This repository contains R code which extracts metadata for variables from STATA (dta) files for the MDM of the research data center of the dzhw. If you do not work for the research data center of the dzhw, this package will probably be only useful for learning purposes, as it is specifically designed to help with our internal processes. You find the workflow to use it here.
Developers need to setup the R devtools on their machine.
install.packages("devtools", dependencies = TRUE)
After setting up devtools you can install all required R packages with
R -e 'devtools::install_deps(dep = T)'
You can build the package on you local machine with
R CMD build .
Before pushing to Github (and thus kicking of CI) you should run
R CMD check *tar.gz --no-manual
First you should clear the following directories:
Github actions create a build artifact
on each push. This archive needs to be extracted in the "geschützter Bereich" to Q:\Variablenexport\variableMetadataPreparation
Run the R-script install_packages.R
under Q:\Variablenexport\variableMetadataPreparation\bin
Rscript install_packages.R
The bin folder contains a template .bat
) which needs to be copied to and adjusted by every project.
Please file an issue in our issue tracker