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1536 lines (1223 loc) · 64.8 KB

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1536 lines (1223 loc) · 64.8 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Add any new changes to the top (right below this line).

  • 2024-03-20

    • Add COMMON_ENABLE_DATADOG_APP for APM instrumention, supported in LMS and CMS so far. Disabled by default.
  • 2024-01-25

    • Role: mfe
      • Added MFE_ENVIRONMENT_DEFAULT_EXTRA to allow operators to add extra environment variables to all MFEs when deploying them with the mfe_deployer role.
  • 2023-10-09

    • Role: edxapp
      • Setting default value for EDXAPP_EDXAPP_SECRET_KEY as if it is not override in config secure, helper script template can still be generated
  • 2023-09-28

    • Role: prospectus
  • 2023-08-29

    • Role: prospectus
      • Added GATSBY_TURN_ON_SIDEBAR_FILTERS flag to enable new sidebar changes
  • 2023-06-20

    • Role: prospectus
      • Added GATSBY_XPERT_STG_API_URL, GATSBY_XPERT_UAT_API_URL and GATSBY_XPERT_PROD_API_URL to enable Prospectus to communicate with the Xpert API
  • 2023-04-07

    • Changed default value of EDXAPP_MONGO_REPLICA_SET to null from existing empty string "", to make it compatible with pymongo >= 3.11 in Nutmeg and above.
  • 2023-03-27

    • Changed default value of MFE_ORDER_HISTORY_URL to empty string "" to prevent MFE header dropdown from rendering Order History option when Order History URL is not configured.
  • 2023-03-22

    • Role: prospectus
      • Added GATSBY_ZENDESK_KEY to enable Zendesk chat web widget (classic) on Marketplace.
  • 2023-02-27

    • Role: edx_django_service
      • Enable Celery workers in supervisor when edx_django_service_enable_celery_workers is true.
  • 2023-02-23

    • Role: payment
      • Add PAYMENT_STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY & PAYMENT_STRIPE_RESPONSE_URL settings for operators running Payment MFE with Stripe.
  • 2023-01-18

    • Updated sandbox deployment scripts to setup edx-platform in docker containers.
    • Added Fluentd for checking tracking logs when running edx-platform in docker containers.
  • 2022-07-25

    • Add new routing key for individual learner course regrade queue
  • 2022-06-08

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added a new CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND setting to allow operators to override the default celery result backend.
  • 2022-06-06

    • Role: common
      • Remove PPA for watchman as we have shifted to Ubuntu 20.04, if you are running this against Ubuntu version less than 20.04 then installation will fail.
  • 2022-06-01

    • Upgrade ansible to 2.9
  • 2022-04-06

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added a new EDXAPP_COMPILE_JSI18N variable to control whether to run the compilejsi18n management command on edxapp deploy. Defaults to false.
  • 2022-04-06

    • Role: simple_theme
      • Added a new SIMPLETHEME_I18N_DJANGO setting to allow operators to provide additional translations, or override existing django translations.
  • 2022-03-25

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added a new CUSTOM_RESOURCE_TEMPLATES_DIRECTORY setting to allow operators to override the default resource templates.
  • 2022-02-01

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added a new EDXAPP_PREPEND_LOCALE_PATHS setting to allow operators to override the default translations.
  • 2022-01-06

    • Role: edx_notes_api
      • Replaced ELASTICSEARCH_URL with ELASTICSEARCH_DSL in edx_notes_api_service_config.
  • 2022-01-06

    • Role: discovery
      • Replaced ELASTICSEARCH_URL with ELASTICSEARCH_CLUSTER_URL in discovery_service_config_overrides.
  • 2022-01-05

    • Remove an extraneous -A ecommerce_worker from the ecomworker startup script, which was preventing the celery worker process from starting.
  • 2021-11-30

    • Upgrade celery to 5.2.0 and adjust CLI call parameters too
    • Bumped single-beat to use a more supported fork of the project
  • 2021-11-01

    • Docker: edxapp
      • Removed unnecessary CELERY_QUEUES overrides for LMS and Studio. Instead, just use the default value of CELERY_QUEUES as set in edx-platform's settings files. Functionally, this means that in addition to the existing queues that LMS and Studio defined, there is now a "low priority" queue for Studio, suitable for tasks like a CourseGraph dump.
  • 2021-10-20

    • Role neo4j
      • Upgrade Neo4j from 3.2.2 to 3.5.28.
  • 2021-08-26

    • Role neo4j
      • Bring Neo4j role closer in with what we really deploy:
        • Change Neo4j version from 3.2.2 to 3.3.1.
        • Expose Bolt on with optional encryption.
        • Enable dbms.allow_upgrade, which is the new name of the dbms.allow_format_migration key.
        • Remove http->https redirection logic when NGINX_ENABLE_SSL is false.
  • 2021-09-28

    • Role nginx
      • Add NGINX_ENABLE_IPV6 configuration variable to make nginx services listen on the IPv6 wildcard address (in addition to the IPv4 one, where services always listen). Defaults to true.
  • 2021-09-19

    • Remove configuration for edx-certificates, as that repo and service are no longer used.
  • 2021-07-29

    • Role edxapp
      • Add EDXAPP_ENABLE_MONGODB_INDEXES configuration variable to optionally set up indexes on edxapp mongodb.
    • Role forum
      • Add FORUM_ENABLE_MONGODB_INDEXES configuration variable to optionally set up indexes on forum mongodb.
  • 2021-07-19

    • Role: edx_django_service
      • Allows writing extra requirements to an 'extra.txt' requirements file in the service's requirements directory.
    • Role: ecommerce
      • Adds an optional flag to write the extra requirements to an 'extra.txt' file since many of the app's setup commands use tox and that creates its own environments separate from the default ecommerce virtualenv environment where the ECOMMERCE_EXTRA_REQUIREMENTS requirements are installed.
  • 2021-06-17

    • Role credentials
      • Installs extra python packages specified in CREDENTIALS_EXTRA_REQUIREMENTS (defaults to []).
  • 2021-06-07

    • In openedx_native.yml
      • Added configuration variable ECOMMERCE_CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS to allow payment mfe to interact with ecommerce service
      • Added configuration variable ECOMMERCE_CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST to allow cross domain interation between mfes and ecommerce service
      • Added new conditional variable MFE_DEPLOY_ECOMMERCE_MFES to not build ecommerce related MFEs w/o ecommerce service
      • Created SiteConfiguration for default Site to enable ecommerce MFE
      • Added configuration variable EDXAPP_ORDER_HISTORY_MICROFRONTEND_URL
      • Added new configuration variable ECOMMERCE_ENABLE_PAYMENT_MFE
    • Role ecommerce
      • Added new configuration variable ECOMMERCE_ENABLE_PAYMENT_MFE with default value to false
      • Updated create_or_update_site management command to set enable-microfrontend-for-basket-page and payment-microfrontend-url flags
    • Role mfe_deployer
      • Added MFES_ECOMMERCE list for ecommerce related MFEs
      • Added new configuration variable MFE_DEPLOY_ECOMMERCE_MFES
      • Added new deploy_mfes variable to collect list of all MFEs to deploy
      • Changed looping from MFES to deploy_mfes list internally
    • Role mfe_flags_setup
      • Added new flag order_history.redirect_to_microfrontend
  • 2021-06-05

    • Remove ENABLE_INSTRUCTOR_ANALYTICS setting, which was removed from edx-platform in 2015
  • 2021-05-24

    • In manage_edxapp_users_and_groups.yml playbook, allow LMS and CMS groups to be managed separately via manage-groups-lms and manage-groups-cms tags. These replace the manage-groups tag, which will be interepreted as manage-groups-lms until it is removed.
  • 2021-05-18

