Lighter can be configured by using environment variables. Currently, Lighter supports only one of backends on single deployment: Yarn or Kubernetes.
Property | Description | Default |
LIGHTER_MAX_RUNNING_JOBS | Max running Batch jobs in parallel | 5 |
LIGHTER_MAX_STARTING_JOBS | Max starting Batch jobs in parallel | 5 |
LIGHTER_SPARK_HISTORY_SERVER_URL | Spark history server URL used on the Lighter UI | http://localhost/spark-history/ |
LIGHTER_EXTERNAL_LOGS_URL_TEMPLATE | Template for link to external logs (Grafana, Graylog, etc.) used on the Lighter UI. Allowed placeholders: {{id}} , {{appId}} , {{createdTs}} |
LIGHTER_PY_GATEWAY_PORT | Port for live Spark session communication | 25333 |
LIGHTER_URL | URL which can be used to access Lighter form Spark Job | http://lighter.spark:8080 |
LIGHTER_ZOMBIE_INTERVAL | How long for Lighter to try to fetch the status of the job before marking it as a zombie. (For jobs that "disappear" before Lighter could determine their final status) | 30m |
LIGHTER_SESSION_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL | java.time.Duration representing session lifetime (from last statement creation). Use 0m value to disable |
90m |
LIGHTER_SESSION_TIMEOUT_ACTIVE | Should Lighter kill sessions with waiting statements (obsolete when LIGHTER_SESSION_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL is 0m ) |
false |
LIGHTER_SESSION_SCHEDULE_INTERVAL | java.time.Duration representing the interval at which a task is triggered to initiate scheduled sessions |
1m |
LIGHTER_SESSION_TRACK_RUNNING_INTERVAL | java.time.Duration representing the interval at which a task is triggered to process and update running session state |
2m |
LIGHTER_STORAGE_JDBC_URL | JDBC url for lighter storage | jdbc:h2:mem:lighter |
LIGHTER_STORAGE_JDBC_DRIVER_CLASS_NAME | JDBC driver class name | org.h2.Driver |
LIGHTER_BATCH_DEFAULT_CONF | Default conf props for batch applications (JSON)* |
LIGHTER_SESSION_DEFAULT_CONF | Default conf props for session applications (JSON) |
LIGHTER_CONFIG_JSON | Any set of Lighter config in JSON format. For permanent sessions use: {"lighter":{"session":{"permanent-sessions":[...]}}} . List of configurations for permanent sessions |
* default configs will be merged with configss provided in submit request, if property is defined in submit request, default will be ignored.
: {"spark.kubernetes.driverEnv.TEST1":"test1"}
Property | Description | Default |
LIGHTER_KUBERNETES_ENABLED | Kubernetes enabled | false |
LIGHTER_KUBERNETES_MASTER | Kubernetes master URL | k8s://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local:443 |
LIGHTER_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE | Kubernetes namespace | spark |
LIGHTER_KUBERNETES_MAX_LOG_SIZE | Max lines of log to store on DB | 500 |
LIGHTER_KUBERNETES_SERVICE_ACCOUNT | Kubernetes service account | spark |
Property | Description | Default |
LIGHTER_YARN_ENABLED | Yarn enabled (Kubernetes should be disabled) | false |
LIGHTER_YARN_URL | Yarn API URL, /ws/v1/cluster/ will be appended |
HADOOP_CONF_DIR | Path to core-site.xml ,hdfs-site.xml and yarn-site.xml files |
LIGHTER_YARN_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL | Kerberos principal used for job management* | |
LIGHTER_YARN_KERBEROS_KEYTAB | Kerberos keytab used for job management |
* Principal & Keytab provided in LIGHTER_YARN_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL
will be used by spark job
as well, if spark.kerberos.keytab
is not explicitly declared in LIGHTER_BATCH_DEFAULT_CONF
or provided on submit request.