This is just a generator step to not install TheGraph CLI globally.
The subgraph code will be at ../graph-subgraph-nft-marketplace
Repository to code the subgraph specification and push to studio.
git init
yarn init -y
yarn add @graphprotocol/graph-cli
yarn graph init --studio nft-marketplace
Fill the options (since it's verified, the ABI is fetched from Etherscan):
✔ Protocol · ethereum
✔ Subgraph slug › nft-marketplace
✔ Directory to create the subgraph in › ../graph-subgraph-nft-marketplace
Notice that we are creating outside of the current repository because it is a different repository.
✔ Ethereum network · rinkeby
✔ Contract address · 0xe088bD8Bb7e0aDcEB50D302bDF49763fD008ABBc
✔ Fetching ABI from Etherscan
-- or --
✖ Failed to fetch ABI from Etherscan: ABI not found, try loading it from a local file
✔ ABI file (path) · ../hardhat-nft-marketplace-ts/deployments/rinkeby/NftMarketplace.json
✔ Contract Name · NftMarketplace
✔ Install dependencies with yarn
✔ Generate ABI and schema types with yarn codegen
✔ Add another contract? (y/N) · false
Subgraph nft-marketplace created in ../graph-subgraph-nft-marketplace
Next steps:
graph auth
to authenticate with your deploy key. -
cd ../../graph-subgraph-nft-marketplace
to enter the subgraph. -
yarn deploy
to deploy the subgraph.
Make sure to visit the documentation on for further information.
Now shift to the subgraph generated directory: graph-subgraph-nft-marketplace