    • The version of tubular is controlled by RETIREMENT_SERVICE_VERSION. Previously it was always "master", which broke older Open edX re-installations.
  • 2021-05-13

    • Role: edx_django_service
      • Added task that installs extra python packages specified in edx_django_service_extra_requirements.
    • Role: discovery
      • Installs extra python packages specified in DISCOVERY_EXTRA_REQUIREMENTS.
    • Role: ecommerce
      • Installs extra python packages specified in ECOMMERCE_EXTRA_REQUIREMENTS.
  • 2021-03-08

    • Remove instruction from that instructed people to activate the virtualenv. This was incorrect for community installations.
  • 2021-03-07

    • Role: ecommerce
      • Added new configuration variable ECOMMERCE_EXTRA_CONFIG_OVERRIDES, which will allow override any ecommerce settings.
  • 2021-01-20

    • Remove xserver role and all its references.
    • This service has been removed per DEPR-95
  • 2021-01-19

    • Role: edxapp, edx_notes_api, gitreload, xqueue, xserver
      • Increase gunicorn limit_request_field_size to 16384 in order to accomodate large cookies.
  • 2021-01-15

    • Role: nginx
      • Increase large_client_header_buffers from 4->8 buffers to handle browsers with too much cookie data
  • 2021-01-12

    • Playbook: go-server
      • Removed
    • Playbook: go-agent
      • Removed
    • Role: go-server
      • Removed
    • Role: go-agent
      • Removed
  • 2021-01-12

    • Role: nginx
      • Increase large_client_header_buffers to 16K to handle browsers with too much cookie data
  • 2021-01-08

    • Role: tinymce_plugins

      • Installs tinymce_plugins specified in TINYMCE_ADDITIONAL_PLUGINS_LIST configuration variable
      • Rebuilds TinyMCE files with the newly installed plugins and the previous ones
    • Role: edxapp

      • Includes tinymce_plugins role in order to install custom TinyMCE plugins, if there are any.
  • 2021-01-05

    • Role: edxapp
      • setting proxy_buffer_size behind the EDXAPP_SET_PROXY_BUFFER_SIZE flag.
  • 2020-12-11

    • Role: jenkins_master
      • Adding variable/tasks to create directories for job virtual enviroments to be created, as part of removing shiningpanda as a dependency.
  • 2020-12-09

    • Role: edxapp
      • Updated renderer options to reference common.djangoapps.edxmako instead of edxmako. The latter import path is deprecated. Other than removing warnings, there should be no functional change.
  • 2020-12-02

    • Role: mfe
      • Added logo-related configuration settings, with defaults.
  • 2020-12-01

    • Role: edxapp

      • Default the CodeJail Python version to the same as the rest of edxapp.
    • Role: edxapp

      • Added EDXAPP_ORGANIZATIONS_AUTOCREATE variable with default of true. See ORGANIZATIONS_AUTOCREATE toggle documentation in edx-platform/cms/envs/ for details.
  • 2020-11-20

    • Role: edxapp
      • Updated the worker newrelic config to have the service variant in the app name. This will seperate the names of the newrelic apps to be ...-lms and ...-cms to make it easier to monitor them separately. This will impact any newrelic monitoring and alerting you have that is linked to the old app name, which should be updated to use both of the new application names.
  • 2020-11-17

    • Removed mentions of ANSIBLE_REPO and ANSIBLE_VERSION since we no longer use our own fork of Ansible.
  • 2020-11-10

    • Role: mfe
      • Added role deploy to deploy MFE in a single machine with nginx.
    • Open edX
      • Use new role to deploy gradebook, profile and account MFEs in native installation.
  • 2020-11-04

    • Role: edxapp
      • Stopped rendering legacy auth and env json files that edxapp is no longer reading. Rendering can be reenabled by setting EDXAPP_ENABLE_LEGACY_JSON_CONFIGS to true
  • 2020-10-27

    • Role: notifier
      • Removed the notifier role (see DEPR-106 for details)
  • 2020-10-13

    • Role: forums
      • Add settings for ES7 upgrade.
  • 2020-09-23

    • Role: certs
      • Changed Python version used for creating virtualenv from the system's default (2.7) to 3.8.
  • 2020-09-18

    • Role: nginx
      • Add location to support accessing files from EDXAPP_MEDIA_URL under the cms site.
  • 2020-09-14

    • Playbook: program_manager

      • Removed. It is replaced by program_console
    • Role: program_manager

      • Removed. It is replaced by program_console
  • 2020-09-10

    • Playbook: program_console

      • Added playbook to setup program-console micro-frontend application on sandboxes
      • This is created to replace the program_manager application. The app was renamed
    • Role: program_console

      • Created the program-console role for micro-frontend application to be setup
      • This is created to replace the program_manager role. The app was renamed
  • 2020-09-03

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added EDXAPP_FEATURES_DEFAULT and EDXAPP_FEATURES_EXTRA that are combined into EDXAPP_FEATURES allowing for future options to be added as needed during provisioning.
      • Added EDXAPP_AUTH_USE_OPENID_PROVIDER to allow creating/updating the configuration values during provisioning.
      • Added EDXAPP_ENABLE_COMBINED_LOGIN_REGISTRATION to allow creating/updating the configuration values during provisioning.
      • Added EDXAPP_ENABLE_CORS_HEADERS to allow creating/updating the configuration values during provisioning.
      • Added EDXAPP_ENABLE_COUNTRY_ACCESS to allow creating/updating the configuration values during provisioning.
      • Added EDXAPP_ENABLE_CROSS_DOMAIN_CSRF_COOKIE to allow creating/updating the configuration values during provisioning.
      • Added EDXAPP_ENABLE_DISCUSSION_HOME_PANEL to allow creating/updating the configuration values during provisioning.
      • Added EDXAPP_ENABLE_DISCUSSION_SERVICE to allow creating/updating the configuration values during provisioning.
      • Added EDXAPP_ENABLE_ENROLLMENT_RESET to allow creating/updating the configuration values during provisioning.
      • Added EDXAPP_ENABLE_GRADE_DOWNLOADS to allow creating/updating the configuration values during provisioning.
      • Added EDXAPP_ENABLE_INSTRUCTOR_ANALYTICS to allow creating/updating the configuration values during provisioning.
      • Added EDXAPP_ENABLE_LTI_PROVIDER to allow creating/updating the configuration values during provisioning.
      • Added EDXAPP_ENABLE_SPECIAL_EXAMS to allow creating/updating the configuration values during provisioning.
      • Added EDXAPP_ENABLE_VIDEO_UPLOAD_PIPELINE to allow creating/updating the configuration values during provisioning.
  • 2020-08-26

    • Role: whitelabel
      • Removes the whitelabel role and all associated configuration for whitelabel sites.
  • 2020-08-17

    • Role: nginx
      • Added NGINX_ALLOW_PRIVATE_IP_ACCESS boolean, which allows to disable handling the IP disclosure within private subnetworks. This is needed by ELB to run health checks while using encrypted connection between ELB and AppServer (NGINX_ENABLE_SSL). Without this enabled, ELB will get 403 response when trying to reach the AppServer via its IP address (it is still impossible to specify the Host header for the health check).
  • 2020-08-01

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added EDXAPP_SITE_CONFIGURATION to allow creating/updating the SiteConfiguration values during provisioning.
  • 2020-07-27

    • Role: all
      • Convert ansible lowercase variables to upercase.
  • 2020-07-24

    • Role: newrelic_mongo_monitor
      • Added the new newrelic_mongo_monitor role and playbook for configuring newrelic infrastructure agent mongodb integration.
  • 2020-06-30

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added COURSE_CATALOG_URL_ROOT that contains root url of course catalog service (discovery service).
  • 2020-06-02

    • Role: edxapp
      • Add a new edxapp_sandbox_python_version variable that deterimens the python version of the edxapp sandbox used for instructor python code. This will default to python3.5 but can be reverted to python2.7 if necessary.
  • 2020-05-06

    • Role: all
      • Split the COMMON_SANDBOX_BUILD variable with its two components: SANDBOX_CONFIG and CONFIGURE_JWTS.

