- Link To Paper
- Here is the implementation in theano.
- Covolutional Networks have been evolved overtime. Many researchers had put their efforts in designing Different kinds of Activation Layers, Different Size of Convolution Layers, reducing overfitting by Dropout, BatchNormalization.
- However, very little thought has been putup into updating traditional MaxPooling Layers.
- Pooling Layers are building blocks of the CNN
- It reduces spatial dimension of the data. Like if we have Nin x Nin Matrix, and we apply MaxPool Layer on that it spatial dimensions will reduce to Nout x Nout. Where reduction factor α = Nin / Nout
- Traditionally 2 x 2 MaxPool layer has been used for Spatial Pooling
- Fast, reduces size of hidden layer quickly.
- Encodes degree of invariance with respect to translations and elastic distortions.
- Disjoint nature of Pooling operations can reduce generalization.
- MaxPooling reduces size so quickly that to build a deep network stack of Convolution Layers are required.
- Using 3 x 3 pooling regions overlapping with stride 2 as used in AlexNet
- Stochastic Pooling
- Reduces spatial size of Image by a factor of α, where 1 < α < 2
- Introduce randomness like Stochastic Pooling
- Overlapping pooling regions
- Input : Nin x Nin, Output : Nout x Nout, reduction factor α = Nin / Nout
- General Idea if to divide Nin x Nin square into Nout^2 pooling regions (Pi,j)
- Outputi,j = max(k,l) ∈ P i,j Inputk,l
- To do this, generate two increasing subsequences (ai) and (bi), 0 <= i <= Nout, starting with 1 and ending at Nin and with an icrement of 1 or 2.
- Now, we can generate two kind of Pooling regions
Disjoint Overlapping P = [ai-1, ai-1] x [bj-1, bj -1] P = [ai-1, ai] x [bj-1, bj] - To generate integer sequence two different approaches
- random = increments are obtained by random permutations of appropriate number of 1 and 2
- pseudorandom = increments are obtained by ai = ceiling(α(i+u)), with α ∈ (1,2) and u ∈ (0,1)
- While training or testing, whenever CNN with FMP is applied on the dataset, we can generate different integer sequences and then average it to generate ensemble of it.
- Disjoint as well as Overlapping Pooling Regions.
- Randomness included like Stochastic Pooling
- Reduction factor α reduced to α ∈ (1,2), so now we can generate deep network without
- Random Fractional Max Pooling may undefit when combined with DropOut.
- Improvement over traditional MP is substantial.
- Overlapping FMP better than Disjoint FMP
- Paper was released in 2015. Still, best results on CIFAR10.
- Near the best results on CIFAR100 and MNIST.