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+# Multi-threading on browser
+## Goals
+ - CPU intensive workloads on dotnet thread pool
+ - enable blocking .Wait APIs from C# user code
+ - Current public API throws PNSE for it
+ - This is core part on MT value proposition.
+ - If people want to use existing MT code-bases, most of the time, the code is full of locks. People want to use existing code as is.
+ - allow HTTP and WS C# APIs to be used from any thread
+ - Underlying JS object have thread affinity
+ - don't change/break single threaded build. †
+ - don't try to block on UI thread.
+† Note: all the text below discusses MT build only, unless explicit about ST build.
+## Design proposal TL;DR - Alternative 10
+20. MAUI/BlazorWebView ... is the same thing
+21. execute whole WASM runtime on a worker. Blocking is fine there.
+22. The UI thread will only have `blazor.server.js` with small modifications.
+23. This needs new marketing name! -> `WASM server` ???
+# Detailed design
+## Blazor - what changes vs MAUI server
+- it still needs to compile for WASM target
+- it will have threadpool and blocking C# `.Wait` and `lock()`
+- it would not have Socket or DB connection
+## Blazor - what changes vs "Blazor WASM"
+- "onClick" would be asynchronous, same way as in Blazor server
+- Blazor's [`IJSInProcessRuntime.Invoke`](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.jsinterop.ijsinprocessruntime.invoke) would not be available
+- Blazor's [`IJSUnmarshalledRuntime`](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.jsinterop.ijsunmarshalledruntime) would not be available
+- no JavaScript APIs on `globalThis.Blazor` or `globalThis.MONO`
+- no runtime JS interop
+- no runtime on UI thread
+- Blazor united: progressive switch from remote server to WASM server, after WASM binaries arrived
+## Blazor startup
+- we will need to start emscripten on a worker and `postMessage` there all the configuration.
+ - this is possibly the biggest effort
+- probably no `Blazor.start`, `start.withResourceLoader` with returning `Response` object
+- we may keep `dotnet.js` loader to run in the UI
+ - TODO: prototype
+### Blazor `renderBatch`
+- streaming bytes - as Blazor server does
+ - we use [RenderBatchWriter](https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/blob/045afcd68e6cab65502fa307e306d967a4d28df6/src/Components/Shared/src/RenderBatchWriter.cs) in the WASM
+ - we use `blazor.server.js` to render it
+ - preferred if fast enough
+ - could be ok to render batch by another thread while UI is rendering
+- plan b) use existing `SharedArrayBuffer`
+ - WASM would:
+ - stop the GC
+ - send the "read-memory-now"
+ - await for "done" message
+ - enable GC
+ - UI could duplicate `conv_string` and `unbox_mono_obj` dark magic and use it
+## Blazor JS interop
+- will work as usual on "Blazor server"
+## runtime JS Interop
+- would be available only to workers, but it would not have access to UI thread and DOM
+- could call sync and async calls both directions, promises and callbacks
+## HTTP & WS
+- would be running on a worker, will be accessible from all C# threads
+ - we will overcome thread affinity internally
+## C# Thread
+- could block on synchronization primitives
+- without JS interop. calling JSImport will PNSE.
+## C# Threadpool Thread
+- could block on synchronization primitives
+- without JS interop. calling JSImport will PNSE.
+## Blocking problem
+1. If you have multithreading, any thread might need to block while waiting for any other to release a lock.
+ - locks are in the user code, in nuget packages, in Mono VM itself
+ - there are managed and un-managed locks
+ - in single-threaded build of the runtime, all of this is NOOP. That's why it works on UI thread.
+2. UI thread in the browser can't synchronously block
+ - you can spin-lock but it's bad idea.
+ - Deadlock: when you spin-block, the JS timer loop and any messages are not pumping. But code in other threads may be waiting for some such event to resolve.
+ - It eats your battery
+ - Browser will kill your tab at random point (Aw, snap).
+ - It's not deterministic and you can't really test your app to prove it harmless.
+ - all the other threads/workers could synchronously block
+3. JavaScript engine APIs and objects have thread affinity. The DOM and few other browser APIs are only available on the main UI "thread"
+ - and so, you need to have some way how to talk to UI
+This is the main reason why we can't run MT dotnet also on UI thread.
+## Alternatives
+- "deputy thread" proposal https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/pull/91696
+## Debugging
+- VS debugger would work as usual
+- Chrome dev tools would only see the events coming from `postMessage`
+- Chrome dev tools debugging C# could be bit different, it possibly works already. The C# code would be in different node of the "source" tree view
+## Non-blazor
+- does Uno have similar "render from distance" architecture ?
+## Open questions
+- when MT emscripten starts on a WebWorker, does it know that it doesn't have to spin-block there ?
+# Further improvements
+## JSWebWorker with JS interop
+- is C# thread created and disposed by new API for it
+- could block on synchronization primitives
+- there is JSSynchronizationContext installed on it
+ - so that user code could dispatch back to it, in case that it needs to call JSObject proxy (with thread affinity)
+## Promise, Task, Task
+- passing Promise should work everywhere.
+- when marshaled to JS they bind to specific `Promise` and have affinity
+- the `Task.SetResult` need to be marshaled on thread of the Promise.
+## JSObject proxy
+- has thread affinity, marked by private ThreadId.
+ - in deputy worker, it will be always UI thread Id
+ - the JSHandle always belongs to UI thread
+- `Dispose` need to be called on the right thread.
+ - how to do that during GC/finalizer ?
+ - should we run finalizer per worker ?
+- is it ok for `SynchronizationContext` to be public API
+ - because it could contain UI thread SynchronizationContext, which user code should not be dispatched on.
+## should we hide `SynchronizationContext` inside of the interop generated code.
+- needs to be also inside generated nested marshalers
+- is solution for deputy's SynchronizationContext same as for JSWebWorker's SynchronizationContext, from the code-gen perspective ?
+- how could "HTTP from any C# thread" redirect this to the thread of fetch JS object affinity ?
+- should generated code or the SynchronizationContext detect it from passed arguments ?
+- TODO: figure out backward compatibility of already generated code. Must work on single threaded
+- why not make user responsible for doing it, instead of changing generator ?
+ - I implemented MT version of HTTP and WS by calling `SynchronizationContext.Send` and it's less than perfect. It's difficult to do it right: Error handling, asynchrony.
+## SynchronizationContext
+- we will need public C# API for it, `JSHost.xxxSynchronizationContext`
+- maybe `JSHost.Post(direction, lambda)` without exposing the `SynchronizationContext` would be better.
+ - we could avoid it by generating late bound ICall. Very ugly.
+- on a JSWebWorker
+ - to dispatch any calls of JSObject proxy members
+ - to dispatch `Dispose()` of JSObject proxy
+ - to dispatch `TaskCompletionSource.SetResult` etc
+### dispatch alternatives
+- we could use emscripten's `emscripten_dispatch_to_thread_async` or JS `postMessage`
+- the details on how to interleave that with calls to `ToManaged` and `ToJS` for each argument may be tricky.
+Related Net8 tracking https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/85592
+- [ ] experiment with `test-main.js` to do the same
+- [ ] experiment with Blazor to try easy version without JS extensibility concerns
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