03.
Pointer Address = [Word stored at Address].

This code will make the AR load the word stored at the address provided in the code, (also called the "Pointer Address"), and check if it's a valid address (e.g. if it's in the 80000000–81800000 range). If it is one, it will add an offset to it, and it will write the data provided in the code to this new address.

  • If Size = 0 [40]:

    • AR will write the byte Y4 at [Pointer Address + Y1Y2Y3].
  • If Size = 1 [42]:

    • AR will write the half-word Y3Y4 at [Pointer Address + (Y1Y2 << 1)].
  • If Size = 2 [44]:

    • AR will write the word Y1Y2Y3Y4 at [Pointer Address].

This code was 'created' by me (kenobi). The only way to use it is to enter and enable the 'Enabler' code. You also HAVE TO add the Master Code flag to these Enabler codes' identifier (or to include it into the (m) code), else they won't work properly. Finally, the 'Enabler' codes and the actual codes must be entered separately. It should work on ANY AR (at least up to version 1.14b).

Enabler (must be on): 04001FA4 48000014

Once you use this code, the 'Write to Pointer' code will stop checking if the address you point to is a valid address. That means that you can write to virtual memory without a TLB (m) code, but you have to make sure that the address the pointer code reads is a valid address (else, it'll crash).

Example (courtesy of donny2112):

04002F0C 7FC39C9C
42002F0C 00010000
42002F0C 03ED0000
42002F0C 04F70000
42002F0C 05BB0000

The first line will write '7FC39C9C' to 80002F0C. Then, the other lines will write 0x0000 to 0x7FC39C9C+2*1, 0x7FC39C9C+2*0x3ED, 0x7FC39C9C+2*0x4F7, and finally 0x7FC39C9C+2*0x5BB.

The advantage of this code, over a TLB (m) code, is that it only needs a 1 lines enabler, it is compatible with all games and all ARs, and it allows you to use 8/16/32-bit RAM write.

The downside is that if you point to an invalid address, the GC will just crash. If you're not sure that you'll point to a valid address, you can use this combination of code to check it manually (in this example, I make sure that the address is in the 0x80000000–817F0000 range):

74XXXXXX 80000000  <- If value > 0x80000000
2CXXXXXX 81800000  <- and If value < 0x81800000
44XXXXXX Y1Y2Y3Y4  <- then execute this pointer code.

XXXXXXXX being the address where the Pointer Address is stored.

Subtype 2 – Add code (can be called "08", "09" and "0A")

  • 1 line code – 8wXXXXXX Y1Y2Y3Y4 where (w < 8!)
Address = (0x8wXXXXXX AND 0x81FFFFFF)
Size = (Address >> 25) AND 0x03.
  • if Size = 0 [80]:

    • Loads byte stored at [Address], adds Y1Y2Y3Y4 to it, and stores the resulting byte (= result AND 0xFF) at [Address].
  • if Size = 1 [82]:

    • Loads half-word stored at [Address], adds Y1Y2Y3Y4 to it, and stores the resulting half-word (= result AND 0xFFFF) at [Address].
  • if Size = 2 [84]:

    • Loads word stored at [Address], adds Y1Y2Y3Y4 to it, and stores the result at [Address].
  • if Size = 3 [86]:

    • Loads floating value stored at [Address], adds Y1Y2Y3Y4 (must be a floating point single precision value) to it, and stores the result at [Address].

Change ADD to AND:

This code was 'created' by me (kenobi). The only way to use it is to enter and enable the 'Enabler' code. You also HAVE TO add the Master Code flag to these Enabler codes' identifier (or to include it into the (m) code), else they won't work properly. Finally, the 'Enabler' codes and the actual codes must be entered separately. This change is definitive (until you reboot the Game):

Enable 8-bits AND:
0400200C 7C002038

Enable 16-bits AND:
0400201C 7C002038

Enable 32-bits AND:
0400202C 7C002038

Enable 8~32bits AND:
00000000 8400200C
7C002038 00030004

Change ADD to OR:

This code was 'created' by me (kenobi). The only way to use it is to enter and enable the 'Enabler' code. You also HAVE TO add the Master Code flag to these Enabler codes' identifier (or to include it into the (m) code), else they won't work properly. Finally, the 'Enabler' codes and the actual codes must be entered separately. This change is definitive (until you reboot the Game):

Enable 8-bits OR:
0400200C 7C002378

Enable 16-bits OR:
0400201C 7C002378

Enable 32-bits OR:
0400202C 7C002378

Enable 8~32bits OR:
00000000 8400200C
7C002378 00030004

Note: you can't mix 'ADD', 'AND' and 'OR' codes for the same code type (8/16/32-bit).

