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I will be sharing the courses taken to track and document my progress. This is a comprehensive self-paced computer science curriculum using resources from Open Source Society University which is aligned with the standards outlined in CS2013 Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Computer Science.
Topics Covered:
high school geometry
college algebra
Course | Progress | Start Date | Planned End Date | Actual End Date | Proof | Projects |
Algebra 1 | - | 10.02.23 | 10.02.23 | alg1 | - | |
HS Geometry | - | 26.10.23 | 26.10.23 | geo | - | |
Algebra 2 | - | 15.01.24 | 15.01.24 | alg2 | - | |
Trigonometry | - | 04.02.24 | 04.02.24 | trig | - | |
Precalculus | 21.02.24 | 11.04.24 | 08.04.24 | precalc | - |
Topics Covered:
simple programs
simple data structures
imperative programming
basic abstractions
basic data structures and algorithms
and more
Course | Progress | Start Date | Planned End Date | Actual End Date | Proof | Projects |
Introduction to Programming | 04.03.24 | 08.04.24 | 17.03.24 | cs50p | - |
Course | Progress | Start Date | Planned End Date | Actual End Date | Proof | Projects |
Introduction to Computer Science | 22.03.24 | 25.05.24 | 02.07.24 | mit 6.0001 | - |
Topics covered:
functional programming
design for testing
program requirements
common design patterns
unit testing
object-oriented design
static typing
dynamic typing
ML-family languages (via Standard ML)
Lisp-family languages (via Racket, Scheme)
and more
Course | Progress | Start Date | Planned End Date | Actual End Date | Proof | Projects |
Structure And Interpretation Of Computer Programs | 02.07.24 | 17.10.24 | 10.12.24 | cs61a | projects |
Topics covered:
heap, stack, queue
linked lists
hash table
Course | Progress | Start Date | Planned End Date | Actual End Date | Proof | Projects |
Data Structures | 10.12.24 | 10.03.25 | - | cs61b | projects |
Topics covered:
discrete mathematics
mathematical proofs
basic statistics
discrete probability
and more
Course | Progress | Start Date | Planned End Date | Actual End Date | Proof | Projects |
Differential Calculus | 15.04.24 | 30.07.24 | 14.10.24 | mit-18-01-1x | - | |
Integral Calculus | 14.10.24 | 22.01.25 | - | khan-academy | - | |
Math for CS | 15.11.24 | 22.02.25 | - | math-for-cs | - |
Topics covered:
terminals and shell scripting
command line environments
version control
and more
Course | Progress | Start Date | Planned End Date | Actual End Date | Proof | Projects |
The Missing Semester | 22.06.24 | 22.07.24 | 15.11.24 | mit-missing | - |
Topics covered:
vectors and vector space
linear independence
and more
Course | Progress | Start Date | Planned End Date | Actual End Date | Proof | Projects |
Essence of Linear Algebra | - | - | ||||
Linear Algebra | 14.10.24 | 22.01.25 | - | mit18.06sc | - |
Topics covered:
1d, 2d motion
newton's laws
and more
Course | Progress | Start Date | Planned End Date | Actual End Date | Proof | Projects |
Fundamentals of Physics 1 | 21.01.25 | 21.04.25 | - | physics-200 | - |
Topics covered:
critical reading and analysis
types of writing
Course | Progress | Start Date | Planned End Date | Actual End Date | Proof | Projects |
English Composition 1 | 24.01.25 | 24.07.25 | - | english-comp-1 | - |
- Khan Academy Algebra 1 completed.
- Khan Academy High School Geometry in progress.
- Topics:
- Rotating shapes
- Congruence
- Learned that triangle inner angles sum to 180 degrees.
- Topics:
- Similarity
- Pythagorean theorem proof using similarity and two areas.
- Learned about Trigonometric ratios.
- Studied Analytic geometry.
- Covered Conic sections.
- Expanded equations of a circle.
- Delved into Circles.
- Exploring Solid Geometry.
- High School Geometry concurrently with Algebra 2
- Average rate of change.
