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Terraform Components: AWS Hub and Transit Gateway. You may find this module useful if you're building a "Hub and Spoke" layout network, as advocated by various security firms, including Check Point and FortiNet.


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Terraform Components: AWS Hub and Transit Gateway

You may find this module useful if you're building a "Hub and Spoke" layout network, as advocated by various security firms, including Check Point and FortiNet.

Role: Create AWS Hub VPC and Transit Gateway, plus additional connectivity

This role creates:

  1. A single VPC, referred to as a "Security Hub" or just a "Hub", with at least two subnets attached. These subnets are referred to as "Inspect" and "Internal Transit".
  2. An Internet Gateway, to permit outbound traffic to The Internet.
  3. A Transit Gateway, providing access to other Attached VPCs (referred to as Spokes).
  4. A Security Group, permitting "any" inbound and outbound internet access.

Optionally, this role also creates a VPC Flow Log, associated to the VPC. It requires a Global IAM Role to be created and passed to this module, and also to have the VPC Flow Logs explicitly enabled.


  • Defined in
    • Project_Prefix: This is the name associated to all resources created. Default: demo.
    • AZ1: The AZ to create all assets associated to the "first" AZ. If the region is us-east-1, the AZ us-east-1a would be recorded as a. Default: a.
    • AZ2: The AZ to create all assets associated ot the "second" AZ. Default: b.
  • Defined in
    • VPC_Suffix: The suffix for the VPC, referenced in some other assets, like subnets and VPC flow logs. Default: secub.
    • IAM_Role_VPC_Flow_Logs_ARN: The ARN (AWS Resource Name) for the IAM role which permits the creation of, and write access to a Cloudwatch Log Group, and this permits the VPC to write it's logs into this group. Without this role being provided, flow logs will not be created. Default: null.
    • VPC_CIDR: The CIDR mask of the VPC. It must be large enough to support 4 subnets. If you want to add additional subnets for your security appliances, then you must make sure this VPC is large enough to support them. Default:
    • Enable_VPC_Flow_Logs: Combined with IAM_Role_VPC_Flow_Logs_ARN, does this permit the VPC to create VPC flow logs? Default: false.
  • Defined in Internet
    • InternetGateway_Suffix: The suffix of the Internet Gateway created in this VPC. Default: igw.
  • Defined in
    • Inspect_Suffix: The name for the created subnets in AZ1 and AZ2, attached to the VPC which inspect ingress and egress traffic. Default: inspect.
    • Int_Transit_Suffix: The name for the created subnets in AZ1 and AZ2, attached to the VPC to route traffic from the Transit Gateway to the Appliance(s) which Inspect traffic. Default: int_transit.
    • Subnet_Inspect_AZ1_CIDR: The CIDR for the inspect subnet in AZ1. Default:
    • Subnet_Inspect_AZ2_CIDR: The CIDR for the inspect subnet in AZ2. Default:
    • Subnet_Internal_Transit_AZ1_CIDR: The CIDR for the int_transit subnet in AZ1. Default:
    • Subnet_Internal_Transit_AZ2_CIDR: The CIDR for the int_transit subnet in AZ2. Default:
    • South_North_Gateway_ENI: The ENI (Elastic Network Interface) ID for the interface to route traffic from the int_transit towards.
  • Defined in Transit
    • TransitGateway_Suffix: The suffix for the Transit Gateway. Default: Transit_Gateway.


  • Defined in
    • aws_vpc_vpc: The VPC object created by this module.
    • aws_vpc_vpc_id: The ID of the VPC object created by this module.
  • Defined in Internet
    • aws_internet_gateway_gateway: The Internet Gateway object created by this module.
    • aws_internet_gateway_gateway_id: The ID of the Internet Gateway object created by this module.
  • Defined in Security
    • aws_security_group_allow_all: The Security Group permitting unrestricted inbound and outbound communications.
    • aws_security_group_allow_all_id: The ID of the Security Group created by this module.
    • aws_security_group_allow_all_name: The Name of the Security Group created by this module.
  • Defined in
    • aws_subnet_inspect_az1: The inspect subnet object in AZ1.
    • aws_subnet_inspect_az1_id: The ID of the inspect subnet object in AZ1.
    • aws_subnet_inspect_az2: The inspect subnet object in AZ2.
    • aws_subnet_inspect_az2_id: The ID of the inspect subnet object in AZ2.
    • aws_subnet_int_transit_az1: The internal transit subnet object in AZ1.
    • aws_subnet_int_transit_az1_id: The ID of the internal transit subnet object in AZ1.
    • aws_subnet_int_transit_az2: The internal transit subnet object in AZ2.
    • aws_subnet_int_transit_az2_id: The ID of the internal transit subnet object in AZ2.
    • aws_route_table_inspect: The routing table object for the inspect subnets.
    • aws_route_table_inspect_id: The ID of the routing table object for the inspect subnets.
  • Defined in Transit
    • aws_ec2_transit_gateway_defined: The transit gateway object created by this module.
    • aws_ec2_transit_gateway_defined_id: The ID of the transit gateway object.
    • aws_ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment_hub: The attachment object, linking the "hub" VPC to the transit gateway.
    • aws_ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment_hub_id: The ID of the attachment object.
    • aws_ec2_transit_gateway_route_table_hub_to_spokes: The routing table which impacts traffic entering the transit gateway from the "hub" VPC, directing traffic towards the "spoke" VPCs.
    • aws_ec2_transit_gateway_route_table_hub_to_spokes_id: The ID of the routing table for traffic going from the "hub" VPC to the "spoke" VPCs.
    • aws_ec2_transit_gateway_route_table_spokes_to_hub: The routing table which impacts traffic entering the transit gateway from the "spoke" VPCs, directing traffic towards the "hub" VPC.
    • aws_ec2_transit_gateway_route_table_spokes_to_hub_id: The ID of the routing table for traffic going from the "spoke" VPCs to the "hub" VPC.


Terraform Components: AWS Hub and Transit Gateway. You may find this module useful if you're building a "Hub and Spoke" layout network, as advocated by various security firms, including Check Point and FortiNet.