SubType 3 – Master Code & Write to CCXXXXXX (can be called "0E" and "0F")

  • 1 line code – CwXXXXXX Y1Y2Y3Y4 where (w < 8!)
Address = ((0x6wXXXXXX) AND 0x01FFFFFF) OR 0x80000000).
Size = (Address >> 25) AND 0x03.
If Size = 2 – Master Code (C4XXXXXX Y1Y2Y3Y4)
  • Y4 = Master Code Number.

    • 0x00: executed only once, just before the game boot-up. Only one (m) code can have the '00' number (the others will be skipped), and it must be the very one in the (m) code list (else it'll be skipped).
    • 0x01–0x0F: executed continuously during the game execution. (2 (or more) master codes that have the same Master Code number can't be executed correctly if they are put one just after another. Only the first one will be executed, the other(s) will be skipped).
  • Y3 = number of codes to execute each time the AR has control.

  • Y2 AND 0x03 = Master Code Type

    • Type 0: Create a branch to SUBROUTINE 1 (Save: R0 R3 R28 R29 R30 R31)
    • Type 1: Backup 4 asm lines from the game, and write a Branch to MAIN ROUTINE (Save: R3 R28 R29 R30 R31, Destroys: R0?)
    • Type 2: Create a branch to 1 copy of SUBROUTINE 1 (Save: R0 R3 R28 R29 R30 R31)
    • Type 3: Create a branch to MAIN ROUTINE START (will execute the 4 asm lines backed up in Type 1, if any) (Save: R0 R3 R28 R29 R30 R31)

Note: Putting random numbers in Y1 should change the encryption, thus "signing" your code (untested).

Note: Don't use the Type 1 alone with a Master Code Number greater than zero, otherwise the AR will backup its own hook, and enter an infinite loop. So put a conditional code type make that this code isn't executed more than once.

If (Size = 3) AND ((address AND 0x01FFFFFF) < 0x01000000)

Writes a half-word to CCXXXXXX (C6XXXXXX Y1Y2Y3Y4)

Address = 0xCCXXXXXX Stores the half-word Y3Y4 at the address.

Note: Putting random numbers in Y1Y2 should change the encryption, thus "signing" your code (untested).

If (Size = 3) AND ((address AND 0x01FFFFFF) >= 0x01000000)

Writes a word to CDXXXXXX (C7XXXXXX Y1Y2Y3Y4)

Address = 0xCDXXXXXX Stores the word Y1Y2Y3Y4 at the address.

Note: Parasyte informed me that writing to 0xCDXXXXXX doesn't make any sense, and he thinks it might be some kind of AR bug.

Conditional codes (type 1 to 7)

All the Conditional Codes are 1 line code, but you "need" to add another line to make them work. Conditional Code are used to trigger the next code(s) when an event happens. For example: Giving the player 99 lives when buttons L+R are pushed, or restoring HP completely when it reaches 50% of its value.

They all come in 3 "flavors": 8, 16 and 32 bits. You select it by changing the size data in the code. Reminder: Size = (Address >> 25) AND 0x03

For all the Conditional Codes, you first take the value of the IN GAME data, and compare it to the value provided in the CODE data. The result, which should be read as 'True' (or 'False'), will tell if the the Conditional Code will activate the next codes.

Anyway, Conditional Codes should be used by advanced code makers. Don't ask for the "paddle" values, they seem to change for every game… So find them yourself :-)

The number I give as examples has been made using BYTE size: 08XXXXXX YYYYYY is the "If equal execute next code" generic value for a BYTE comparison. For half-words, it'll be 0AXXXXXX YYYYYYYY, and for words 0CXXXXXX YYYYYYYY…

Type 1 – If equal… (can be called "10", "11" and "12")

08XXXXXX YYYYYYYY where (w >= 8!)

  • Subtype 0 [08]: If equal, execute next line (else skip next line).
  • Subtype 1 [48]: If equal, execute next 2 lines (else skip next 2 lines).
  • Subtype 2 [88]: If equal, execute all the codes below this one in the same row (else execute none of the codes below).
  • Subtype 3 [C8]: While NOT EQUAL, turn off all codes (infinite loop on the code).

Type 2 – If NOT equal… (can be called "20", "21" and "22")


  • Subtype 0 [10]: If NOT equal, execute next line (else skip next line).
  • Subtype 1 [50]: If NOT equal, execute next 2 lines (else skip next 2 lines).
  • Subtype 2 [90]: If NOT equal, execute all the codes below this one in the same row (else execute none of the codes below).
  • Subtype 3 [D0]: While EQUAL, turn off all codes (infinite loop on the code).