- High School Geometry done :)
- Trigonometry concurently with Algebra 2
- Complex numbers
- Polynomial arithmetic
- Polynomial factorization
- Polynomial Division done;
- new unit Polynomial graphs
- Polynomial graphs done;
- Rational exponents done;
- Exponential models;
- Trigonometric functions done;
- Algebra 2: Exponential Models done; Logarithms done ; New unit transformation of functions
- Trigonometry: new unit Non right triangles trigonometry
- Transformations of functions done; new unit equations
- quadratic, cubic equations and system equations, graphs done
- modeling with function combinations
- modeling done
- Algebra 2 done
- Trigonometry non right triangles; sine law, sine law proof, cosine law, cosine law proof done;
- Completed Algebra 1, Algebra 2, High School Geometry, and Trigonometry courses – prerequisites for OSSU. Ready for the next challenge.
- Python for Everybody - OSSU, Pre Calculus - Khan Academy
- Python for Everybody - loops iterations; Pre Calculus - complex numbers
- Python for Everybody - dictionares; Pre Calculus - dividing multiplying complex numbers
- Pre Calculus - rational functions
- Pre Calculus - rational word problems, PY4E done, 12 units out of 17, because others are optional so looking forward for CS50P 🚀
- CS50P unit 0 functions
- CS50P unit 0 done
- rational functions done, starting conic sections
- precalculus conic sections 55%, cs50p 4 unit done - exceptions
- precalculus conic sections done, cs50p 5 unit in progress
- precalculus vectors, cs50p 5 unit done - libraries, unit 6 - in progress
- precalculus vectors, cs50p unit 6 unit tests - done
- precalculus matrixes, cs50p skipped the i/o unit moved to the regexp unit done about 50%
- school physics, unit 1, one dimensional motion
- cs50p done; besides unit 6 and 8, they were irrelevant for me.
- dropped khan academy high school physics, seems useless without calculus..
- mit 6.0001 week 1 in progress, ps1 released
- khan academy precalculus matrices done, starting probability and combinatorics unit
- mit 6.0001 week 2 in progress, ps1 done
- precalculus probability and combinatorics in progress
- mit 6.0001, problem set 2 in progress, week 3 in progress
- precalculus probability and combinatorics done, precalc done
- mit's single variable calculus program began
- mit 6.0001 problem set 2 50% done, week 3 reading/lectures
- changed mit single variable calculus estimation from 13 weeks to around 26 weeks, it includes calc 1a 1b and 1c combined together
- mit 6.0001 problem set 2 75% done , week 3 reading 75% done/ lectures need to watch
- calculus week 1 in progress, getting hands on derivatives today
- dropping single variable calculus 18.01, way to fast paced, and too hard for me.
- starting calculus mit 18.01 1a differentiation
- mit 18.01.1x calc 1a unit 0 limits
- mit 6.0001 ps2 80% done, ps3 in progress, reading in progress
- mit 18.01.1x calc 1a limits
- mit 6.0001 ps2 finally done
- mit 18.01.1x calc 1a Continuity/Discontinuity, IVT
- mit 6.0001 ps3 in progress
- mit 18.01.1x calc 1a unit 1 Derivates
- mit 6.0001 ps3 4/6 done
- mit 6.0001 ps3 done
- mit 6.0001 ps3 update, reading next chapters, mit 18.01.1x midterm1, exercises, higher order derivatives
- mit 6.0001 ps4 in progress, mit 18.01.1x unit 1 almost done, unit 2 in progress soon
- mit 6.0001 ps4-a done, mit 18.01.1x
- mit 6.0001 ps4-b in progress, mit 18.01.1x unit 2 differentiation in progress
- mit 6.0001 ps4 done
- mit 18.01.1x product rule done
- mit 18.01.1x quotient rule done, chain rule in progress
- the missing semester at mit week 1, lecture 1, the shell
- mit 6.0001 reading on big o done, lectures done, ps5 in progress
- mit missing semester lesson 2, hw 2 in progress
- mit 6.0001 done
- mit 18.01.1x chain rule done
- mit 18.01.1x implicit explicit differentiation
- cs61a sicp week1 hw ready, lab in progress
- mit 18.01.1x inverse functions almost done
- cs61a sicp week2 hw in progress
- mit 18.01.1x derivate a log or exponential function
- mit missing semester lesson 2, hw 2 done
- cs61a week2 hw done, week 3 lessons and reading in progress
- cs61a sicp week3, reading, project 1 in progress
- calc 1a unit 2 differentiation done, moving to unit 3 approximations
- сalc 1a unit 3 approximation - dropped linear approximation(useless), moved to quadratic approximations update(I am dropping mit calculus 1a unit 3 and unit 4 in favour of Khan Academy's unit 4, 5, 6 in differential calculus) so
- calculus 1a ka unit 4 applications of derivatives, meaning of the derivatives in context
- calc 1a unit4 applications 30% done
- cs61a/sicp week 3 project/hw done(to be honest that was hard)
- dropping missing-semester homework 3(vim), I feel that I don't need it at the moment, I know some basics, that's it.