      • Disable install of private requirements for docker devstack.

  • 2020-05-05

    • Role: edxapp
      • enable paver autocomplete in docker devstack
  • 2020-04-24 Must be set if user credentials are in the connection string, or use "" if no user credentials required.

  • 2020-04-21

    • Role: forum
      • Added FORUM_MONGO_AUTH_MECH to allow the authentication mechanism to be configurable. Defaults to ":scram", which is supported by Mongo>=3.0, because ":mongodb_cr" is removed in Mongo>=4.0. Use ":mongodb_cr" for mongo 2.6.
  • 2020-04-14

    • Docker: edxapp

    • Roles: edx_django_service, registrar, enterprise_catalog

      • Moved celery worker supervisor config files/scripts into edx_django_service
      • Removed the following variables
  • 2020-03-31

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added Stanford-developed Image Modal XBlock.
  • 2020-03-23

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added Stanford-developed SQL Grader XBlock.
  • 2020-03-04

    • Role: mount_ebs

      • Added check for disk size, size is now a required parameter in variables volumes and MONGO_VOLUMES
      • This is to prevent mounting the wrong volumes when AWS swaps the order
    • Role: all

      • Removed OPENID settings
    • Role: all

      • Removed all settings with OIDC in name
  • 2020-02-26

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added ENTERPRISE_LEARNER_PORTAL_HOSTNAME env var for lms.
  • 2020-02-25

    • Role: all
      • Removed the unused task timing callback plugin.
  • 2020-02-24

    • Role: ecommerce
      • Added ENTERPRISE_LEARNER_PORTAL_HOSTNAME env var for ecommerce.
  • 2020-01-31

    • Role: edxapp

      • Added Stanford-developed Free Text Response XBlock.
    • Role: edxapp

      • Added Stanford-developed Submit-and-Compare XBlock.
  • 2020-01-29

    • Role: edxapp

      • Added Stanford-developed Qualtrics and In-Video Quiz XBlocks.
    • Open edX

      • Don't use AWS_GATHER_FACTS, it was only for tagging which we don't need.
  • 2020-01-24

    • Open edX

      • The wrong version of xqueue was being installed, fixed.

      EDXAPP_RETIREMENT_SERVICE_USER_NAME to generic_env_config to allow user retirement to be configurable.

  • 2020-01-21

    • Role: enterprise_catalog
      • Added infrstructure to start up and deploy celery workers
  • 2020-01-07

    • Role: insights
      • install libssl-dev, needed for mysqlclient
  • 2020-01-03

    • Role: insights
      • add DOT config (deprecate DOP)
  • 2019-12-26

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added Celery worker prefetch_optimization option to allow switching from 'default' to 'fair' (only write to available worker processes)
  • 2019-12-20

    • Open edX
      • needed to uninstall pyyaml to proceed
  • 2019-12-09

    • Role: enterprise_catalog
      • Create role
  • 2019-12-04

    • Role: blockstore
      • Increased upload limit to 10M
  • 2019-11-12

    • Role: ecommerce
      • Fixed paypal payment processor default configuration
  • 2019-08-30

    • Role: edxapp

      • Added ENABLE_PUBLISHER for indicating that the publisher frontend service is in use
    • Role: discovery

      • Added ENABLE_PUBLISHER for indicating that the publisher frontend service is in use
  • 2019-08-02

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added ENABLE_ENROLLMENT_RESET feature flag for masters integration sandboxes
  • 2019-08-01

    • Role: conductor
      • New role added to configure the conductor service


  • 2019-07-22

    • Role: jwt_signature
      • Added role to inject JWT signing keys into application config, used from edxapp, worker, and registrar.
  • 2019-07-15

    • Playbook: masters_sandbox_update
      • Create edx partner
  • 2019-07-12

    • Role: registrar

    • Role: registrar

  • 2019-07-11

    • Role: discovery
      • Override DISCOVERY_MYSQL_REPLICA_HOST to edx.devstack.mysql in docker.
  • 2019-07-10

    • Playbook: masters_sandbox
      • Include call to create_api_access_request
  • 2019-07-09

    • Role: discovery
      • Add mysql replica settings to env config.
  • 2019-07-05

    • Playbook: program_manager

      • Added playbook to setup program-manager micro-frontend application on sandboxes
    • Role: program_manager

      • Created the program-manager role for micro-frontend application to be setup
  • 2019-06-24

    • Role: common_vars
      • Default COMMON_JWT_PUBLIC_SIGNING_JWK_SET to '' instead of !!null. Because of how this setting is handled, !!null ends up rendering as the literal string None instead of the value null, which causes JSON decoding to fail wherever the default value is used (as 'None' is not valid JSON). By setting the default to a Falsy value like the empty string, edx-drf-extensions does not attempt to JSON- decode it.
  • 2019-06-20

    • Playbook: masters_sandbox
      • Added playbook to setup user and api access
  • 2019-06-19

    • Role: registrar

      • Changed REGISTRAR_CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER default to false.
    • Role: registrar

      • Added REGISTRAR_CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER with default True.
      • Injected above settings as environment variable for Registrar.
    • Role: supervisor

      • Add registrar to
    • Role: registrar

      • Added registrar-workers.conf.j2
      • Add task to generate registrar-workers.conf from registrar-workers.conf.j2
    • Role: registrar

      • Injected all above settings as environment variables for Registrar.
    • Role: registrar

      • Modified REGISTRAR_MEDIA_URL.
    • Role: edx_django_service

      • Added new overridable variable edx_django_service_api_root
    • Role: registrar

      • Replaced REGISTRAR_MEDIA_ROOT.
    • Role: registrar

    • Role: registrar

      • Added REGISTRAR_SEGMENT_KEY for event tracking.
    • Role: registrar

      • Added REGISTRAR_SOCIAL_AUTH_EDX_OAUTH2_KEY for oauth2.
      • Added REGISTRAR_BACKEND_SERVICE_EDX_OAUTH2_KEY for backend auth.
      • Added REGISTRAR_SERVICE_USER_EMAIL to have a registrar service user on LMS
      • Added REGISTRAR_SERVICE_USER_NAME to have a registrar service user on LMS
    • Role: registrar

      • Create role
  • 2019-06-12

    • Role: oauth_client_setup

      • Ensure that created DOT applications have corresponding ApplicationAccess records with user_id scope.
    • Role: edx_notes_api

      • Added EDX_NOTES_API_HOSTNAME to set a hostname for the edx-notes-api IDA.
    • Open edX

      • Added SANDBOX_ENABLE_NOTES to enable/disable setting up the edx-notes-api IDA.
  • 2019-06-05

    • Role: registrar
      • Change default celery queue to registrar.default, explicitly set default exchange and routing key.
  • 2019-05-24

    • Role: xserver

      • Remove xserver from sandbox builds.
    • Role: registrar

      • Add registrar to sandbox builds.
  • 2019-05-10

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added ENTERPRISE_MARKETING_FOOTER_QUERY_PARAMS to allow for edx specific query params to be added for business marketing footer.
  • 2019-05-09

    • Role: designer
  • 2019-05-08 - Create role

  • 2019-04-16

    • Role: edxapp
      • Removed the OfficeMix XBlock (the service that it uses has been dead for months).
  • 2019-03-28

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added 'SYSTEM_WIDE_ROLE_CLASSES' for use of edx-rbac roles in the jwt in the lms
  • 2019-02-20

    • Open edX

      • Renamed edx_sandbox.yml to openedx_native.yml
    • Role: nginx

      • Added CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin for static assets.
      • Replaced wildcard Access-Control-Allow-Origin header for fonts. Make sure you set EDXAPP_CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST to include all your domains.
  • 2019-02-14

    • Role: ecomworker
      • Added assignment_email default template value in SAILTHRU config to send offer assignment emails.

