This repository heave a intent to be used in a isssue on github os flask-restx for study purpose.
The issue:
How to use flask-restx with a library that export the blueprint already with its paths, like openbrokerapi.
the code that is on my repo is forked from openbrokerapi and served from a restx and gunicorn server.
With requestly extension or curl I can add a arbitrary 'X-Broker-Api-Version' in the header, but the swagger page doesn't get fully rendered, see the following information 'No operations defined in spec!'.
How can I use flask-restx with this kind of architeture library?
My important code:
from flask import Flask from flask_restx import Api import logging import openbrokerapi.api as open_api logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) app = Flask(__name__) authorizations = { 'basic': { 'type': 'basic', } } def initialize_app(app): app.config['RESTX_VALIDATE'] = True app.register_blueprint(get_api(logger, app), url_prefix='/open') return app def get_api(logger, app): blueprint = open_api.get_blueprint(None, None, logger) api = Api( blueprint, version='0.1', title='title openservicebroker', description='', doc='/doc/', authorizations=authorizations, security='basic', url_scheme='http' ) ns_exec = api.namespace('open', description='Endpoints') api.add_namespace(ns_exec) return api def run(): return initialize_app(app)
I can run the code with:
python -m gunicorn webserver.__main__:wsgi