Code release for our paper
Recognizing Scenes from Novel Viewpoints
Shengyi Qian, Alexander Kirillov, Nikhila Ravi, Devendra Singh Chaplot, Justin Johnson, David F. Fouhey, Georgia Gkioxari
[Project Page
] [arXiv
] [BibTeX
The code is tested on pytorch 1.11.0, detectron2 0.6, and pytorch3d 0.6.2.
conda create -n viewseg python=3.8
conda activate viewseg
# install pytorch, pytorch3d and detectron2
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
conda install -c conda-forge -c fvcore -c iopath fvcore iopath
conda install pytorch3d -c pytorch3d
pip install 'git+'
# install other packages
pip install accelerate==0.4.0
pip install submitit
pip install hydra-core --upgrade --pre
pip install hydra-submitit-launcher --upgrade
pip install visdom
pip install trimesh
pip install packaging plotly imageio imageio-ffmpeg matplotlib h5py opencv-contrib-python
Our checkpoints can be downloaded at viewseg_checkpoints.tar.gz. Please put them under checkpoints
. deeplab_v3_ade20k
is the deeplabv3+ encoder pretrained on ade20k using detectron2.
Our primary datasets are Hypersim and Replica. All datasets are put under DEFAULT_DATA_ROOT
specfied here.
For Hypersim, please refer to the original Hypersim repo to download Hypersim dataset and put it under viewseg_data/hypersim_renderings
. Our generated source/target pairs can be downloaded at hypersim.tar.gz. Optionally, we preprocess a detectron2-style hypersim_sem_seg
dataset for semantic segmentation evaluation only at hypersim_sem_seg.tar.gz.
For Replica, pre-processed data can be downloaded at replica.tar.gz. Optionally, we preprocess a detectron2-style replica_sem_seg
dataset for semantic segmentation evaluation only at replica_sem_seg.tar.gz.
The final structure of the directory should look like
- viewseg_data
- hypersim
- hypersim_renderings
- hypersim_sem_seg
- replica
- replica_sem_seg
# Render 2D rgb and semantic images
python --config-name=viewseg_replica_finetune test.mode='export_imgs' hydra/launcher=submitit_local data.render_size='[192, 256]'
# Generate 3D Visualizations
python --config-name=viewseg_replica_finetune test.mode='export_mesh' hydra/launcher=submitit_local data.render_size='[192, 256]'
# Generate video visualizations
python --config-name=viewseg_replica_finetune test.mode='export_video' hydra/launcher=submitit_local data.render_size='[192, 256]'
We use
to launch training and evaluation on slurm-managed cluster. For example,
# train on hypersim
python --config viewseg_hypersim_source_4 --mode train --nodes 4 --gpus 8
# eval on hypersim
python --config viewseg_hypersim_source_4 --mode eval --gpus 8
python --config-name=viewseg_hypersim_source_4 test.mode='evaluation' test.split='val' hydra/launcher=submitit_local
# train on replica
python --config viewseg_replica_finetune --mode train --gpus 8
# eval on replica
python --config viewseg_replica_finetune --mode train --gpus 8
python --config-name=viewseg_replica_finetune test.mode='evaluation' test.split='val' hydra/launcher=submitit_local
However, if slurm is unavailable or you just want to train it on a single gpu, try
# training
python --config-name viewseg_replica_finetune hydra/launcher=submitit_local'FrozenBN'
# evaluation
python --config-name viewseg_replica_finetune hydra/launcher=submitit_local'FrozenBN'
python --config-name=viewseg_replica_finetune test.mode='evaluation' test.split='val' hydra/launcher=submitit_local'FrozenBN'
changes the Deeplabv3+ encoder batch normalization layer from SyncBN
to FrozenBN
, since SyncBN
has to be run with distributed training. It can also be set to BN
The code is released under CC-BY-NC 4.0.
title={Recognizing Scenes from Novel Viewpoints},
author={Qian, Shengyi and Kirillov, Alexander and Ravi, Nikhila and Chaplot, Devendra Singh and Johnson, Justin and Fouhey, David F and Gkioxari, Georgia},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.01520},