diff --git a/build/cd.yml b/build/cd.yml index 8c1d07a..89a6477 100644 --- a/build/cd.yml +++ b/build/cd.yml @@ -125,9 +125,9 @@ stages: - job: git_cleanup steps: - pwsh: | - git checkout --track -b master origin/master + git checkout --track -b main origin/main git checkout --track -b deploy origin/deploy - $files = git diff deploy...master --name-only + $files = git diff deploy...main --name-only foreach($file in $files){ if($null -ne ("src/"| ? { $file.StartsWith($_) })){ Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=createRelease]true" @@ -136,13 +136,13 @@ stages: } Write-Host "Ready to merge and push changes to deploy" - git merge master + git merge main git remote -v git remote set-url origin https://${env:GITHUBKEY}@github.com/e13tech/common git remote -v git push - name: merge_master_into_deploy + name: merge_main_into_deploy env: GITHUBKEY: $(GITHUBKEY) - task: GitHubRelease@1