The format is based on and uses the types of changes according to Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- SPSearchCrawlerImpactRule
- Resource threw an error on the Set-TargetResource Function because the
cmdlet ParameterSearchService
does not support a Search Service Application Object.
- Resource threw an error on the Set-TargetResource Function because the
- SPShellAdmins
- Fixed that the Member comparison was not case insensitive.
- SPSite
- The Get Method failed to get an existing Site Collection on SharePoint Server Subscription Edition
- SPSearchCrawlerImpactRule
- Resource threw an error if the Crawler Impact Rule did not exist when running the Get Method
- SPDistributedCacheClientSettings
- Added additional parameters for SP2019 and SPSE
- SPFarm
- Updated to run cmdlet
on SharePoint Subscription.
- Updated to run cmdlet
- SPCertificateSettings
- Fixed an error where the command failed to add SPCertificateNotificationContacts when there are currently none set.
- SharePointDsc
- Remove unnecessary Import-Module to fix an error when running resource SPFarm on a server with SharePoint Subscription 23H1 that has never been joined to a farm.
- Export
- Fixed issue where the export would not run on Subscription Edition
- SPTrustedRootAuthority
- Added
flag toGet-ChildItem
when setting certificate by Thumbprint.
- Added
- SPPublishServiceApplication
- Fixed issue where the Set method never did anything because it was checking incorrect values
- SPProductUpdate
- Added support for SharePoint Subscription Edition
- SPProductUpdate
- Added logic to check if all servers in the farm are on the same patch level before resuming the search crawls again
- Export
- Fixed issue where the export would not run on Subscription Edition
- SPInstallPrereqs
- Fix issue where a failed VC++ upgrade results in two versions being present, which the code didn't handle properly
- SPPublishServiceApplication
- Fixed issue where the Set method never did anything because it was checking incorrect values
- SPShellAdmins
- Fix issue where Get-SPDatabase could not be found
- SPUserProfileServiceApp
- Fixed issue where error 'You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression' was thrown when no MySiteHost was specified
- SharePointDsc
- Added the SPShellAdmin resource to the ReverseDsc export
- Updated ReverseDsc version requirement to
- SPFarmPropertyBag
- Added support for boolean and int32 data types
- SPInstall
- Added additional ExitCode for incorrect license key
- SPSearchCrawlDatabase
- New resource
- SPSearchIndexPartition
- Added additional logging to improve troubleshooting
- SPShellAdmin
- Added additional logging to improve troubleshooting
- Added Export logic
- SPWebAppPeoplePickerSettings
- Added the CustomFilter parameter to the resource
- Added the ShortDomainName parameter to the resource
- SharePointDsc
- Fixed incorrect table formatting in the resource table of the Wiki
- SPSearchIndexPartition
- Fixed issue where only one index component was returned after a regression issue in v5.1
- SPSearchServiceApp
- Fixed issue where the database permissions were not corrected for new search service applications.
- SPShellAdmin
- Fixed issue where the farm account was the owner of the database. Now including the farm account in those cases.
- SPWebApplication
- Fixed an issue where the Set method tried to use the Parameter SecureSocketsLayer with Set-SPWebApplication on SharePoint Server older than Subscription Edition.
