The following objectives are not strictly necessary in order to complete missions or increase in rank, however, they are very useful and many players will like to know the ways in which to achieve them. Most of this information is dispersed elsewhere throughout this guide but has been consolidated here for easier reference. Additional information on some of these topics can be found in the 'Bonus', Jackpots and Awards' section.
- The Center Post is a small peg which rises from the table between the tips of the flippers.
- When activated it greatly reduces the chances the ball will drain between the flippers.
- The Center Post is activated by entering the Hyperspace Kicker 3 consecutive times or re-lighting the 3rd Hyperspace Kicker light.
- Notes:
- The Center Post is active for a limited amount of time (approximately 60 seconds).
- The Center Post Light will blink before the Center Post is retracted.
- When the Center Post Light go out so does the 3rd Hyperspace Chute light, however the preceding Hyperspace Chute Lights remain lit.
- The 3rd Hyperspace Chute Light may remain lit longer then the Center Post is active if the Hyperspace Kicker is entered While the Center Post is up.
- The ball can still drain when the Center Post is active so don't be too careless and don't let the Ball rest on the Center Post and one of the Flippers.
- Extra Balls allow a new ball to be played after one has drained without advancing the ball counter, however the table DOES reset.
- Extra Balls may also be awarded using the cheat codes.
- Refer to the Cheat Codes section for more information.
- An unlimited (no practical limit?) number of Extra Balls may be collected at any one time.
- An unlimited (no practical limit?) number of Extra Balls may be awarded throughout a single game.
- During normal game play there are two ways to obtain Extra Balls.
- Hyperspace/Out-Lane combination
- Level 3 Commendation
- Enter the Hyperspace Kicker 4 consecutive times or re-light the 4th Hyperspace Kicker light.
- This lights the Out-Lane lights making an Extra Ball "available".
- This does NOT award an Extra Ball.
- Pass an Out-Lane while the Out-Lane Lights are lit.
- This DOES award an Extra Ball.
- Notes:
- The Out-Lane Lights are lit for a limited amount of time (approximately 60 seconds) and blink before they go out.
- If the Out-Lane lights go out before an Extra Ball is awarded so does the 4th Hyperspace Chute light, however the preceding Hyperspace chute lights remain lit.
- Only 1 Extra Ball can be awarded for each time the 4th Hyperspace Chute light is lit.
- If the Hyperspace Kicker is entered while the 4th Hyperspace Chute Light is lit then all the Hyperspace Chute lights go out (Gravity Well activated).
- Knock down all 3 Metal Targets 3 consecutive times.
- Each time all 3 targets are dropped a commendation is awarded an a Metal Light lit.
- An Extra Ball is awarded every time a Level 3 Commendation is awarded.
- Multiple Extra Balls may be awarded by continually achieving Level 3 Commendations.
- Notes:
- By accepting the following missions all of the dropped Metal Targets are raised, however any Commendation Lights remain lit.
- Science Mission (Cadet)
- Bug Hunt Mission (Ensign & Lieutenant)
- By accepting the following missions all of the dropped Metal Targets are raised, however any Commendation Lights remain lit.
- If the ball passes an Out-Lane it will either drain or enter an Out-Lane Kicker.
- If the ball enters an Out-Lane Kicker it is kicked back through the Out-Lane and the kicker is deactivated.
- If the kicker is deactivated the ball will only be able to drain if it passes the Out-Lane.
- The Out-Lane Kickers are reactivated by lighting all 3 corresponding Hazard Lights.
- Light all 3 lights associated with the Left Hazard (Radiation) Spot Targets.
- Light all 3 lights associated with the Right Hazard (Comet) Spot Targets.
- By accepting the following missions some or all of the Hazard Light are extinguished:
- Bug Hunt Mission (Ensign & Lieutenant) - All target lights are turned off.
- Stray Comet Mission (Captain & Lt. Commander) - All Right Hazard Lights are turned off.
- Space Radiation Mission (Captain & Lt. Commander) - All Left Hazard Lights are turned off.
- Replay Balls allow the same ball to be played after it has drained without advancing the ball counter AND without resetting the table.
- Replay Balls are more valuable then Extra Balls but cannot be collected, however they can be awarded an unlimited number of times throughout a single game.
- There are two different kinds of Replay Balls which may both be available at the same time:
- Automatic Replay
- Wormhole Replay
- This is awarded any time a ball is discharged by the plunger.
- Availability is indicated by the Automatic Replay Light located at the bottom of the Right Out-Lane below the Right Flipper.
- It is only available for a limited amount of time after the ball enters the Deployment Chute.
- After approximately 30 seconds the light blinks and goes out.
- If the ball drains while both Replays are available the Wormhole Replay light remains lit.
- This is awarded when the ball enters an ACTIVE Wormhole and kicks out of the same Wormhole.
- The Wormhole Light color and the Wormhole Exit Arrow color must match for this to happen.
- Availability is indicated by the Wormhole Replay Light located at the bottom of the Left Out-Lane below the Left Flipper.
- Activate the Wormholes by hitting the Wormhole Spot Target.
- Each Wormhole is identified by a colored light at the top of the Wormhole entrance.
- The Wormhole from which the ball will exit is indicated by the color of the Wormhole Exit Arrow at the entrance to each Wormhole.
- Change the Wormhole Exit Arrow color by hitting the Wormhole Spot Target or spinning either of the two Flags.
- Notes:
- If the Secret Mission has been aborted then the Wormholes will have to be re-activated by hitting the Wormhole Target before a Replay Ball can be awarded.
