If you are a stubborn learner, eat books for breakfast, and want to discover new concepts or hunt new skills related to the IT world, I can assure you that you are in the right nook of the Internet. Prepare yourself to be amazed by a choose-your-own-adventure journey in the IT world. Hopefully, it will take you to interesting places thanks to the power and the fun of reading.
Finally, make sure you don’t forget about putting your newly acquired skills to the test, remember that practice makes the master!
Starting your adventure is as easy as picking the set of skills that you want to learn or improve, check out the learning paths and choose your starting point. There are paths focused on a particular technology or skill, and more generic ones, but both are useful and can be combined depending of your goal.
You can keep browsing this repo or use the web version 🚀.
10 learning paths 🎓
- 1 CI/CD 🚧: Automation is key to improve quality and shorten software releases. Read all about continuous integration and delivery principles, master the tools and learn the bases that will make you be more effective and efficient.
- 3 Event Driven Architecture (EDA) 🚧: Asynchronous communication between services is possible using events. There is a lot to learn here, the main challenge is changing the way you think about communication patterns.
- 4 Golang ☑️: A modern general purpose programming language born to make easier developing things like APIs, command line applications, cloud native applications, and concurrency patterns.
- 1 Infrastructure as Code (IaC) 🆕: Automate the cloud infrastructure deployment with code, make it reusable, deliver faster, more secure and have a backup of all the work you did, as code.
- 8 Kubernetes ☑️: Run containers at scale and unlock the power of building microservice platforms thanks to the Kubernetes orchestrator.
- 3 Microservices 🚧: Study the pinnacle of distributed systems architectures, learn its tenets, and foremost, when and how to implement it.
- 7 Software Architecture 🚧: Building software is not only about writing code, to design great platforms you should learn to think about extensibility, efficiency, easy integration, resilience, flexibility, and much more.
- 4 Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) 🆕: SRE is about making productive system to stay up, to make update cycles simpler and more frequent, to identify and resolve problems and, of course, automating things to make the life easier.
- 6 System Design ☑️: Acquire the skill needed to design and build systems, no matter if simple or complex. Learn how to identify the elements needed to create systems, to resolve scalability problems, detect possible points of failure, when to use an API, where to place a cache, when to use a NoSql database, and more.
- 2 Team Management 🆕: Building team is no easy feat, doing it to be efficient to deliver quality products and services blazinlig fast is really hard. Roll up your sleeves and discover what makes a good team.
36 books 📚 , discover them all in the 📜 book index.
65 authors ✒️ , discover them all in the 📜 author index.
Badges indicates some aspects of the learning paths or books, like status, difficulty, rating, and more!
These badges show the current status of the learning path:
Badge | Level |
🔜 | Coming soon! |
🚧 | In construction |
🆕 | Just released! |
☑️ | Have fund and enjoy! |
All books have some badges associated to describe some aspect of them:
- You will read each book with the same amount of energy needed to fight these opponents, from lower to higher difficulty (these are totally subjective):
Badge | Level |
🐜 | Petty ant |
🐥 | Naive chick |
🐕 | Brave dog |
🐅 | Fierce tiger |
🐉 | Mighty dragon |
- Reading progress:
Badge | Meaning |
📗 | Read |
📘 | To be read soon |
📙 | Not read and I don't know when I will |
- My book rating and recommendation level from lower to higher:
Badge | Level |
🆗 | Nice |
🆙 | Good |
🆒 | Very Good |
🔝 | Excellent |
Note: there are just four levels because all books mentioned are good reads, bad books don't belong here 👎.
- Other badges:
Badge | Meaning |
🔄 | The book it's somewhat 'old' and I think it would be great to have a new edition to refresh the content |
🔖 | Recommended read no matter the learning path |
I am a professional Cloud and Platform Engineer, DevOps practitioner, and Architect in construction. Also I develop things in my free time just for the fun of learning how not to do things. My main interests are the cloud, microservice architectures, EDA, serverless, system design, Kubernetes, and Golang.
This repo is conceived as a journal of my personal journey and a learning path to guide others who, like me, find in reading the best way to acquire deep knowledge in certain topics. I will put together a list that categorizes all the books I've read as well as those that I intend to read, or those that I consider of some importance in the IT field. The list is subjective, it will reflect my interests or the way I've decided to explore topics (most likely in a chaotic way).
If you think some books may fit better in other categories, or the category names are not accurate enough or have suggestions about possible improvements just let me know and I will gladly consider your comments.
Of course, there will be books broadly considered a must-read that I have not listed, that's either because they don't fit in my career or simply because I don't know of their existence, in any case let me know!
Thanks for stopping by, enjoy! 👐
Last modified 2024-03-25