A puppet module for installing and configuring elasticsearch-curator.
Curator is used to manaage and clean up time-series elasticsearch indexes.
A good blog post on why and how curator.
Currently this package only supports installing curator via RPMs. These can easily be created by running
fpm -s python -t rpm urllib3
fpm -s python -t rpm elasticsearch
fpm -s python -t rpm elasticsearch-curator
Generic curator install
class { 'curator': }
Schedule a curator job to delete indexes oler than 90 days, close indexes older than 30 days, and disable bloom filters and optimize older than two days.
curator::job { 'cleanup':
delete_older => 90,
close_older => 30,
optimize_older => 2
bloom_older => 2,
Additional tuning and defaults are listed in the job.pp.
Only tested on CentOS 6
[ ] Allow using the pip package provider
Released under the Apache 2.0 licence
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