This guide contains the steps to publish a new version of the Theia IDE. The preview, testing and release process is described in this section
Every commit to master will be published as a preview version. Updates will only work when there was a version change.
If there was no Theia release we usually want to increment the patch version by 1, e.g. 1.47.100 -> 1.47.101.
If there was a new Theia minor release, e.g. 1.48.0, we want to use the same version as Theia.
If there was a new Theia patch release, e.g. 1.48.1, we use Theia's patch version multiplied by 100, e.g. 1.48.100.
# Update mono repo version
yarn version --no-git-tag-version
# If there was a Theia release, update Theia dependencies
yarn update:theia 1.48.0 && yarn update:theia:children 1.48.0
# Update version of all packages
yarn lerna version --exact --no-push --no-git-tag-version
# Update yarn.lock
If there was a Theia Release
- check if there are any breaking changes
- check if new built-ins are available
- check if any changes were made to the sample applications (e.g. new packages or additional configuration)
and adapt the code/built-ins accordingly.
Finally, open a PR with your changes.
We want to run yarn upgrade
regularily to get the latest versions of our dependencies.
You may want to keep this in a separate PR as this might require IP Reviews from the Eclipse Foundation and may take some time.
After an upgrade you should check the used electron
version in the yarn.lock
If there was an update, update electronVersion
in applications/electron/electron-builder.yml
You can promote the IDE via this Build Job.
specfiy which version to copy from, e.g. 1.48.0.
specify the older versions for which you want to enable direct (incremental) updates on windows.
See for the old releases.
E.g. 1.45.0,1.46.100,1.47.100
We plan to automate this, but at the moment it's a required parameter.
Run this workflow from the master branch.
Once a new Theia Platform release is available, the Theia IDE is updated to the new version. This automatically makes a new preview build available (see above). Once the preview build is successfully tested by the preview testers, it is published as a new official version, also available for automatic update. The detailed steps for this process are described in the following:
- Create a new preview version of the Theia IDE as decribed above (do not publish as stable yet)
- Create a new discussion here based on the following template:
Theia IDE 1.xz preview testing
The new version 1.XZ.0 of the Theia IDE is available on the preview channel now, please join the preview testing! You can download it here: {link to the download}. You can update your existing installation by setting the preference to preview. Please respond here when you were able to test the preview without finding blockers, by commenting with a ✔️. If you find any issues, please mention them in this thread and report them as an issue once confirmed by other testers.
- Announce availability of the preview release on [email protected] based on the following template:
Theia IDE 1.xz preview
The new version 1.XZ.0 of the Theia IDE is available on the preview channel now. Please join the preview test and help us stabilizing the release. Please visit this discussion for more information and for coordination: {link to the Github discussion created above}
best regards,
- Fix reported blockers and create patch releases (This is a community effort and typically takes 1-2 weeks)
- Once no blockers are left, declare the release final (see publishing above).
- Post official release announcement
If too many issues are found, fixes take too long or no corresponding ressources are available to fix things, a Theia IDE release might be skipped. This means, it will not update to a new Theia version, but wait for the next version.