      • Added CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST and CORS_URLS_REGEX to allow selective CORS whitelisting of origins/urls.

      • Remove unused JWT_SECRET_KEYS.

      • Transformed the JWT_ISSUERS to match the format expected by edx-drf-extensions jwt_decode_handler.

  • 2019-02-11

  • 2019-02-05

    • Role: ecommerce
    • common_vars
      • Added new overridable variable COMMON_LMS_BASE_URL.
  • 2019-01-18

    • Role: discovery
      • Added DISCOVERY_CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST to allow CORS whitelisting of origins.
  • 2019-01-14

    • Role: nginx
      • Modified robots.txt.j2 to accept the Allow rule.
      • Modified robots.txt.j2 to accept either a single string or a list of strings for agent, disallow, and allow.
  • 2019-01-09

      • Removed
  • 2019-01-03 - Render auth and env config to a single yml file

  • 2019-01-02

    • Role: edxapp
      • Renamed proctoring backend setting to work with edx-proctoring 1.5.0
  • 2018-11-20

    • Role: edxapp
      • Remove low priority queue, use default instead.
  • 2018-11-14

    • Role: ecommerce
  • 2018-11-07

    • Role: ecommerce
  • 2018-11-05

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added ENTERPRISE_CUSTOMER_SUCCESS_EMAIL to lms_env_config for configuring emails to the customer success team.
  • 2018-10-31

    • Role: edx_django_service
      • Added new overridable variable edx_django_service_gunicorn_max_requests
    • Role: ecommerce
      • Set default max_requests to 3000.(eg. restart gunicorn process every 3000 requests.)
  • 2018-10-03

    • Role: edx_notes_api
      • Added JWT_AUTH to edx-notes-api that is used in other IDAs.
  • 2018-10-01

    • Role: edxapp

    • Role: edxapp

      • Added AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS to utilize Django's password validation. Base validators included in configuration are UserAttributeSimilarity to test the password against the username and email using the default similarity threshold of 0.7 (1.0 fails exact matches only), MinimumLength to test password minimum length, and MaximumLength to test password maximum length.
  • 2018-09-29

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added EDXAPP_LOGIN_REDIRECT_WHITELIST which provides a whitelist of domains to which the login/logout pages will redirect.
  • 2018-09-17

    • Role: edxapp
      • EDXAPP_EDXAPP_SECRET_KEY no longer has a default value
  • 2018-08-30

    • Role: edxapp
      • EDXAPP_CACHE_BACKEND added to allow overriding Django's memcache backend
  • 2018-08-28

    • Role: prospectus
      • New role added to configure the prospectus service
  • 2018-08-14

    • Removed the obsolete file (the last reference to fullstack)
  • 2018-08-07

    • Role: analytics_api
      • Added basic_auth_exempted_paths configuration for enterprise api endpoints
  • 2018-08-06

    • Role: edx_django_service
      • Added optional edx_django_service_allow_cors_headers boolean option to pass CORS headers (Access-Control-Allow-Origin and Access-Control-Allow-Methods) on non basic-auth calls to support /api endpoints for analytics_api.
  • 2018-08-03

    • Role: edxapp
      • EDXAPP_X_FRAME_OPTIONS added in studio to prevent clickjacking.
  • 2018-08-02

    • Role: analytics_api
      • Added ANALYTICS_API_CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST to allow CORS whitelisting of origins.
  • 2018-07-31

    • Role: nginx

      • Added NGINX_EDXAPP_PROXY_INTERCEPT_ERRORS to be able to use custom static error pages for error responses from the LMS.
      • Added NGINX_SERVER_HTML_FILES_TEMPLATE to make the error file template configurable.
      • Added NGINX_SERVER_STATIC_FILES to allow copying static contents to the server static folder. Can be used to deploy static contents for the error pages for example.
    • Role: edxapp

      • Added EDXAPP_X_FRAME_OPTIONS to prevent click jacking in LMS.
  • 2018-07-11 - has been renamed to better indicate what it does.

  • 2018-07-10

    • git_clone:
      • The working tree is explicitly checked for modified files, to prevent mysterious failures.
  • 2018-07-05

    • Installation
      • OPENEDX_RELEASE is now required, to prevent accidental installation of master.
  • 2018-06-21

    • XQueue
      • Expose CLOUDWATCH_QUEUE_COUNT_METRIC which is defined XQueue's for further dictionary structure
  • 2018-06-12

    • Role: edxapp
      • Create EDXAPP_CMS_GUNICORN_TIMEOUT and EDXAPP_LMS_STATIC_URL_BASE to allow overriding of the gunicorn timeout
  • 2018-06-11

    • nginx:
      • remove nginx_cfg - an internal variable that was really only used for the edx-release nginx site, which served version.{html,json} off of a nonstandard port. The file it served was never populated.
  • 2018-06-07

    • Structure: edx-east
      • Deprecated the edx-east folder, playbooks now live in the top level directory instead of edx-east/playbooks. A symbolic link was added for now, but should not be relied upon.

      • EDXAPP_LMS_STATIC_URL_BASE and EDXAPP_CMS_STATIC_URL_BASE allow a per-application setting of the static URL. You can stil use EDXAPP_STATIC_URL_BASE for now but we may retire that as we continue to separate LMS and CMS.

  • 2018-06-06

    • Role: edxapp
      • EDXAPP_NGINX_SKIP_ENABLE_SITES added to allow you to not sync in the lms or cms nginx configuration. Instead you can enable them during deployment.
      • EDXAPP_NGINX_DEFAULT_SITES added to allow you to mark both lms and cms as defaults, best paired with picking which site to enable during deployment.
  • 2018-05-11 - XQUEUE_SETTINGS now prefers over

  • 2018-05-09

    • Role: credentials
      • Set LANGUAGE_COOKIE_NAME so that Credentials will use the global language cookie.
  • 2018-05-08

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added PASSWORD_POLICY_COMPLIANCE_ROLLOUT_CONFIG to make configurable whether password complexity is checked on login and how such complexity is rolled out to users.
  • 2018-05-03

    • Role: XQueue
      • Convert to a yaml config (instead of xqueue.auth.json and xqueue.env.json we get xqueue.yml and it lives by default in /edx/etc/xqueue.yml like standard IDAs)
      • Add XQUEUE_DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE so that you can specify S3 or Swift in your config
  • 2018-04-25

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added RETIREMENT_STATES to generic_env_config to support making the retirement workflow configurable.
  • 2018-04-19

    • Removed Vagrantfiles for devstack and fullstack, and supporting files.

    • Role: xqueue

      • Added XQUEUE_SUBMISSION_PROCESSING_DELAY and XQUEUE_CONSUMER_DELAY to xqueue env so they can be passed along to the app.
  • 2018-04-13

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added GOOGLE_SITE_VERIFICATION_ID to move a previously hardcoded value into configuration.




  • 2018-04-12 - Retired XQUEUE_WORKERS_PER_QUEUE

  • 2018-04-11

    • Role: edxapp
      • Moved PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH, PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH, and PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY to generic_env_config to allow CMS and LMS to share these configurations
  • 2018-04-09 - Added XQUEUE_CONSUMER_NEWRELIC_APPNAME which is added to the supervisor start of xqueue_consumer if you have New Relic enabled.

