You will get an annoying prompt that disables you to view the source with right click and ctrl+u. Just view the source directly by writing this in the address bar: view-source:
The Javascript you will find is:
pwd = prompt("Please enter the password for level 3:","");
if (pwd==PASSWORD){
alert("Allright!\nEntering Level 4 ...");
location.href = CORRECTSITE;
else {
alert("WRONG!\nBack to disneyland !!!");
location.href = WRONGSITE;
Nevermind that Javascript you see there. It's fake, but check out that external Javascript that is camouflaged right over it:
<script src="JavaScript"></script>
Lets check it out: view-source:
PASSWORD = "try2hackrawks";
CORRECTSITE = "level4-kdnvxs.xhtml";
There you go!