From 16aadce6bee7c14305ed0e58a960653494b7cd23 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pierre Leroux
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2024 09:46:06 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] fix: mostly i18n labels and some en labels
src/resources/locales/en.json | 34 ++++++-------
src/resources/locales/fr.json | 96 +++++++++++++++++------------------
2 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/resources/locales/en.json b/src/resources/locales/en.json
index bf86d944f..24f124909 100644
--- a/src/resources/locales/en.json
+++ b/src/resources/locales/en.json
@@ -74,9 +74,9 @@
"lastAdditions": "Recently added"
"export": "Save as",
- "exportAnnotation": "Save annotation as",
+ "exportAnnotation": "Save notes as",
"format": "Format",
- "importAnnotation": "Import annotation",
+ "importAnnotation": "Import notes",
"lang": "Language",
"lastRead": "Last Read",
"moreInfo": "Publication Details",
@@ -125,16 +125,16 @@
"annotations": {
"descAuthor": "of {{- author}}",
"descList": "{{- nb}} note(s) from {{- creator}} will be associated with {{- title}} {{- author}}",
- "descNewer": "{{- nb}} newer versions of these notes are already associated with the publication.",
- "descOlder": "{{- nb}} older versions of these notes are already associated with the publication.",
- "descTitle": "Annotation Set Title: ",
+ "descNewer": "{{- nb}} newer version(s) of these notes are already associated with the publication.",
+ "descOlder": "{{- nb}} older version(s) of these notes are already associated with the publication.",
+ "descTitle": "Title of the set: ",
"importAll": "Import all notes",
"importWithoutConflict": "Import notes without conflict",
- "title": "Do you want to import these notes ?"
+ "title": "Do you want to import these notes?"
"cancel": "Cancel",
- "deleteAnnotations": "Delete annotations?",
- "deleteAnnotationsText": "Do you want to delete {{- annotationListLength}} annotation(s)?",
+ "deleteAnnotations": "Delete note?",
+ "deleteAnnotationsText": "Do you want to delete {{- annotationListLength}} note(s)?",
"deleteFeed": "Delete catalog?",
"deletePublication": "Delete publication?",
"import": "Confirm import:",
@@ -181,12 +181,12 @@
"message": {
"annotations": {
- "alreadyImported": "All annotations already imported, aborting the importation",
- "emptyFile": "No annotations available in the file",
- "errorParsing": "Error file format parsing: ",
- "noBelongTo": "Unable to import annotations set, at least one annotation does not belong to the publication",
- "nothing": "There are no annotations ready to be imported, aborting the importation",
- "success": "Success !"
+ "alreadyImported": "All notes already imported, aborting the import",
+ "emptyFile": "No note available in the file",
+ "errorParsing": "Error during file parsing: ",
+ "noBelongTo": "Unable to import notes, at least one note does not belong to the publication",
+ "nothing": "There is no note ready to be imported, aborting the import",
+ "success": "Import done"
"download": {
"error": "Downloading [{{- title}}] failed: [{{- err}}]"
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@
"reset": "Reset your preferred reading parameters.",
"resetDetails": "Reset your preferred reading parameters to their default values.",
"save": "Save your preferred reading parameters.",
- "saveDetails": "ave the changes made to the current book's formatting and display choices. These settings can be applied to other books, once opened, by clicking on the button below.",
+ "saveDetails": "Save the changes made to the current book's formatting and display choices. These settings can be applied to other books, once opened, by clicking on the button below.",
"title": "Preferences"
"preview": "Preview",
@@ -554,8 +554,8 @@
"languageChoice": "Language"
"library": {
- "enableAPIAPP": "Activate access to Dilicom PNB API",
- "title": "Add a library account"
+ "enableAPIAPP": "Activate access to the French library system (PNB)",
+ "title": "Add a French library account"
"session": {
"title": "Save session"
diff --git a/src/resources/locales/fr.json b/src/resources/locales/fr.json
index e27636107..59513fbe2 100644
--- a/src/resources/locales/fr.json
+++ b/src/resources/locales/fr.json
@@ -74,9 +74,9 @@
"lastAdditions": "Récemment ajouté"
"export": "Sauvegarder sous",
- "exportAnnotation": "",
+ "exportAnnotation": "Sauvegarder les notes sous",
"format": "Format",
- "importAnnotation": "",
+ "importAnnotation": "Importer les notes",
"lang": "Langue",
"lastRead": "Dernière lecture",
"moreInfo": "Plus d'informations",
@@ -123,18 +123,18 @@
"dialog": {
"annotations": {
- "descAuthor": "",
- "descList": "",
- "descNewer": "",
- "descOlder": "",
- "descTitle": "",
- "importAll": "",
- "importWithoutConflict": "",
- "title": ""
+ "descAuthor": "de {{- author}}",
+ "descList": "{{- nb}} note(s) de {{- creator}} sera associé avec {{- title}} {{- author}}",
+ "descNewer": "{{- nb}} nouvelle version(s) de ces notes sont déjà associées à cette publication.",
+ "descOlder": "{{- nb}} ancienne version(s) de ces notes sont déjà associées à cette publication.",
+ "descTitle": "Titre de la liste : ",
+ "importAll": "Importer toute les notes",
+ "importWithoutConflict": "Importer les notes sans conflit",
+ "title": "Voulez-vous importer ces notes ?"