- SPWebAppPeoplePickerSettings
- Fixed an issue where the Set method would not update a non mandatory parameter on an existing SPWebAppPPSearchDomain
- SharePointDsc
- Added generic unit tests files to quickly run all or a specific unit test
- Updated pipeline scripts to a recent version
- Added an extensive flexible configuration to deploy a SharePoint environment
- SPDistributedCacheService
- Added documentation to clarify the use of the ServerProvisionOrder parameter
- SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer
- Added parameters to support OIDC authentication in SharePoint Server Subscription Edition
- SPWebAppPeoplePickerSettings
- Added the PeopleEditorOnlyResolveWithinSiteCollection parameter to the resource
- SharePointDsc
- Updated ReverseDsc version requirement to to fix an issue with Exporting an array of CIM instances
- SPFarm
- Suppress a useless reboot that was triggered once a server joined the farm
- Suppress a useless 5 minutes sleep triggered once a server joined the farm
- SPSearchIndexPartition
- Fixed issue where the Get method returned multiple values when using multiple index components
- Fixed issue the Export would place quotes around a variable in the output
- SPSearchTopology
- Fixed issue the Export would place quotes around a variable in the output
- SPTrustedRootAuthority
- Fixed issue where certificates not in the Personal store could not be used
- Add-SPDscConfigDBLock
- Fixed issue where a Farm configuration Database could not contain a dash '-'
- SharePointDsc
- Added support for SharePoint Server Subscription Edition in Util module and unit tests stubs
- Added SPSE unit tests to the Azure pipeline definitions
- SPCertificate
- New resource for SharePoint Server Subscription Edition
- SPCertificateSettings
- New resource for SharePoint Server Subscription Edition
- SPDatabaseAAG
- Added support for SharePoint Server Subscription Edition
- SPDistributedCacheService
- Added support for SharePoint Server Subscription Edition
- SPFarm
- Added support for SharePoint Server Subscription Edition
- SPInstall
- Added support for SharePoint Server Subscription Edition
- SPInstallPrereqs
- Added support for SharePoint Server Subscription Edition
- SPOfficeOnlineServerSupressionSettings
- New resource
- SPSearchServiceApp
- Added possibility to configure Search Index Deletion Policies settings
- SPWebApplication
- Added possibility to manage the SiteDataServers property
- Added support for configuring AllowLegacyEncryption, CertificateThumbprint and UseServerNameIndication
- SPWebApplicationExtension
- Added support for configuring AllowLegacyEncryption, CertificateThumbprint and UseServerNameIndication
- General
- Updated pipeline definition
- ReverseDsc
- Changed form Size to dynamic Width
- Change column width to calc /3 of Form.
- Export form is now more dynamic / responsive
- SPAccessServiceApp
- Service app no longer exists in SharePoint Server Subscription Edition. Added logic to check for SPSE.
- SPAccessServices2010
- Service app no longer exists in SharePoint Server Subscription Edition. Added logic to check for SPSE.
- SPPerformancePointServiceApp
- Service app no longer exists in SharePoint Server Subscription Edition. Added logic to check for SPSE.
- SPWebApplicationExtension
- Updated so it infers the UseSSL value from the URL, just like the SPWebApplication resouce
- SPLogLevel
- Corrected issue in creating ReverseDsc export
- SharePointDsc
- [BREAKING CHANGE] Removed PowerShell v4.0 support by removing the InstallAccount parameter from all resources.
- SPWebApplicationExtension
- [BREAKING CHANGE] Removed UseSSL parameter
- SPLogLevel
- Added ReverseDsc export support to this resource
- SPWebApplication
- Added logic to check if specified content database exists in the web application
- Added possibility to update application pool
- SharePointDsc
- Updated build pipeline to use the correct vm image
- SharePointDsc
- Fixed issue where the snapin was generating the "An item with the same key has already been added" error
- ReverseDsc
- Fixed issue where the export would contain duplicate configuration
- Fixed issue where the example export cmdlets was in the incorrect format
- SPDocIcon
- Fixed issue where the resource was using hardcoded SP2016 and later paths and therefore didn't work in SP2013
- SPSearchServiceApp
- Disabled the Farm account DB ownership check when using SQL Auth
- SPServiceAppPool
- Fixed issue in Export method where the PsDscRunAsCredential was stored as a string instead of a PsCredential object
- SPSite
- Fixed issue where the code continues when the creation of the site failed, throwing even more errors
- SPSearchServiceApp
- Added additional logging at checking db permissions
- SPWebAppHttpThrottlingMonitor
- Added new resource to manage web application Http Throttling Monitor settings
- SPFarm
- Added parameter SkipRegisterAsDistributedCacheHost
- SPSearchServiceApp
- Fixed an issue if the analytics database where not provisioned with a hardcoded name
- Fixed an issue if search databases had names containing one or more spaces
- SPWebAppAuthentication
- Updated the description for the new zone setting parameters
- SPWebAppClientCallableSettings
- Updated the description for the proxy library settings parameters
- SPAppDomain
- Corrected Verbose logging in Test method
- Corrected issue in Get method where ErrorAction had to be SilentlyContinue
- SPContentDatabase
- Fixed issue where WebAppUrl in the Desired State would cause the test to fail, always resulting in False.
- SPExcelServiceApp
- Updated links to Docs instead of old TechNet
- SPInstallLanguagePack
- Fixed detection of Norwegian language pack
- SPManagedMetaDataServiceApp
- Fix issue where a missing Service App Proxy was not detected correctly and therefore not created, resulting in other errors.
