Different from typical inter-service communication patterns like REST APIs or gRPC, event driven architectures allow to increase flexibility, agility, and speed in development processes by decoupling services. Synchronous calls are replaced by publishing events into a broker, from which the interested clients can receive the information. But there are many challenges when building this kind of architecture: re-adjusting the way teams think about communications, ensuring the information integrity and quality produced by the sources, stablishing secure and painless ways for consumers to integrate with the data sources, and more. Luckily the industry has evolved and experience in EDA is being documented in book and articles to let anyone learn good practices and how to overcome the many challenges ahead!.
Order | Cover | Info | Description |
1 | Designing Microservices Platforms with NATS: A modern approach to designing and implementing scalable microservices platforms with NATS messaging Chanaka Fernando Published in 2021 356 pages 🐕 📗 🆗 |
NATS is a cloud native multi-purpose messaging system that allows implementing request-reply, queues and event streams communication patterns. Through the book the author guides the reader from the protocol concepts to building communications between services using some of the features that this technology offers. It's a good start if you want to get acquainted with event-driven architectures or if you are interested in NATS in particular. | |
1 | Building Event-Driven Microservices: Building Event-Driven Microservices Adam Bellemare Published in 2020 321 pages 🐕 📗 🆙 |
Get to know the basic principles that guide event-driven architectures, the mechanisms and perils you will have to face when building a brand new architecture or integrating it with legacy systems. The author also offers his experience in the field exposing the different migration mechanisms and their trade-offs. Also you will read about tools needed in the process of creating a new architecture and hear about some of the specific technologies involved in the event streaming industry. | |
2 | Building an Event-Driven Data Mesh: Patterns for Designing & Building Event-Driven Architectures Adam Bellemare Published in 2023 275 pages 🐅 📗 🆗 |
The process of building an Event-driven architecture is no easy feat, the first step to doing it well is communicate with the stakeholders of the different bussiness domains involved, hear their needs, and identify the different communication patterns, entities and events in an event storming session. There are also crucials thing like ensuring the quality of the information served from the sources, the cataloging system of the information served, and stablishing an easy and secure way for interested clients to access those sources. All this and more is explained in detail in what could be seen as a complement of the Building Event-Driven Microservices book content. |
The following paths are opened to you now, choose wisely:
- System Design ☑️: Acquire the skill needed to design and build systems, no matter if simple or complex. Learn how to identify the elements needed to create systems, to resolve scalability problems, detect possible points of failure, when to use an API, where to place a cache, when to use a NoSql database, and more.
- Microservices 🚧: Study the pinnacle of distributed systems architectures, learn its tenets, and foremost, when and how to implement it.
Want to change the subject? Here are some suggestions about other paths you can explore:
- Software Architecture 🚧: Building software is not only about writing code, to design great platforms you should learn to think about extensibility, efficiency, easy integration, resilience, flexibility, and much more.
Bonus quest: learn about these related concepts! 📍 🔰 💎
#lously-coupled #flexibility #nats #kafka #pulsar #json-schema #avro #event-storming #event-sourcing #schema-registry
Last modified 2024-03-25