Type 3 – If lower… (signed) (can be called "30", "31" and "32")

Signed means:

  • For Bytes: values go from -128 to +127.
  • For Halfword: values go from -32768/+32767.
  • For Words: values go from -2147483648 to 2147483647.

For example, for the Byte comparison, 7F (127) will be > to FFFFFFFF (-1). You HAVE to enter a 32bits signed number as value, even if you just want to make an half-word comparison. That's because 0000FFFF = 65535, and FFFFFFFF = -1). You could choose any value (for example, +65536 for half-word code, but the result will be always True (or always False if you choose -65537).


Warning: if you used a "byte" size, this Type 3 code will actually be a "If lower… (UNSIGNED)"! That means, no signed comparison for byte values! (AR bug?)

  • Subtype 0 [18]: If lower, execute next line (else skip next line).
  • Subtype 1 [58]: If lower, execute next 2 lines (else skip next 2 lines).
  • Subtype 2 [98]: If lower, execute all the codes below this one in the same row (else execute none of the codes below).
  • Subtype 3 [D8]: While higher, turn off all codes (infinite loop on the code).

Note: For 8 and 16 bits codes, you could fill the unused numbers in the value to change the encrypted code, and "sign" them (unverified).

Type 4 – If higher… (signed) (can be called "40", "41" and "42")

Signed means:

  • For Bytes: values go from -128 to +127.
  • For Halfword: values go from -32768/+32767.
  • For Words: values go from -2147483648 to 2147483647.

For example, for the Byte comparison, 7F (127) will be > to FFFFFFFF (-1). You HAVE to enter a 32bits signed number as value, even if you just want to make an half-word comparison. That's because 0000FFFF = 65535, and FFFFFFFF = -1). You could choose any value (for example, +65536 for half-word code, but the result will be always True (or always False if you choose -65537).


Warning: If you used a "byte" size, this Type 4 code will actually be a "If lower… (UNSIGNED)" ! That means, no signed comparison for byte values! (AR bug?)

  • Subtype 0 [20]: If higher, execute next line (else skip next line).
  • Subtype 1 [60]: If higher, execute next 2 lines (else skip next 2 lines).
  • Subtype 2 [A0]: If higher, execute all the codes below this one in the same row (else execute none of the codes below).
  • Subtype 3 [E0]: While lower, turn off all codes (infinite loop on the code).

Note 1: For 8 and 16 bit codes, you could fill the unused numbers in the Value to change the encrypted code, and "sign" them (unverified).

Type 5 – If lower… (unsigned) (can be called "50", "51" and "52")

Unsigned means:

  • For Bytes: values go from 0 to +255.
  • For Halfword: values go from 0 to +65535.
  • For Words: values go from 0 to 4294967295.

For example: for the Byte comparison, 7F (127) will be < to FF (255).


  • Subtype 0 [28]: If lower, execute next line (else skip next line).
  • Subtype 1 [68]: If lower, execute next 2 lines (else skip next 2 lines).
  • Subtype 2 [A8]: If lower, execute all the codes below this one in the same row (else execute none of the codes below).
  • Subtype 3 [E8]: While higher, turn off all codes (infinite loop on the code).

Type 6 : If higher… (unsigned) (can be called "60", "61" and "62")

Unsigned means:

  • For Bytes: values go from 0 to +255.
  • For Halfword: values go from 0 to +65535.
  • For Words: values go from 0 to 4294967295.

For example: for the Byte comparison, 7F (127) will be < to FF (255).


  • Subtype 0 [30]: If higher, execute next line (else skip next line).
  • Subtype 1 [70]: If higher, execute next 2 lines (else skip next 2 lines).
  • Subtype 2 [B0]: If higher, execute all the codes below this one in the same row (else execute none of the codes below).
  • Subtype 3 [F0]: While lower, turn off all codes (infinite loop on the code).

Type 7 – If AND… (can be called "70", "71" and "72")

(if the result of ANDing the IN GAME and IN CODE values is not equal to 0)


  • Subtype 0 [38]: If AND, execute next line (else skip next line).
  • Subtype 1 [78]: If AND, execute next 2 lines (else skip next 2 lines).
  • Subtype 2 [B8]: If AND, execute all the codes below this one in the same row (else execute none of the codes below).
  • Subtype 3 [F8]: While NOT AND, turn off all codes (infinite loop on the code).