  • 2018-04-04

    • Role xqueue
      • Removed RabbitMQ in earlier changes in XQueue itself, we don't need any of the configuration XQUEUE_RABBITMQ_PORT XQUEUE_RABBITMQ_TLS
  • 2018-04-02 - Added NEWRELIC_APPNAME and NEWRELIC_LICENSE_KEY to the configuration files consumed by XQueue. Useful for external utilities that are reporting NR metrics.

    • Role: edxapp
  • 2018-03-28

    • Role: xqueue
      • Added XQUEUE_MYSQL_CONN_MAX_AGE so that you can have xqueue use django's persistent DB connections
  • 2018-03-22

    • Role edx_django_service
      • Added maintenance page under the flag EDX_DJANGO_SERVICE_ENABLE_S3_MAINTENANCE.
      • Added the s3_maintenance.j2 file to point to the s3 maintenance page.
  • 2018-03-20

    • Role: splunkforwarder

      • Updated the role so the splunkforwarder can be installed on Amazon Linux OS environment, which is a RHEL variant
    • Role: server_utils

      • Update to only do things for debian varient environment
  • 2018-03-08

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added empty EDXAPP_PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY setting to ease overriding complexity.
  • 2018-02-27 - The manage_users management command is only run when disable_edx_services is false (previously this play would try to update databases while building images, where services are generally disabled).

  • 2018-02-22

    • Role: xqueue
      • Remove S3_BUCKET and S3_PATH_PREFIX - they were deprecated prior to ginkgo
      • Remove SERVICE_VARIANT - it was copied from edxapp but never truly used (except to complicate things)
  • 2018-02-09 - Added CERTS_QUEUE_POLL_FREQUENCY to make configurable the certificate agent's queue polling frequency.

  • 2018-02-06

    • Role: certs
  • 2018-02-02

    • Role: xqueue
      • Added XQUEUE_SESSION_ENGINE to allow a configurable xqueue session engine.
      • Added XQUEUE_CACHES to allow a configurable xqueue cache.
  • 2018-01-31

    • Role: devpi

      • New role added to configure a devpi service as a pass-through cache for PyPI.
    • Role: devpi_consumer

      • Added role to configure Python containers to use devpi for Docker Devstack
  • 2018-01-26

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added ENTERPRISE_REPORTING_SECRET to CMS auth settings to allow edx-enterprise migrations to run.
  • 2018-01-25

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added EDXAPP_FERNET_KEYS to allow for use of django-fernet-keys in LMS.
  • 2018-01-04

    • Role: nginx
      • Added NGINX_EDXAPP_DEFAULT_SITE_THEME to allow to completely override favicon.ico file when Comprehensive Theme is enabled.
  • 2017-12-14

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added EDX_PLATFORM_REVISION (set from edx_platform_version). This is for edx-platform debugging purposes, and replaces calling dealer.git at startup.
  • 2017-12-07

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added EDXAPP_BRANCH_IO_KEY to configure journey app banners.
  • 2017-12-06

    • Role: veda_pipeline_worker

    • Role: ecomworker

      • Added ECOMMERCE_WORKER_BROKER_TRANSPORT with a default value of 'ampq' to be backwards compatible with rabbit. Set to 'redis' if you wish to use redis instead of rabbit as a queue for ecommerce worker.
  • 2017-12-05 - Added ECOMMERCE_BROKER_TRANSPORT with a default value of 'ampq' to be backwards compatible with rabbit. Set to 'redis' if you wish to use redis instead of rabbit as a queue for ecommerce.

  • 2017-12-04

    • Role: ecommerce
  • 2017-12-01

    • Role: credentials
      • This role is now dependent on the edx_django_service role. Settings are all the same, but nearly all of the tasks are performed by the edx_django_service role.
  • 2017-11-29

  • 2017-11-23 - Added EDXAPP_DEFAULT_COURSE_VISIBILITY_IN_CATALOG setting (defaults to both).

    - Added `EDXAPP_DEFAULT_MOBILE_AVAILABLE` setting (defaults to `false`).
  • 2017-11-21

    • Role: veda_ffmpeg
      • New role added to compile ffmpeg for video pipeline. It will be used as a dependency for video pipeline roles.
  • 2017-11-15

    • Role: nginx
      • Modified lms.j2 , cms.j2 , credentials.j2 , edx_notes_api.j2 and insights.j2 to enable HTTP Strict Transport Security
      • Added NGINX_HSTS_MAX_AGE to make HSTS header max_age value configurable and used in templates
  • 2017-11-14

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added EDXAPP_MONGO_REPLICA_SET, which is required to use
  • 2017-11-13

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added EDXAPP_ZENDESK_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN for making requests to Zendesk through front-end.
  • 2017-11-09

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added EDXAPP_LMS_INTERNAL_ROOT_URL setting (defaults to EDXAPP_LMS_ROOT_URL).
  • 2017-11-07

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added EDXAPP_CELERY_BROKER_TRANSPORT and renamed EDXAPP_RABBIT_HOSTNAME to EDXAPP_CELERY_BROKER_HOSTNAME. This is to support non-amqp brokers, specifically redis. If EDXAPP_CELERY_BROKER_HOSTNAME is unset it will use the value of EDXAPP_RABBIT_HOSTNAME, however it is recommended to update your configuration to set EDXAPP_CELERY_BROKER_TRANSPORT explicitly.
  • 2017-11-03

    • Role: server_utils

      • Install "vim", not "vim-tiny".
    • Role: edxapp

      • Added GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TRACKING_ID setting for inserting GA tracking into emails generated via ACE.
  • 2017-10-30

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added EDXAPP_REINDEX_ALL_COURSES to rebuild the course index on deploy. Disabled by default.
  • 2017-10-26

    • Role: ecommerce
      • This role is now dependent on the edx_django_service role. Settings are all the same, but nearly all of the tasks are performed by the edx_django_service role.
  • 2017-10-24

    • Role: notifier
      • Added notifier back to continuous integration.
  • 2017-10-20 pymongo.MongoReplicaSetClient in PyMongo 2.9.1. This should be set to the name of your replica set. This setting causes the EDXAPP_*_READ_PREFERENCE settings below to be used. - Added EDXAPP_MONGO_CMS_READ_PREFERENCE with a default value of PRIMARY. - Added EDXAPP_MONGO_LMS_READ_PREFERENCE with a default value of SECONDARY_PREFERED to distribute the read workload across the replica set for replicated docstores and contentstores. - Added EDXAPP_LMS_SPLIT_DOC_STORE_READ_PREFERENCE with a default value of EDXAPP_MONGO_LMS_READ_PREFERENCE. - Added EDXAPP_LMS_DRAFT_DOC_STORE_CONFIG with a default value of EDXAPP_MONGO_CMS_READ_PREFERENCE, to enforce consistency between Studio and the LMS Preview modes. - Removed EDXAPP_CONTENTSTORE_ADDITIONAL_OPTS, since there is no notion of common options to the content store anymore.

