A curated list of awesome projects that supplement Flet.
We are waiting for your PR's!
- FletDev - Flet site.
- FletRoadmap - Flet Roadmap.
- FletTutorials - Flet Tutorials.
- A brief intro to Flet. - A brief intro to Flet.
- Create your first python application with Flet. - Your first python application with Flet.
- Create login screen in Flet. - Login Screen in Flet.
- Building a Markdown Editor in Flet. - Markdown Editor In Flet.
List of generic projects.
- myPeriod - Menstrual cycle tracking app.
- RetScape - A graphical NomadNet page browser.
- Simple-Stopwatch - A simple stopwatch.
List of projects that implement new widgets for Flet.
- flet-carousel - Carousel sliders pack for Flet.
- flet-contrib - Flet controls by the community.
List of projects that extend the styling capabilities of Flet.
- FletReStyle - Restyle for Flet.
List of utilities for Flet.
- flet_pb_v_calc - Flet Progress Bar Value Calculator.
- FletNavigator - Simple and fast navigator (router) for Flet (Python) that allows you to create multi-page applications.