Connect your input indicators to the device_changed
signal to be notified when the player uses a new input device. For example:
func _ready() -> void:
InputHelper.connect("device_changed", self, "_on_input_device_changed")
func _on_input_device_changed(device: String, device_index: int) -> void:
print("XBox? ", device == InputHelper.DEVICE_XBOX_CONTROLLER)
print("Device index? ", device_index) # Probably 0
You can also try to guess the controller before any input is registered (thanks @_was):
InputHelper.guess_device_name() # Maybe "xbox" if you have an XBox controller plugged in
To remap input, have a look at Input Mapping.
Run the res://addons/input_helper/device_tester/device_tester.tscn
scene to test inputs.