- missing semester lecture 4(data wrangling) in progress
- calc 1a unit4 still in progress
- cs61a week 4 reading/lectures done, notes analysing done
- cs61a week 4 done, week 5 in progress
- cs61a week 5 reading/lectures(partially done), example interpreter in progress
- calc 1a unit 4 applications of derivatives done, unit 5 analyzing functions in progress
- missing semester hw4 ex2 in progress
- cs61a week 5 homework 90% done
- calc 1a unit 5 around 80% done
- missing semester homework 4, 4/5 done
- cs61a dropping project 2, moving to week 6
- calc 1a analysing functions 90% done
- sicp/cs61a week 6 reading/lectures
- calc 1a optimization problems and unit 6 parametric equations, polar coordinates vector functions
- sicp week 6: labs
- integral calc unit 1: integrals
- linear algebra unit 1: part 1/13
- sicp week 6: labs done, homework in progress
- integral calc unit 1: integrals in progress
- linear algebra homework 1, a few exercises, unit 3-4
- linear algebra, week-1 homework done
- mit missing, cli, git lectures done; reading pro-git on the side
- mit missing debugging and profiling in progress
- sicp week 6 done, week 7 in progress
- sicp dropped week 7(because oop was already in 6.0001), moving into week 8
- linear algebra problem set 2 in progress
- calc-1b integral quizz 4 in progress soon
- sicp week 9 - mutable data
- linear algebra problem set 3
- missing semester - hw9
- starting math-for-cs
- sicp week 10 - client/server programming
- missing semester - done
- calc-1b unit 2 out of 5, diff equations next..
- I am done with CS61A, dropped weeks 12-15, because of redundancy and irrelevancy it's outdated and makes no sense for me to continue, moving forward.
- CS61B data structures week1 in progress
- CS61B hw1/lab1 done, next lectures in progress, looking forward for hw2/lab2 and project1
- Linear Algebra unit 2 out of 3, lessons 1 out of 11, hw 5 in progress
- Math for CS hw 3 in progress…
- CS61B lab2 done; I was supposed to write it in EMACS
Another year came to an end, this is a long run for me, I am in my second year at OSSU, I need another year and a little more to get done all the courses needed, for all who will read this, continue to stay motivated, enjoy cs, enjoy programming, keep pushing. Happy New Year🎉🎆✨
- calc 1b 3/5 of the course done, my favourite, Sal Khan is a brilliant tutor.
- math for cs 1/3 of the course done, don't like the explanations, superficial.
- linear algebra 1/2 of the course done, got a little lost at projection matrices.
- cs61b data structures around 1/10 done, everything on point.
I am not sure how I will go with the fundamentals of physics, if it's going to be too hard I'll drop out.
- Data Structures hw2 done, looking forward to lab3 hw3 and project1.
- Fundamentals of Physics week1 in progress, Newtonian mechanics, vectors.
- Calculus 1b applications of integrals, with volumes.
- Math for cs structures unit 2 out of 4 units, gcd.
- Linear Algebra, determinant week and all about it.
- I took another elective to fulfill a part of the english composition and writing, it's free, why not.
- Linear Algebra almost done with unit 2 out of 3, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, a little useless for me, too mathy, but have to carry it.
- Calculus 1b, finising applications of integrals.
- Data Structures, slinked lists lab3 done.
- Math for CS, GCD.
- Physics still week1 out of week12, plan to tackle homework this weekend.
- fundamentals of physics - week2 lessons, pset1-problem1, problem2.
- calculus 1b - applications of integrals done, arclen, around 80% of the course done, I don't consider parametric equations because it's a very small unit.
- english composition - module1, part of hw1.
- data structures, picture for linked list, and project1 in progress(very hard)