The Build Analysis Check is a service to improve the Pull Request experience by highlighting build and test information most helpful to .NET developers. Its goal is to make Pull Request results more actionable.
High-level features include:
- Highlight most important failure information
- Add context by combining information in Azure DevOps and Helix
- Reduce distance to most helpful analysis tools, such as Azure DevOps Test Result History for a particular test or the Helix artifact logs
For more details, see the specifics document.
Build Analysis is enabled on a per-repository basis. Contact dnceng to request it be enabled in your repository.
Once enabled, a new GitHub check suite will be included in all pull requests. Navigate to the "Checks" tab, then look for the ".NET Helix" suite.
Yes! The Build Analysis result leverages Azure DevOps history and information to provide context and workflow improvements. Though it may bring additional information for Helix-based execution, it is not required.