  • 2017-10-19

  • 2017-10-07

    • Role: discovery

      • Added DISCOVERY_REPOS to allow configuring discovery repository details.
    • Role: edx_django_service

      • Made the keys edx_django_service_git_protocol, edx_django_service_git_domain, and edx_django_service_git_path of edx_django_service_repos all individually configurable.
  • 2017-10-05

    • Role: whitelabel
      • Added WHITELABEL_THEME_DIR to point to the location of whitelabel themes.
      • Added WHITELABEL_ADMIN_USER to specify an admin user.
      • Added WHITELABEL_DNS for DNS settings of themes.
      • Added WHITELABEL_ORG for whitelabel organization settings.
  • 2017-09-26

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added EDXAPP_EXTRA_MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES for configuring additional middleware logic.
  • 2017-09-25

    • Role: discovery
      • Updated LANGUAGE_CODE to generic english. Added configuration for multilingual language package django-parler.
  • 2017-09-14

    • Role: edxapp

      • Added EDXAPP_SCORM_PKG_STORAGE_DIR, with default value as it was in the server template.
      • Added EDXAPP_SCORM_PLAYER_LOCAL_STORAGE_ROOT, with default value as it was in the server template.
    • Role: edxapp

      • Added ENTERPRISE_SUPPORT_URL variable used by the LMS.
  • 2017-09-13

    • Role: discovery
      • Added OPENEXCHANGERATES_API_KEY for retrieving currency exchange rates.
  • 2017-09-12 - Added EDXAPP_PLATFORM_DESCRIPTION used to describe the specific Open edX platform.

  • 2017-09-11

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added EDXAPP_ENTERPRISE_TAGLINE for customized header taglines for different enterprises.
  • 2017-09-05

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added OAUTH_DELETE_EXPIRED to enable automatic deletion of edx-django-oauth2-provider grants, access tokens, and refresh tokens as they are consumed. This will not do a bulk delete of existing rows.
  • 2017-08-23

    • Role: mongo_3_2
      • Added role for mongo 3.2, not yet in use.
      • Removed MONGO_CLUSTERED variable. In this role mongo replication is always configured, even if there is only one node.
  • 2017-08-16 - Removed unused EDXAPP_BOOK_URL setting

  • 2017-08-08

    • Role: credentials

      • Replaced CREDENTIALS_OAUTH_URL_ROOT with COMMON_OAUTH_URL_ROOT from common_vars
      • Replaced CREDENTIALS_OIDC_LOGOUT_URL with COMMON_OAUTH_LOGOUT_URL from common_vars
      • Replaced CREDENTIALS_JWT_AUDIENCE with COMMON_JWT_AUDIENCE from common_vars
      • Replaced CREDENTIALS_JWT_ISSUER with COMMON_JWT_ISSUER from common_vars
      • Replaced CREDENTIALS_JWT_SECRET_KEY with COMMON_JWT_SECRET_KEY from common_vars
    • Role: ecommerce

      • Replaced ECOMMERCE_OAUTH_URL_ROOT with COMMON_OAUTH_URL_ROOT from common_vars
      • Replaced ECOMMERCE_OIDC_LOGOUT_URL with COMMON_OAUTH_LOGOUT_URL from common_vars
      • Replaced ECOMMERCE_JWT_SECRET_KEY with COMMON_JWT_SECRET_KEY from common_vars
  • 2017-08-04

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH for password minimum length validation on reset page.
      • Added PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH for password maximum length validation on reset page.
  • 2017-08-03

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added EDXAPP_VIDEO_TRANSCRIPTS_SETTINGS to configure S3-backed video transcripts.
  • 2017-07-28

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added creation of enterprise_worker user to provisioning. This user is used by the edx-enterprise package when making API requests to Open edX IDAs.
  • 2017-07-25

    • Role: neo4j
      • Increase heap and page caches sizes for neo4j
  • 2017-07-21

    • Role: edxapp
  • 2017-07-18

    • Role: insights
      • Moved THEME_SCSS from INSIGHTS_CONFIG to insights_environment
  • 2017-07-14

    • Role: forum

      • Added FORUM_REBUILD_INDEX to rebuild the ElasticSearch index from the database, when enabled. Default: False.
    • Role: insights

      • Removed bower install task
      • Replaced r.js build task with webpack build task
  • 2017-07-13 - Removed ./ compress task

    • Role: analytics_api
      • Added a number of ANALYTICS_API_DEFAULT_* and ANALYTICS_API_REPORTS_* variables to allow more selective specification of database parameters (rather than overriding the whole structure).
  • 2017-07-06 - Removed authentication requirement for neo4j

  • 2017-06-30

    • Role: insights
      • Added INSIGHTS_DOMAIN to configure the domain Insights is deployed on
      • Added INSIGHTS_CLOUDFRONT_DOMAIN to configure the domain static files can be served from
      • Added INSIGHTS_CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST_EXTRA to configure allowing CORS on domains other than the INSIGHTS_DOMAIN
  • 2017-06-28

    • Role: edxapp
      • Let confirm_email in EDXAPP_REGISTRATION_EXTRA_FIELDS default to "hidden".
      • Let terms_of_service in EDXAPP_REGISTRATION_EXTRA_FIELDS default to "hidden".
  • 2017-06-27

    • Role: ecommerce
      • Added ECOMMERCE_LANGUAGE_COOKIE_NAME which is the name of the cookie the ecommerce django app looks at for determining the language preference.
  • 2017-06-26

    • Role: neo4j
      • Enabled splunk forwarding for neo4j logs.
      • Increased maximum amount of open files to 40000, as suggested by neo4j.
      • Updated the java build that neo4j uses to run.
  • 2017-06-22

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added EDXAPP_BASE_COOKIE_DOMAIN for sharing cookies across edx domains.
  • 2017-06-21

    • Role: edxapp

      • Set the default value for EDXAPP_POLICY_CHANGE_GRADES_ROUTING_KEY to 'edx.lms.core.default'.
    • Role: edxapp

      • Set the default value for EDXAPP_BULK_EMAIL_ROUTING_KEY_SMALL_JOBS to 'edx.lms.core.low'.
  • 2017-06-16

    • Role: neo4j
      • Updated neo4j to 3.2.2
  • 2017-06-15

    • Role: jenkins_master
      • Update pinned use of JDK7 in Jenkins installs to default JDK version from role oraclejdk.
  • 2017-06-12

    • Role: elasticsearch
      • Replaced elasticsearch_apt_key and elastic_search_apt_keyserver with elasticsearch_apt_key_url
      • Updated elasticsearch version to 1.5.0
  • 2017-06-08

    • Role: edxapp
      • Set the EDXAPP_IMPORT_EXPORT_BUCKET setting to an empty string
  • 2017-06-07

    • Role: edxapp

      • Updated default value of the EDXAPP_ENTERPRISE_COURSE_ENROLLMENT_AUDIT_MODES setting to ["audit", "honor"]
    • Role: edx_notes_api

    • Role: insights

      • Removed SUPPORT_EMAIL setting from INSIGHTS_CONFIG, as it is was replaced by SUPPORT_URL.
  • 2017-06-05

    • Role: insights
      • Removed INSIGHTS_FEEDBACK_EMAIL which is no longer used, as it was deemed redundant with INSIGHTS_SUPPORT_EMAIL.
  • 2017-06-01

    • Role: nginx
      • Modified server-template.j2 to be more accessible and configurable.
      • The template should contain the lang attribute in the HTML tag.
      • If the image loaded has some meaning, as a logo, it should have the alt attribute.
      • After the header 1 (h1) there is no relevant text content, so next it can not be another header (h2). It was changed to be a paragraph with the header 2 CSS style.
      • Added NGINX_SERVER_ERROR_IMG_ALT with default value as it was in the server template
      • Added NGINX_SERVER_ERROR_LANG with default value en
      • Added NGINX_SERVER_ERROR_STYLE_H1 with default value as it was in the server template
      • Added NGINX_SERVER_ERROR_STYLE_P_H2 with default value as it was in the server template
      • Added NGINX_SERVER_ERROR_STYLE_P with default value as it was in the server template
      • Added NGINX_SERVER_ERROR_STYLE_DIV with default value as it was in the server template
  • 2017-05-31