- In order to complete any mission you must have "fuel" throughout the duration of that mission.
- The amount of fuel is indicated by the Fuel Lights in the Fuel Chute.
- The more Fuel Lights are lit the more fuel you have.
- When all Fuel Lights are lit they will all extinguish in approximately 90 seconds.
- You can partially 're-fuel' by sending the ball part way up the Fuel Chute and rolling over any unlit Fuel Lights.
- There are 3 ways to completely 're-fuel':
- Pass the Bonus Lane
- Rollover the Top (blue) Fuel Light.
- Hit all 3 Fuel Targets (spot).
- The easiest way to pass this lane is to send the ball up the Launch Ramp.
- The Bonus Lane is passed when the ball exits the Launch Area.
- This (typically) assures a complete amount of "fuel" whenever a mission is accepted.
- It is possible for fuel to run out between the time a mission is accepted and the time the ball exits the Launch Area.
- See "Running Out of Fuel" below.
- This may be accomplished in 3 ways:
- Sending the ball all the way up the Fuel Chute.
- Having the ball drop into the Fuel Chute from the top.
- Having the ball kick out of the Left Out-Lane Kicker.
- The Fuel Targets are the 3 Spot Targets spaced around the Remote (Satellite) Bumper.
- Light all 3 lights associated with these targets to 're-fuel'.
- By accepting the Bug Hunt (Ensign & Lieutenant) Mission the Fuel Target Lights will be extinguished.
- The fuel lights are extinguished in order from top to bottom with the amount of time between each one going out continually increasing.
- Individual Fuel Lights can be re-lit by rolling over them.
- If all the Fuel Lights are extinguished then new missions cannot be accepted and active missions will be "aborted".
- Notes:
- Each Fuel Light will blink for a short time before it goes out.
- When only the last Fuel Light remains lit the "Warning - Low Fuel" message will appear in the Instructional Pane of the Score Board.
- If all the Fuel Lights go out the "Re-fuel Ship" message will appear in the Instructional pane of the Score Board.
- "Skipping" a rank is a technique by which the number of Rank Lights is increased without being awarded all 18 progress lights.
- "Skipping" a rank can be accomplished a number of ways with varying degrees of difficulty. From easiest to hardest these are:
- Mission Based Skipping
- 4th Mission Drain Skipping
- Early Mission Acceptance Skipping The 4th Mission Drain & Early Mission Acceptance techniques may be bugs.
- This technique is based on the Time Warp Mission only.
- Complete the Time Warp Mission by passing the Launch Ramp.
- Awards 9 Progress Lights and 1 Rank Light.
- Completing this mission when 9 or more Progress Lights are already lit will award 2 Rank Lights.
- Notes:
- This technique can only be used when the current rank is Commander, Commodore, or Admiral (6, 7, or 8 rank lights).
- Refer to the 'Missions' section for more information.
- Complete the 4th (all Mission Targets) mission to increase in rank.
- Allow the ball to drain before the Progress Lights stop blinking in celebration.
- This keeps all 18 progress lights lit.
- Only one more mission (any mission) need be completed to increase in rank.
- Notes:
- This technique is most effective during the Cadet, Captain, and Lt. Commander ranks (1, 4 or 5 rank lights).
- This technique can be used repeatedly to increase the rank each time a mission is completed.
- A new Ball will be deployed and the board reset when the Ball is drained so have an Extra Ball available.
- This technique does not work when the Replay Light is lit.
- Complete any mission.
- Select and accept a new mission before the Progress Lights stop blinking in celebration.
- This keeps all 18 progress lights lit.
- Only the newly selected mission needs to be completed to increase in rank.
- Notes:
- This technique can be used repeatedly to increase the rank each time a mission is completed.
- This technique is extremely difficult to use.
- It is impossible to use this technique on the following missions because the ball is held in/on the table element used to complete the mission.
- Launch Training
- Rescue Mission
- Stray Comet Mission
- Maelstrom Mission
- Upgrading the bumpers makes the bumper worth more points when it is hit.
- The bumpers can be upgraded 3 times each allowing for 4 different upgrade levels
- Level 1: Blue (Default)
- Level 2: Green (1st Upgrade)
- Level 3: Yellow (2nd Upgrade)
- Level 4: Red (3rd Upgrade)
- Once upgraded the bumpers remain at each level for approximately 60 seconds. After that time the bumpers are downgraded 1 level.
- Bumpers can only be upgraded 1 level at a time.
- In order to increase to level 3 the bumpers must be upgraded while they are set a level 2.
- In order to increase to level 4 the bumpers must be upgraded while they are set a level 3.
- Upgrading the bumpers while they are set at level 4 resets the time before they are downgraded.
- There are two sets(types) of bumpers: Attack Bumpers & Engine Bumpers
- For more information refer to 'Bumpers' in the 'Table Elements' section.
- The Attack Bumpers are upgraded by lighting all 3 Re-entry Lane Lights.
- If 1 or 2 of the Re-entry Lane Lights are lit they can be rotated by activating the Flippers.
- Each Flipper rotates the lights in a different direction.
- Refer to 'Bumpers' in the 'Table Elements' section for information on point values at each level.
- The Engine Bumpers are upgraded by lighting all 3 Engine Lane Lights.
- If 1 or 2 of the Engine Lane Lights are lit they can be rotated by activating the Flippers.
- Each Flipper rotates the lights in a different direction.
- Refer to 'Bumpers' in the 'Table Elements' section for information on point values at each level.