Download the file zip-file and extract it.
Download vbrun300.dll from and place it in the same folder as LEVEL5.EXE
Get the Dodi VB decompiler from
Now try to open LEVEL5.EXE, you will probably get some errors, but that's OK. Now you will find some new files in you level5 folder. The important files are LEVEL5.bas and main.txt
Global Const gc0006 = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.,:;-*+=~|&!_$#@()[]{}<\/>"
Global Const gc000A = ""
If edtUsername = Mid(gc0006, 56, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 28, 1) &
Mid(gc0006, 35, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 3, 1) &
Mid(gc0006, 44, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 11, 1) &
Mid(gc0006, 13, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 21, 1) Then
If edtPassword = Mid(gc0006, 45, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 48, 1) &
Mid(gc0006, 25, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 32, 1) &
Mid(gc0006, 15, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 40, 1) &
Mid(gc0006, 25, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 14, 1) &
Mid(gc0006, 19, 1) Then
MsgBox "Level 6 can be found at: " &
Left$(gc000A, 37) & Mid(gc0006, 21, 1) &
Mid(gc0006, 14, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 29, 1) &
Mid(gc0006, 32, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 12, 1) &
Mid(gc0006, 14, 1) & Mid(gc000A, 44, 6), 0, "Horray!"
End If
End If
You should see that the username and password are made from the constant gc0006 in main.txt (don't get fooled by gc000A). The 2nd parameter in Mid() is the position of the character in gc0006. I made a JavaScript to print out the username, password and the URL to level6:
var a = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.,:;-*+=~|&!_$#@()[]{}<\/>";
var b = ""
document.write("Username: " +
a.substring(55,56) + a.substring(27,28) + a.substring(34,35) + a.substring(2,3) +
a.substring(43,44) + a.substring(10,11) + a.substring(12,13) + a.substring(20,21) + "\n");
document.write("Password: " +
a.substring(44,45) + a.substring(47,48) + a.substring(24,25) + a.substring(31,32) +
a.substring(14,15) + a.substring(39,40) + a.substring(24,25) + a.substring(13,14) +
a.substring(18,19) + "\n");
document.write("Level 6 can be found at: "+
b.substring(0,37) + a.substring(20,21) + a.substring(13,14) + a.substring(28,29) +
a.substring(31,32) + a.substring(11,12) + a.substring(13,14) + b.substring(43,50) +
" Horray!");