    • Role: edxapp
      • Install development.txt in Vagrant and Docker devstacks
  • 2017-05-26

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added the EDXAPP_ACTIVATION_EMAIL_SUPPORT_LINK URL with default value ''.
      • Added the EDXAPP_PASSWORD_RESET_SUPPORT_LINK URL with default value ''.
  • 2017-05-23

    • Role: edxapp

      • Added the EDXAPP_SHOW_HEADER_LANGUAGE_SELECTOR feature flag with default value [false]
      • Added the EDXAPP_SHOW_FOOTER_LANGUAGE_SELECTOR feature flag with default value [false]
    • Role: edxapp

      • Added the EDXAPP_ENTERPRISE_COURSE_ENROLLMENT_AUDIT_MODES setting with default value ["audit"]
  • 2017-05-15

    • Role: nginx
      • Added NGINX_EDXAPP_CMS_APP_EXTRA, which makes it possible to add custom settings to the site configuration for Studio.
      • Added NGINX_EDXAPP_LMS_APP_EXTRA, which makes it possible to add custom settings to the site configuration for the LMS.
  • 2017-05-04

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added EDXAPP_VIDEO_IMAGE_SETTINGS to configure S3-backed video images.
  • 2017-04-24

    • Role: edxapp

      • DOC_LINK_BASE settings have been removed, replaced by HELP_TOKENS_BOOKS
    • Role: edxapp

      • Add the EDXAPP_LANGUAGE_COOKIE setting
  • 2017-04-12 - Added a new EDXAPP_MYSQL_CONN_MAX_AGE, default to 0. Adjust it to change how long a connection is kept open for reuse before it is closed.

  • 2017-04-11

    • Role: rabbitmq
      • Upgraded to 3.6.9
      • Switched to a PPA rather than a .deb hosted in S3
      • Note that you generally cannot upgrade RabbitMQ live in place this is particularly true coming from 3.2 to 3.6. We are using the shovel plugin to move tasks across clusters but their documentation covers different scenarios.
  • 2017-03-31

    • Role: edxapp
      • Set preload_app to False in gunicorn config for LMS and Studio.
  • 2017-03-13

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added EDXAPP_BLOCK_STRUCTURES_SETTINGS to configure S3-backed Course Block Structures.
  • 2017-03-07

    • Role: analytics_api
      • Added ANALYTICS_API_AGGREGATE_PAGE_SIZE, default value 10. Adjust this parameter to increase the number of aggregate search results returned by the Analytics API, i.e. in course_metadata: enrollment_modes, cohorts, and segments.
  • 2017-02-27

    • Role: xqueue
      • Changed XQUEUE_RABBITMQ_TLS default from true to false.
      • Added XQUEUE_RABBITMQ_TLS to allow configuring xqueue to use TLS when connecting to the AMQP broker.
      • Added XQUEUE_RABBITMQ_VHOST to allow configuring the xqueue RabbitMQ host.
      • Added XQUEUE_RABBITMQ_PORT to allow configuring the RabbitMQ port.
      • Added EDXAPP_CELERY_BROKER_USE_SSL to allow configuring celery to use TLS.
  • 2017-02-24

    • Role: programs
      • This role has been removed as this service is no longer supported. The role is still available on the Ficus branch.
  • 2017-02-16

    • Role: mongo_2_6
      • Added MONGO_AUTH to turn authentication on/off. Auth is now enabled by default, and was previously disabled by default.

      • Added MONGO_AUTH to turn authentication on/off. Auth is now enabled by default, and was previously disabled by default.

  • 2017-02-14

    • Role: notifier
      • Added NOTIFIER_DATABASE_ENGINE, NOTIFIER_DATABASE_NAME, NOTIFIER_DATABASE_USER, NOTIFIER_DATABASE_PASSWORD, NOTIFIER_DATABASE_HOST, and NOTIFIER_DATABASE_PORT to be able to configure the notifier service to use a database engine other than sqlite. Defaults to local sqlite.
      • Deprecated: NOTIFIER_DB_DIR: Please use NOTIFIER_DATABASE_NAME instead.
  • 2017-02-02 - Support parsing the replset JSON in 3.2 and 3.0

  • 2017-02-01

    • Role: ecommerce
      • Added ECOMMERCE_ENTERPRISE_URL for the enterprise API endpoint exposed by a new service edx-enterprise (currently hosted by LMS), which defaults to the existing setting ECOMMERCE_LMS_URL_ROOT.
  • 2017-01-12

    • Role: credentials
      • Added CREDENTIALS_EXTRA_APPS to enable the inclusion of additional Django apps in the Credentials Service.
  • 2017-01-10 - Added COMMON_EDXAPP_SETTINGS. Default: aws

  • 2016-11-18

    • Role: mongo_3_0
      • Changed MONGO_STORAGE_ENGINE to default to wiredTiger which is the default in 3.2 and 3.4 and what edX suggests be used even on 3.0. If you have a mmapv1 3.0 install, override MONGO_STORAGE_ENGINE to be mmapv1 which was the old default.
  • 2016-11-03

    • Role: xqueue

    • Role: edxapp

  • 2016-10-27

    • Role: security
      • Changed SECURITY_UPGRADE_ON_ANSIBLE to only apply security updates. If you want to retain the behavior of running safe-upgrade, you should switch to using SAFE_UPGRADE_ON_ANSIBLE.
  • 2016-10-24

    • Role: discovery
      • Added PUBLISHER_FROM_EMAIL for sending emails to publisher app users.
  • 2016-10-18

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added EXPIRING_SOON_WINDOW to show message to learners if their verification is expiring soon.
  • 2016-10-11

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_LOCALE_PATHS to support internationalization of strings originating from custom themes.
  • 2016-06-30

    • Role: discovery
      • Course Discovery JWT configuration now takes a list of issuers instead of a single issuer. This change is not backward compatible with older versions of course discovery.
  • 2016-06-22

    • Role: hadoop_common
      • Enable log retention by default to assist with debugging. Now YARN will retain stdout and stderr logs produced by map reduce tasks for 24 hours. They can be retrieved by running "yarn logs -applicationId YOUR_APPLICATION_ID".
  • 2016-06-08

    • Role: Edxapp
      • EDXAPP_COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIR is deprecated and is maintained for backward compatibility, EDXAPP_COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIRS should be used instead which is a list of directories. EDXAPP_COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIR if present will have priority over EDXAPP_COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIRS
      • COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIR is deprecated and is maintained for backward compatibility, COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIRS should be used instead which is a list of directories. COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIR if present will have priority over COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIRS
  • 2016-05-23

    • Role: ecommerce
      • Renamed COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIR to COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIRS, COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIRS is now a list of directories. Change is backward incompatible.
  • 2016-01-25

    • Role: common
      • Added COMMON_OBJECT_STORE_LOG_SYNC_PREFIX. Default: logs/tracking/
    • Role: aws
      • Removed AWS_S3_LOGS
      • Added vhost role as dependency
    • Role: edxapp
      • Added EDXAPP_SWIFT_KEY
      • Added EDXAPP_SETTINGS to allow using a settings file other than Default: aws
    • Role: openstack
      • Added role
    • Role: vhost
      • Added as dependency for aws and openstack roles. Handles common functionality for setting up VM hosts
    • Role: xqueue
      • Added XQUEUE_SETTINGS to specify which settings file to use. Default: aws_settings
  • 2015-12-15

    • Role: edxapp
  • 2015-12-03

    • Role: ora
      • Remove the ora1 role as support for it was deprecated in Cypress.
      • Removed dependencies on ora throughout the playbooks / vagrantfiles.
  • 2015-11-12