- SPSearchTopology
- Fixed issue where an error was thrown if the specified RootDirectory didn't exist on the current server but did exist on the target server.
- Fixed issue with using FQDNs instead of NetBIOS server names.
- SPSite
- Implemented workaround to prevent issue with creating site collections immediately after farm creation (Error "Invalid field name. {cbb92da4-fd46-4c7d-af6c-3128c2a5576e}")
- SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer
- Fixed issue where the IdentifierClaim was not properly detected in the Set method
- SPWorkManagementServiceApp
- Updated links to Docs instead of old TechNet
- SPSearchServiceApp
- Added ability to correct database permissions for the farm account, to prevent issue as described in the Readme of the resource
- SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig
- Added support for LogonTokenCacheExpirationWindow, WindowsTokenLifetime and FormsTokenLifetime settings
- SPService
- New resource
- SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig
- Added support for LogonTokenCacheExpirationWindow, WindowsTokenLifetime and FormsTokenLifetime settings
- SPUsageDefinition
- New resource
- SPUserProfileProperty
- Added check for unique ConnectionNames in PropertyMappings, which is required by SharePoint
- SPWebAppAuthentication
- Added ability to configure generic authentication settings per zone, like allow anonymous authentication or a custom signin page
- SharePointDsc
- Fixed code coverage in pipeline
- SPConfigWizard
- Fixed issue with executing PSCONFIG remotely.
- SPFarm
- Fixed issue where developer dashboard could not be configured on first farm setup.
- Fixed issue with PSConfig in SharePoint 2019 when executed remotely
- Corrected issue where the setup account didn't have permissions to create the Lock table in the TempDB. Updated to use a global temporary table, which users are always allowed to create
- SharePointDsc
- Export-SPDscDiagnosticData cmdlet to create a diagnostic package which can easily be shared for troubleshooting
- ReverseDsc
- Added a check in Export-SPConfiguration/Start-SharePointDSCExtract to check if ReverseDsc is present or not. Show instructions if it isn't
- Added DocIcon to export GUI
- Renamed export cmdlet to Export-SPConfiguration, to match Microsoft365DSC naming. Added old Start-SharePointDSCExtract as alias
- SPFarmAdministrators
- Added check to see if a central admin site is returned and stop if it isn't
- SPManagedMetaDataServiceApp
- Added check to see if a central admin site is returned and stop if it isn't
- SPSite
- Added check to see if a central admin site is returned and stop if it isn't
- ReverseDsc
- Made the export GUI logic more dynamic
- SPAccessServiceApp, SPAccessServices2010, SPAppManagementServiceApp, SPBCSServiceApp,
SPExcelServiceApp, SPMachineTranslationServiceApp, SPManagedMetadataServiceApp,
SPPerformancePointServiceApp, SPPowerPointAutomationServiceApp, SPProjectServerServiceApp,
SPPublishServiceApplication, SPSearchCrawlRule, SPSearchFileType, SPSearchServiceApp,
SPSecureStoreServiceApp, SPServiceAppSecurity, SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApp,
SPUsageApplication, SPUserProfileProperty, SPUserProfileSection, SPUserProfileServiceApp,
SPUserProfileSyncConnection, SPUserProfileSyncService, SPVisioServiceApp,
SPWordAutomationServiceApp, SPWorkManagementServiceApp
- Fixed issue with the Name parameter of Get-SPServiceApplication, which is case sensitive
- SPExcelServiceApp
- Fixed issue where PSBoundParameters was used multiple times, but manipulated at an early stage, breaking all subsequent usages
- SPInstallLanguagePack
- Fixed issue in the Norwegian Language Pack detection
- SPSearchManagedProperty
- Fixed issue where setting Searchable=True resulted in an error
- SPSearchResultSource
- Clarified the use of ScopeName and ScopeUrl with SSA as ScopeName and added examples
- SPUserProfileServiceApp
- Fixed issue where MySiteHostLocation was return from Get method including port number, which causes the Test method to fail
- SPWebAppAuthentication
- Fix issue in Get method to return Null when zone does not exist. That way the Test and Set method can detect a non-existent zone and throw a proper error.
- SPWordAutomation
- Fixed issue where the resource never went into desired state when using AddToDefault
- SharePointDsc
- Removed the ReverseDsc dependency for the SharePointDsc module since the module is only required when performing an export
For older change log history see the historic changelog.