index 304d70dcc..a17f2a452 100644
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ VSIXs can be created using the gulp command `gulp vsix:release:package`. This w
To update the version of the roslyn server used by the extension do the following:
1. Find the the Roslyn signed build you want from [here](https://dnceng.visualstudio.com/internal/_build?definitionId=327&_a=summary). Typically the latest successful build of main is fine.
-2. In the official build stage, look for the `Publish Assets` step. In there you will see it publishing the `Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer` package with some version, e.g. `4.6.0-3.23158.4`. Take note of that version number.
+2. In the official build stage, look for the `Publish Assets` step. In there you will see it publishing the `Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.neutral` package with some version, e.g. `4.6.0-3.23158.4`. Take note of that version number.
3. In the [package.json](package.json) inside the `defaults` section update the `roslyn` key to point to the version number you found above in step 2.
-4. Build and test the change (make sure to run `gulp installDependencies` to get the new version!). If everything looks good, submit a PR.
- * Adding new package versions might require authentication, run with the `--interactive` flag to login. You may need to install [azure artifacts nuget credential provider](https://github.com/microsoft/artifacts-credprovider#installation-on-windows) to run interactive authentication.
+4. Ensure that version of the package is in the proper feeds by running `gulp updateRoslynVersion`. Note: you may need to install the [Azure Artifacts NuGet Credential Provider](https://github.com/microsoft/artifacts-credprovider#installation-on-windows) to run interactive authentication.
+5. Build and test the change. If everything looks good, submit a PR.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index c510ffc91..d8c9f994d 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"defaults": {
- "roslyn": "4.8.0-2.23428.2",
+ "roslyn": "4.8.0-3.23451.2",
"omniSharp": "1.39.7",
"razor": "7.0.0-preview.23423.3",
"razorOmnisharp": "7.0.0-preview.23363.1"
diff --git a/server/ServerDownload.csproj b/server/ServerDownload.csproj
index 3d88b952a..bde703f88 100644
--- a/server/ServerDownload.csproj
+++ b/server/ServerDownload.csproj
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tasks/offlinePackagingTasks.ts b/tasks/offlinePackagingTasks.ts
index 2da434ec2..ce9ead67f 100644
--- a/tasks/offlinePackagingTasks.ts
+++ b/tasks/offlinePackagingTasks.ts
@@ -73,22 +73,25 @@ gulp.task('installDependencies', async () => {
+ 'updateRoslynVersion',
+ // Run the fetch of all packages, and then also installDependencies after
+ gulp.series(async () => {
+ const packageJSON = getPackageJSON();
+ // Fetch the neutral package that we don't otherwise have in our platform list
+ await acquireRoslyn(packageJSON, undefined, true);
+ // And now fetch each platform specific
+ for (const p of platformSpecificPackages) {
+ await acquireRoslyn(packageJSON, p.platformInfo, true);
+ }
+ }, 'installDependencies')
// Install Tasks
async function installRoslyn(packageJSON: any, platformInfo?: PlatformInformation) {
- const roslynVersion = packageJSON.defaults.roslyn;
- const packagePath = await acquireNugetPackage('Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer', roslynVersion);
- // Find the matching server RID for the current platform.
- let serverPlatform: string;
- if (platformInfo === undefined) {
- serverPlatform = 'neutral';
- } else {
- serverPlatform = platformSpecificPackages.find(
- (p) =>
- p.platformInfo.platform === platformInfo.platform &&
- p.platformInfo.architecture === platformInfo.architecture
- )!.rid;
- }
+ const { packagePath, serverPlatform } = await acquireRoslyn(packageJSON, platformInfo, false);
// Get the directory containing the server executable for the current platform.
const serverExecutableDirectory = path.join(packagePath, 'content', 'LanguageServer', serverPlatform);
@@ -107,6 +110,33 @@ async function installRoslyn(packageJSON: any, platformInfo?: PlatformInformatio
+async function acquireRoslyn(
+ packageJSON: any,
+ platformInfo: PlatformInformation | undefined,
+ interactive: boolean
+): Promise<{ packagePath: string; serverPlatform: string }> {
+ const roslynVersion = packageJSON.defaults.roslyn;
+ // Find the matching server RID for the current platform.
+ let serverPlatform: string;
+ if (platformInfo === undefined) {
+ serverPlatform = 'neutral';
+ } else {
+ serverPlatform = platformSpecificPackages.find(
+ (p) =>
+ p.platformInfo.platform === platformInfo.platform &&
+ p.platformInfo.architecture === platformInfo.architecture
+ )!.rid;
+ }
+ const packagePath = await acquireNugetPackage(
+ `Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.${serverPlatform}`,
+ roslynVersion,
+ interactive
+ );
+ return { packagePath, serverPlatform };
async function installRazor(packageJSON: any, platformInfo: PlatformInformation) {
return await installPackageJsonDependency('Razor', packageJSON, platformInfo);
@@ -138,7 +168,7 @@ async function installPackageJsonDependency(
-async function acquireNugetPackage(packageName: string, packageVersion: string): Promise {
+async function acquireNugetPackage(packageName: string, packageVersion: string, interactive: boolean): Promise {
packageName = packageName.toLocaleLowerCase();
const packageOutputPath = path.join(nugetTempPath, packageName, packageVersion);
if (fs.existsSync(packageOutputPath)) {
@@ -150,9 +180,11 @@ async function acquireNugetPackage(packageName: string, packageVersion: string):
const dotnetArgs = [
path.join(rootPath, 'server'),
- `/p:MicrosoftCodeAnalysisLanguageServerVersion=${packageVersion}`,
+ `/p:PackageName=${packageName}`,
+ `/p:PackageVersion=${packageVersion}`,
- if (argv.interactive) {
+ if (interactive) {