    • Role: edxapp
      • Removed XmlModuleStore from the default list of modulestores for the LMS.
      • EDXAPP_XML_MAPPINGS variable no longer exists by default and is not used by the edxapp role.
  • 2015-11-03

    • Role: ecommerce
      • Removed ECOMMERCE_ORDER_NUMBER_PREFIX variable
  • 2015-09-28

    • Role: edxapp
      • All of the following changes are BACKWARDS-INCOMPATABLE:
        • Renamed two top level variables SEGMENT_IO_LMS_KEY and SEGMENT_IO_KEY to SEGMENT_KEY in {lms|cms].auth.json.
        • Renamed two top level variables in roles/edxapp/defaults/main.yml. EDXAPP_SEGMENT_IO_LMS_KEY and EDXAPP_SEGMENT_IO_KEY are now EDXAPP_LMS_SEGMENT_KEY and EDXAPP_CMS_SEGMENT_KEY respectively
        • REMOVED two top level variables SEGMENT_IO_LMS and SEGMENT_IO from {lms|cms].auth.json. We will use the existence of the SEGMENT_KEY to to serve the same function that these boolean variables served.
        • REMOVED two top level variables EDXAPP_SEGMENT_IO_LMS and EDXAPP_SEGMENT_IO from roles/edxapp/defaults/main.yml.
  • 2015-08-17

  • 2015-06-17

    • Role: rabbitmq
      • Removed the RABBITMQ_CLUSTERED var and related tooling. The goal of the var was to be able to setup a cluster in the aws environment without having to know all the IPs of the cluster before hand. It relied on the hostvars ansible varible to work correctly which it no longer does in 1.9. This may get fixed in the future but for now, the "magic" setup doesn't work.
      • Changed rabbitmq_clustered_hosts to RABBITMQ_CLUSTERED_HOSTS.
  • 2015-05-27

    • Role: edxapp
      • Removed deprecated variables EDXAPP_PLATFORM_TWITTER_URL, EDXAPP_PLATFORM_MEETUP_URL, EDXAPP_PLATFORM_LINKEDIN_URL, and EDXAPP_PLATFORM_GOOGLE_PLUS_URL in favor of EDXAPP_SOCIAL_MEDIA_FOOTER_URLS. These variables haven't been used in edx-platform since March 17, 2015 (when openedx/edx-platform#7383 was merged). This change is backwards incompatible with versions of edx-platform from before March 17, 2015.

      • Added EDXAPP_MOBILE_STORE_URLS and EDXAPP_FOOTER_ORGANIZATION_IMAGE variables, used in openedx/edx-platform#8175 (v3 version of the footer).

      • We now remove the default syslog.d conf file (50-default.conf) this will

      • Added EDXAPP_LMS_AUTH_EXTRA and EDXAPP_CMS_AUTH_EXTRA for passing unique AUTH_EXTRA configurations to the LMS and CMS.

  • 2015-05-11

  • 2015-05-07

    • Role: edxapp
      • Removed post.txt from the list of files that will have its github urls replaced with git mirror urls.
  • 2015-04-29

    • Role: edxapp

      • The edxapp role no longer uses checksums to bypass pip installs.
        • pip install will always run for all known requirements files.
    • Role: edx-ansible

  • 2015-04-12 - /edx/bin/update no longer runs the ansible command with --tags deploy

  • 2015-03-23

    • Role: edxapp
      • Added newrelic monitoring capabilities to edxapp workers. Note that this is a BACKWARDS-INCOMPATABLE CHANGE, as it introduces a new key, monitor, to each item in EDXAPP_CELERY_WORKERS in defaults/main.yml, and plays including this role will fail if that key is not set.
  • 2015-03-05

    • Role: analytics_api, xqwatcher, insights, minos, edx_notes_api
      • Expanded edx_service role to do git checkout and ec2 tagging
      • Refactored roles that depend on edx_service to use the new interface: minos, analytics_api, insights, and xqwatcher
      • Refactored name from analytics-api to analytics_api
      • Changed location of minos' config file from /edx/etc/minos/minos.yml to /edx/etc/minos.yml
      • Added new edx_notes_api role for forthcoming notes api
      • This is a BACKWARDS INCOMPATABLE change and will require additional migrations when upgrading an existing server. While we recommend building from scratch, running the following command might work: rm -rf /edx/etc/minos
  • 2015-02-06 rm -rf /edx/app/analytics-api /edx/app/ /edx/app/nginx/sites-available/analytics-api.j2 /edx/app/supervisor/conf.d.available/analytics_api.conf

  • 2015-02-02

    • Role: edxapp
      • Enabled combined login registration feature by default
  • 2014-12-29

    • Role: notifier
      • Refactored NOTIFIER_HOME and NOTIFIER_USER to notifier_app_dir and notifier_user to match other roles. This shouldn't change anything since users should've only been overriding COMMON_HOME.
  • 2014-12-10

    • Role: gitreload
      • New role added for running gitreload that can be used for importing courses via github/gitlab Web hooks, or more generally updating any git repository that is already checked out on disk via a hook.
  • 2014-12-01

    • Role: analytics-api, edxapp, ora, xqueue, xserver
      • Switched gunicorn from using an entirely command argument based configuration to usign python configuration files. Variables for extra configuration in the configuration file template, and command line argument overrides are available.
  • 2014-11-13

    • Role: analytics-api, insights
      • Using Django 1.7 migrate command.
  • 2014-10-15

    • Role: edxapp
      • A new var was added to make it easy ot invalidate the default memcache store to make it easier to invalidate sessions. Updating the edxapp env.json files will result in all users getting logged out. This is a one time penalty as long as the value of EDXAPP_DEFAULT_CACHE_VERSION is not explicitly changed.
  • 2014-09-18

    • Role: nginx
      • New html templates for server errors added. Defaults for a ratelimiting static page and server error static page. CMS/LMS are set to use them by default, wording can be changed in the Nginx default vars.
  • 2014-09-15

    • Role: edxapp
      • We now have an all caps variable override for celery workers
  • 2014-08-28

    • Role: Edxapp Both variables default to EDXAPP_AUTH_EXTRA for backward compatibility
  • 2014-08-22

    • Role: Mongo
      • Fixed case of variable used in if block that breaks cluster configuration by changing mongo_clustered to MONGO_CLUSTERED.
  • 2014-08-20

    • Role: common break people who have hand edited that file.
  • 2014-08-15

    • Role: edxapp
      • Updated the module store settings to match the new settings format.
  • 2014-08-05

    • Update, possible breaking change: the edxapp role vars edxapp_lms_env and edxapp_cms_env have been changed to EDXAPP_LMS_ENV and EDXAPP_CMS_ENV to indicate, via our convention, that overridding them is expected. The default values remain the same.
  • 2014-06-26

    • Role: analytics-api

      • Added a new role for the analytics-api Django app. Currently a private repo
    • Logrotation now happens hourly by default for all logs.

      • Basic auth will be turned on by default
    • Update CMS_HOSTNAME default to allow any hostname that starts with studio along with prod-studio or stage-studio.

  • 2014-06-11

    • Role: xqwatcher, xqueue, nginx, edxapp, common
      • Moving nginx basic authorization flag and credentials to the common role
  • 2014-06-02

    • Role: Edxapp
      • Turn on code sandboxing by default and allow the jailed code to be able to write files to the tmp directory created for it by codejail.
  • 2014-05-28

    • Role: Edxapp
      • The repo.txt requirements file is no longer being processed in anyway. This file was removed from edxplatform via pull #3487(openedx/edx-platform#3487)
  • 2014-05-19

    • Start a change log to keep track of backwards incompatible changes and deprecations.