"cancel": "Annuler",
- "deleteAnnotations": "",
- "deleteAnnotationsText": "",
+ "deleteAnnotations": "Supprimer la note",
+ "deleteAnnotationsText": "Voulez-vous supprimer {{- annotationListLength}} note(s) ?",
"deleteFeed": "Supprimer ce catalogue ?",
"deletePublication": "Supprimer ce livre ?",
"import": "Confirmer l'ajout :",
@@ -181,12 +181,12 @@
"message": {
"annotations": {
- "alreadyImported": "",
- "emptyFile": "",
- "errorParsing": "",
- "noBelongTo": "",
- "nothing": "",
- "success": ""
+ "alreadyImported": "Toute les notes sont déjà importées, importation annulée",
+ "emptyFile": "Aucune note n'est disponible dans ce fichier",
+ "errorParsing": "Erreur lors de la lecture du fichier : ",
+ "noBelongTo": "Impossible d'importer les notes, au moins une note n'appartient pas à la publication finale",
+ "nothing": "Aucune note disponible, importation annulée",
+ "success": "Importation réussie"
"download": {
"error": "Le téléchargement de {{- title}} a échoué: [{{- err}}]"
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@
"duration": {
"title": "Durée"
- "encryptedNoLicense": "",
+ "encryptedNoLicense": "La publication est encryptée mais aucune licence LCP trouvée !",
"expired": "Prêt expiré",
"expiredLcp": "Ce livre ne peut être lu car la licence LCP a expiré.",
"incorrectPassphrase": "Aucune clé LCP enregistrée ne correspond à la publication ou la clé saisie est incorrecte.",
@@ -328,28 +328,28 @@
"addNote": "Annoter",
"advancedMode": "Mode instantané (création automatique après sélection)",
"annotationsExport": {
- "description": "Nommez cette liste d'annotations",
+ "description": "Nommez cette liste de notes",
"title": "Titre"
"annotationsOptions": "Options",
"colors": {
- "bluegreen": "",
- "cyan": "",
- "green": "",
- "lightblue": "",
- "orange": "",
- "purple": "",
- "red": "",
- "yellow": ""
+ "bluegreen": "Bleu-Vert",
+ "cyan": "Cyan",
+ "green": "Vert",
+ "lightblue": "Bleu clair",
+ "orange": "Orange",
+ "purple": "Violet",
+ "red": "Rouge",
+ "yellow": "Jaune"
"filter": {
- "all": "",
- "filterByColor": "",
- "filterByCreator": "",
- "filterByDrawtype": "",
- "filterByTag": "",
- "filterOptions": "",
- "none": ""
+ "all": "Tous",
+ "filterByColor": "Filtré par couleur",
+ "filterByCreator": "Filtré par créateur",
+ "filterByDrawtype": "Filtré par Surlignage",
+ "filterByTag": "Filtré par tag",
+ "filterOptions": "Filtre options",
+ "none": "Aucun"
"hide": "Ne pas afficher",
"highlight": "Surligner",
@@ -357,10 +357,10 @@
"quickAnnotations": "Annotation rapide (sans édition)",
"saveNote": "Sauvegarder",
"sorting": {
- "lastcreated": "",
- "lastmodified": "",
- "progression": "",
- "sortingOptions": ""
+ "lastcreated": "Dernier créé",
+ "lastmodified": "Dernier modifié",
+ "progression": "Progression",
+ "sortingOptions": "Trie options"
"toggleMarginMarks": "Afficher dans la marge",
"type": {
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@
"tts": {
"activate": "Activer l'audio de synthèse",
"default": "Voix du système",
- "language": "",
+ "language": "Langue",
"next": "Suivant",
"pause": "Pause",
"play": "Lire",
@@ -530,14 +530,14 @@
"settings": {
"annotationCreator": {
- "creator": "",
- "name": "",
- "organization": "",
- "person": "",
- "type": ""
+ "creator": "Créateur",
+ "name": "Nom",
+ "organization": "Organisation",
+ "person": "Personne",
+ "type": "Type"
"auth": {
- "title": "",
+ "title": "Gérer l'accès aux catalogues",
"wipeData": "Effacer les données d'authentification"
"keyboard": {
@@ -554,8 +554,8 @@
"languageChoice": "Choix de la langue"
"library": {
- "enableAPIAPP": "",
- "title": ""
+ "enableAPIAPP": "Activer l'accès à l'API Dilicom PNB (Prêt Numérique en Bibliothèque)",
+ "title": "Ajouter un compte bibliothèque"
"session": {
"title": "Sauvegarder la session"