This is a pretty sad state of affairs! Please help!
- missing luasocket and lua-enet!
- love
- missing some callbacks
- love.focus
- love.mousefocus
- love.mousemoved
- love.wheelmoved
- love.mousepressed & love.mousereleased
- stubbed, need to fire events
- love.resize
- should be easy-peasy
- hate init needs some restructuring
- love.threaderror
- depends on hate.thread
- love.visible
- love.touchpressed
- love.touchreleased
- love.touchmoved
- love.lowmemory
- haven't touched joysticks! will need:
- love.gamepadaxis
- love.gamepadpressed
- love.gamepadreleased
- love.joystickadded
- love.joystickaxis
- love.joystickhat
- love.joystickpressed
- love.joystickreleased
- love.joystickremoved
- & love.sound (dependent)
- love.font
- image fonts will definitely be supported first, no need for FreeType for those.
- love.image
- love.keyboard
- love.joystick
- love.mouse
- love.physics
- love.thread
- love.math
- love.keypressed & love.keyreleased
- Missing many key codes, otherwise done.
- love.errhand
- Missing too many features to implement 100%, but the callback is done.
- love.event
- It's only the most trivial stuff so far.
- love.filesystem
- Some issues with base path, missing functions
- Barely functional. Needs tons of work.
- love.window
- Half done or so.
- love.textinput
- I think I just need to make this emit, the handler seems done.
- love.system
- love.timer
- love.draw
- love.update
- love.load
- love.quit