- 1. use of default temp directory created by bats
- 2. avoid boilerplate code
- 3. Override an environment variable when using bats run
- 4. Override a bash framework function
Instead of creating yourself your temp directory, you can use the special
, this directory is automatically destroyed at the
end of the test except if the option --no-tempdir-cleanup
is provided to bats
Exception: if you are testing bash traps, you would need to create your own directories to avoid unexpected errors.
using this include, includes most of the features needed when using bats
# shellcheck source=src/batsHeaders.sh
source "$(cd "${BATS_TEST_DIRNAME}/.." && pwd)/batsHeaders.sh"
It sets those bash features:
- set -o errexit
- set -o pipefail
It imports several common files like some additional bats features.
And makes several variables available:
- vendorDir
- srcDir
- FRAMEWORK_ROOT_DIR (same as BASH_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR but used by some bash framework functions)
- LC_ALL=POSIX see Bash and grep regular expressions best practices
SUDO="" run Linux::Apt::update
using stub is not possible because it does not support executable with special
characters like ::
. So the solution is just to override the function inside
your test function without importing the original function of course. In
tearDown method do not forget to use unset -f yourFunction